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#!/usr/bin/env python

# file scripts/validate-checksums
#   Copyright 2014 Emory University Libraries
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

# NOTE: more detailed documentation & usage examples are included in
# scripts/__init__.py for inclusion in sphinx docs.

import argparse
import base64
from collections import defaultdict
import datetime
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from getpass import getpass
from io import StringIO
import rdflib
from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
import signal
import smtplib
import uuid
import six
from six.moves import configparser

from eulxml import xmlmap
from eulxml.xmlmap import premis

from eulfedora import __version__
from eulfedora.server import Repository
from eulfedora.models import DigitalObject, Relation, DigitalObjectSaveFailure, \
from eulfedora.util import RequestFailed, force_text
from eulfedora import cryptutil
from eulfedora.syncutil import humanize_file_size

REPOMGMT = Namespace(rdflib.URIRef('http://pid.emory.edu/ns/2011/repo-management/#'))

PREMIS_V1_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v1'

class BasePremisV1(premis.BasePremis):
        'p': PREMIS_V1_NAMESPACE

class PremisObjectV1(BasePremisV1, premis.Object):

class PremisEvent(premis.Event):
    # extend base premis class to add outcome detail field
    outcome_detail = xmlmap.StringField('p:eventOutcomeInformation/p:eventOutcomeDetail/p:eventOutcomeDetailNote', required=False)
    '''outcome of the event (`eventOutcomeInformation/eventOutcomeDetail/eventOutcomeDetailNote`).'''

class PremisEventV1(BasePremisV1, PremisEvent):

class PremisV1(BasePremisV1, premis.Premis):
    XSD_SCHEMA = 'http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v1/PREMIS-v1-1.xsd'
    object = xmlmap.NodeField('p:object', PremisObjectV1)
    'a single PREMIS :class:`object`'
    events = xmlmap.NodeListField('p:event', PremisEventV1)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # override default version 2.0 in base premis class
        if 'version' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['version'] = None
        super(PremisV1, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class FixityObject(DigitalObject):
    '''Generic digital object with access to last fixity check in rels-ext'''
    last_fixity_check = Relation(REPOMGMT.lastFixityCheck,
        ns_prefix={'eul-repomgmt': REPOMGMT}, rdf_type=rdflib.XSD.dateTime,

    old_premis = XmlDatastream('PREMIS', 'PREMIS metadata', PremisV1)
    '''Optional ``premis`` datastream (expects PREMIS) for older
    objects that do not follow Hydra naming conventions'''

    provenance = XmlDatastream('provenanceMetadata',
                               'Provenance metadata', premis.Premis)
    '''Optional ``provenanceMetadata`` datastream (expects PREMIS) for
    objects that follow Hydra naming conventions'''

    def premis_ds(self):
        # clear any cached version not loaded as premis xml
        for premis_id in ['provenanceMetadata', 'PREMIS']:
            if premis_id in self.dscache:
                del self.dscache[premis_id]

        if self.provenance.exists:
            return self.provenance
        elif self.old_premis.exists:
            return self.old_premis
        # otherwise none

class ValidateChecksums(object):

    #: dictionary to keep counts of objects, datastreams checked, errors found, etc
    stats = defaultdict(int)

    #: dictionaries to keep track of objects that will need to be reported via email
    #: likely should include pid (key), list of tuples (dsid, date)
    invalid = {}
    missing = {}
    #: list of pids with save errors
    save_errors = []
    #: list of pids with rels-ext errors
    relsext_errors = []
    #: list of pids with premis errors
    premis_errors = []
    #: list of error messages where any fedora error occurred
    fedora_errors = []

    #: interrupt flag to exit the main processing loop when a signal is caught
    interrupted = False

    #: URI for Fedora object content model
    object_model = 'info:fedora/fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0'

    #: default number of days between fixity checks before another
    default_days_betweeen_checks = 30

    def config_arg_parser(self):
        # configure argument parser

        # common args for either mode
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        # general script options
        self.parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', default=False, action='store_true',
                                 help='Quiet mode: only output summary report')

        # config file options
        cfg_args = self.parser.add_argument_group('Config file options')
        cfg_args.add_argument('--generate-config', '-g', default=False, dest='gen_config',
            help='''Create a sample config file at the specified location, including any options passed.
            Specify the --fedora-password option to generate an encrypted password in the config file.''')
        cfg_args.add_argument('--config', '-c', help='Load the specified config file')
        cfg_args.add_argument('--key', '-k',
            help='''Optional encryption key for encrypting and decrypting the password in the
            config file (you must use the same key for generating and loading)''')

        # fedora connection options
        repo_args = self.parser.add_argument_group('Fedora repository connection options')
        repo_args.add_argument('--fedora-root', dest='fedora_root',
                               help='URL for accessing fedora, e.g. http://localhost:8080/fedora/')
        repo_args.add_argument('--fedora-user', dest='fedora_user', default=None,
                               help='Fedora username')
        repo_args.add_argument('--fedora-password', dest='fedora_password', metavar='PASSWORD',
                               default=None, action=PasswordAction,
                               help='Password for the specified Fedora user (leave blank to be prompted)')

        # processing opts
        proc_args = self.parser.add_argument_group('Processing options')
        proc_args.add_argument('--max', '-m', type=int, metavar='N',
                               help='Stop after processing the first %(metavar)s objects')
        proc_args.add_argument('--all-versions', '-a', dest='all_versions', action='store_true',
                               help='''Check all versions of datastreams
                               (by default, only current versions are checked)''')
        proc_args.add_argument('--since', '-s', dest='since', type=int,
                               help='''Check objects with a last fixity check older
                               than the specified number of days (default: %(default)s)''')
        proc_args.add_argument('--time-limit', '-t', dest='timelimit', type=int,
                               help='''Only run for the specified duration in minutes''')
        proc_args.add_argument('--max-size', dest='max_size', type=int,
                               help='''Skip datastreams larger than the specified size in bytes''')

        # email opts
        email_args = self.parser.add_argument_group('Email options')
        email_args.add_argument('--email', '-e',
                                help='''One or more email addresses (comma separated) where a report
                                should be sent if any errors are encountered''')
        email_args.add_argument('--smtp', help='''SMTP server to use for sending email (required for email)''')
        email_args.add_argument('--from', dest='from_email',
                                help='''Email address reports should come from (required for email)''')

        # optional list of pids
        self.parser.add_argument('pids', metavar='PID', nargs='*',
                                 help='list specific pids to be checked (optional)')

    def run(self):
        # bind a handler for interrupt signal
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.interrupt_handler)

        self.args = self.parser.parse_args()

        # if requested, generate config file and exit
        if self.args.key:
            # patch in cryptutil encryption key with specified one
            cryptutil.ENCRYPTION_KEY = self.args.key

        # if requested, load config file and set arguments
        if self.args.config:

        # if requested, generate a config file with any options specified so far,
        # and then quit
        if self.args.gen_config:

        # if email is specified without smtp, warn (unless quiet mode)
        if self.args.email:
            if not self.args.smtp or not self.args.from_email \
              and not self.args.quiet:
               print('Email address specified without an SMTP server; no email will be sent')

        if not self.args.fedora_root:
            print('Error: Fedora URL (--fedora-root) is required\n')

        # TODO: needs fedora error handling (e.g., bad password, hostname, etc)
        self.repo = Repository(self.args.fedora_root,
                               self.args.fedora_user, self.args.fedora_password)

        if self.args.pids:
            # if pids were specified on the command line, use those
            # get distinct pid list (only process each object once)
            object_pids = set(pid for pid in self.args.pids)
            # otherwise, process unchecked or last fixity check older
            # than the specified time period
            object_pids = self.pids_to_check(days=self.args.since)

        # if a time limit is requested, calculate when to stop
        if self.args.timelimit:
            end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.args.timelimit)
            if not self.args.quiet:
                print('Time limit of %d minutes requested; processing will end at %s' \
                    % (self.args.timelimit, end_time))

        for pid in object_pids:
            if not self.args.quiet:
            obj = self.repo.get_object(pid=pid, type=FixityObject)
            if not obj.exists:
                print("Error: %s does not exist or is inaccessible" % pid)

            self.stats['objects'] += 1

            ds_results = {}
            for dsid in six.iterkeys(obj.ds_list):
                dsobj = obj.getDatastreamObject(dsid)
                # if a maximum size is set, check datastream size
                if self.args.max_size is not None and dsobj.size > self.args.max_size:
                    print('Datastream %s/%s size (%s) is above configured max, skipping' % \
                          (pid, dsid, humanize_file_size(dsobj.size)))

                self.stats['ds'] += 1
                res = self.validate_datastream(dsobj)
                ds_results[dsid] = res

            # whether success or failure, update object as checked
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            # needs to be in a format fedora accepts as xsd:dateTime,
            # isoformat doesn't seem to work (maybe because without timezone?)
                obj.last_fixity_check = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                # in a few cases, objects have malformed RELS-EXT
                # (e.g., about=pid instead of rdf:about=pid)
                # - catch and report on those
                self.stats['relsext_errors'] += 1

            self.record_fixity_event(obj, ds_results)

                obj.save('datastream fixity check')
            except DigitalObjectSaveFailure as err:
                print('Error saving %s : %s' % (pid, err))
                self.stats['save_errors'] += 1

            # check if any of our end conditions are met
            # - interrupted by SIGINT
            if self.interrupted:
            if self.args.max is not None and self.stats['objects'] >= int(self.args.max):
                if not self.args.quiet:
                    print('Processed %d objects (requested maximum of %d); stopping' \
                          % (self.stats['objects'], self.args.max))

            if self.args.timelimit and datetime.datetime.now() >= end_time:
                if not self.args.quiet:
                    print('Processing has exceeded requested time limit of %d minutes; stopping' \
                        % self.args.timelimit)

        # summary report
        totals = '\nChecked %(objects)d object(s), %(ds)d datastream(s)' % self.stats
        if self.args.all_versions:
            totals += ', %(ds_versions)d datastream version(s)' % self.stats
        print('%(invalid)d invalid checksum(s)' % self.stats)
        print('''%(save_errors)d save error(s), %(relsext_errors)d object(s) with RELS-EXT errors,
%(premis_errors)d object(s) with PREMIS errors''' % self.stats)

        # send an email report if appropriate

    #: SPARQL query to find objects without a fixity check recorded
    #: Sort by oldest modification time (since the content that has not been
    #: modified the longest is most likely higher risk)
    #: NOTE: this is for Sparql 1.0; for 1.1 or higher, use FILTER NOT EXISTS
    #: 2nd NOTE: apparently modified must be returned to use in ordering
        PREFIX eul-repomgmt: <%s>
        SELECT ?pid ?modified
        WHERE {
           ?pid <fedora-model:hasModel> <%s> .
           ?pid <fedora-view:lastModifiedDate> ?modified
           OPTIONAL {
               ?pid <eul-repomgmt:lastFixityCheck> ?checked
           FILTER (!BOUND(?checked))
        } ORDER BY ?modified ''' % (REPOMGMT, object_model)

        PREFIX eul-repomgmt: <%s>
        SELECT ?pid ?checked
        WHERE {
           ?pid <eul-repomgmt:lastFixityCheck> ?checked
           FILTER (?checked < xsd:dateTime('%%s'))
        } ORDER BY ?checked ''' % (REPOMGMT, )

    # number of results to grab at a time from risearch (10, 100, 1000)

    def pids_to_check(self, days):
        '''Generator that returns a list of pids where the object has never had
        a fixity check recorded or where the object has not
        been checked since the specified number of days.'''

        unchecked_count = self.repo.risearch.sparql_count(self.SPARQL_FIND_UNCHECKED)
        if not self.args.quiet:
            print('\nFound %d unchecked pids.' % unchecked_count)

        if unchecked_count:
            # Iterate over unchecked items in chunks so we don't load too many
            # pids at once. NOTE: this relies on pids getting successfully
            # updated and removed from the unchecked list.
            results = self.repo.risearch.sparql_query(self.SPARQL_FIND_UNCHECKED,
            while results:
                # dictreader doesn't provide a built in count, so keep
                # track of when we hit a result with rows and bail out
                has_results = False
                for row in results:
                    # if a pid failed to save, it could show up again
                    # skip it and don't count it as having results
                    if row['pid'] in self.save_errors:
                    yield row['pid']
                    has_results = True

                if not has_results:
                results = self.repo.risearch.sparql_query(self.SPARQL_FIND_UNCHECKED,

        delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days)
        datesince = datetime.datetime.now() - delta
        query = self.SPARQL_FIND_UNCHECKED_SINCE % datesince.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
        unchecked_since_count = self.repo.risearch.sparql_count(query)

        if not self.args.quiet:
            print('\nFound %d pids not checked in the last %d days.' % \
                (unchecked_since_count, self.args.since))

        if unchecked_since_count:
            # Iterate over recently unchecked items in chunks so we don't
            # load too many pids at once.
            # NOTE: this relies on pids getting successfully updated
            # so they will no longer match this query.
            results = self.repo.risearch.sparql_query(query,
            while results:
                has_results = False
                for row in results:
                    # if a pid failed to save, it could show up again
                    # skip it and don't count it as having results
                    if row['pid'] in self.save_errors:
                    yield row['pid']
                    has_results = True

                # if this query had no results, bail out - we've hit the end
                if not has_results:

                results = self.repo.risearch.sparql_query(query,

    def validate_datastream(self, dsobj):
        '''returns a status (valid/invalid/missing) or list of statuses for
        all-versions mode'''
        if self.args.all_versions:
            result = []
            # check every version of this datastream
                history = dsobj.history()
            except Exception as err:
                msg = 'Error: failed to get datastream history for %s/%s : %s' % \
                       (dsobj.obj.pid, dsobj.id, err)
                # bail out

            for ds in history.versions:
                    res = self.check_datastream(dsobj, ds.created)
                    self.stats['ds_versions'] += 1
                except Exception as err:
                    msg = 'Error checking datastream %s/%s %s : %s' % \
                          (dsobj.obj.pid, dsobj.id, ds.created, err)

            return result

            # current version only
                result = self.check_datastream(dsobj)
                return result
            except Exception as err:
                msg = 'Error checking datastream %s/%s : %s' % \
                          (dsobj.obj.pid, dsobj.id, err)

    def check_datastream(self, dsobj, date=None):
        '''Check the validity of a particular datastream.  Checks for
        invalid datastreams using

        :param dsobj: :class:`~eulfedora.models.DatastreamObject` to
            be checked
        :param date: optional date/time for a particular
            version of the datastream to be checked; when not specified,
            the current version will be checked

        valid = dsobj.validate_checksum(date=date)
        missing = False

        if not valid:
            self.stats['invalid'] += 1
            print("Error: %s/%s - invalid checksum (%s)" % \
                      (dsobj.obj.pid, dsobj.id, date or dsobj.created))

            # if checksum is not invalid it could still be missing
            # NOTE: missing checksum test can currently only be done on latest version
            if date is None and dsobj.checksum_type == 'DISABLED' or \
              dsobj.checksum == 'none':
                self.stats['missing'] += 1
                print("Error: %s/%s - missing checksum (%s)" % \
                    (dsobj.obj.pid, dsobj.id, date or dsobj.created))

        # if invalid or missing, add to the appropriate dictionary for
        # tracking and reporting
        if not valid or missing:
            # determine which dictionary it should be added to
            if not valid:
                tracker = self.invalid
                tracker = self.missing

            # key is pid, value is a list of tuples for the datastream id and version date
            pid = dsobj.obj.pid
            if pid not in tracker:
                tracker[pid] = []
            tracker[pid].append((dsobj.id, date or dsobj.created))

        if valid and not missing:
            return 'valid'
        elif missing:
            return 'missing'
            return 'invalid'

    def record_fixity_event(self, obj, ds_results):
        premis_ds = obj.premis_ds
        # if object does not have a premis datastream, there is nothing to do
        if premis_ds is None:

        # brief outcome of the fixity check - pass if everything is valid,
        # fail if anything is not valid
        if self.args.all_versions:
            # in all versions mode, dict value is a list of results
            all_results = []
            for val in ds_results.values():
                all_results += val

            result = 'pass' if all(v == 'valid' for v in all_results) else 'fail'
            result = 'pass' if all(v == 'valid' for v in ds_results.values()) else 'fail'

        if result == 'pass':
            if self.args.all_versions:
                detailed_info = 'Datastreams checked: %s' % \
                    ', '.join('%s (%d)' % (dsid, len(vals)) for dsid, vals in ds_results.iteritems())
                detailed_info = 'Datastreams checked: %s' % ', '.join(ds_results.keys())
            if self.args.all_versions:
                detailed_info = 'Datastream results: '
                details = []
                for dsid, results in ds_results.iteritems():
                    ds_counts = defaultdict(int)
                    for r in results:
                        ds_counts[r] += 1
                    ds_info = []
                    for result_type in ['valid', 'missing', 'invalid']:
                        if ds_counts[result_type]:
                            # i.e. '%(missing)d missing'
                            template = '%%(%s)d %s' % (result_type, result_type)
                            ds_info.append(template % ds_counts)

                    details.append('%s: %s' % (dsid, ', '.join(ds_info)))

                detailed_info = 'Datastream results: %s' % ', '.join(details)

                detailed_info = 'Datastream results: %s' % \
                    ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in ds_results.iteritems()])

        # use appropriate version of premis to keep content valid
            if isinstance(premis_ds.content, PremisV1):
                event = PremisEventV1()
                event = PremisEvent()
        except RequestFailed:
            print("Error loading PREMIS datastream (%s/%s) to record fixity check event" % \
                    (obj.pid, premis_ds.id))
            self.stats['premis_errors'] += 1

        event.id_type = 'UUID'
        event.id = uuid.uuid1()
        event.type = 'fixity check'
        event.date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
        # event detail should be about the program generating the event
        # follow convention po parse out program name/version in case of latter processing
        event.detail = 'program="eulfedora validate-checksums"; version="%s"' % __version__
        # outcome as basic success or failure pass/fail
        event.outcome = result
        # detailed outcome results
        event.outcome_detail = detailed_info
        event.agent_type = 'fedora user'
        event.agent_id = self.args.fedora_user

        # NOTE: could do schema validation here, but not sure it makes
        # sense for an automated process like this one should be...
        # valid = premis_ds.content.schema_valid()
        # print 'schema valid? ', valid
        # if not valid:
        #     print premis_ds.content.validation_errors()

    def email_report(self):
        # if email or smtp not specified, can't send
        if not self.args.email or not self.args.smtp or not self.args.from_email:

        # if there are no errors or problems, don't send an email
        if not any([self.invalid, self.missing, self.save_errors,
                    self.relsext_errors, self.premis_errors]):

        # construct the body of the email
        output = StringIO()

        for tracker, label in [(self.invalid, 'Invalid'),
                               (self.missing, 'Missing')]:

            # if any items were found in this category (invalid or missing)
            if tracker:
                # heading label
                output.write('\n%s checksums detected:' % label)

                # list of pids and information about the datastreams with errors
                for pid, vals in tracker.iteritems():
                    output.write('  %s' % pid)
                    for dsid, d in vals:
                        output.write('\t%s (%s)' % (dsid, d))

        if self.save_errors:
            output.write(u'\nError saving the following objects:')
            output.write(u'  ' + '\n  '.join(self.save_errors))

        if self.relsext_errors:
            output.write(u'\nError updating the RELS-EXT for the following objects:')
            output.write(u'  ' + '\n  '.join(self.relsext_errors))

        if self.premis_errors:
            output.write(u'\nError adding PREMIS fixity event for the following objects:')
            output.write(u'  ' + '\n  '.join(self.premis_errors))

        if self.fedora_errors:
            output.write(u'\nFedora errors when attempting to validate checksums:')
            output.write(u'  ' + u'\n  '.join(self.fedora_errors))

        msg = MIMEText(output.getvalue())

        if ',' in self.args.email:
            to_addresses = [e.strip() for e in self.args.email.split(',')]
            to_addresses = [self.args.email]

        msg['Subject'] = 'Checksum Validation report for %s on %s' % \
            (self.args.fedora_root, datetime.date.today())
        msg['From'] = self.args.from_email
        msg['To'] = ', '.join(to_addresses)

        if not self.args.quiet:
            print('Sending email report to %s' % ', '.join(to_addresses))

        # Send the message via our the specified SMTP server
        s = smtplib.SMTP(self.args.smtp)
        s.sendmail(self.args.from_email, to_addresses, msg.as_string())

    def interrupt_handler(self, signum, frame):
        '''Gracefully handle a SIGINT, if possible. Sets a flag so main script
        loop can exit cleanly, and restores the default SIGINT behavior,
        so that a second interrupt will stop the script.
        if signum == signal.SIGINT:
            # restore default signal handler so a second SIGINT can be used to quit
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
            # set interrupt flag so main loop knows to quit at a reasonable time
            self.interrupted = True
            # report if script is in the middle of an object
            print('Script will exit after processing the current object.')
            print('(Ctrl-C / Interrupt again to quit immediately)')

    ## config file handling (generate config, load config)

    repo_cfg = 'Fedora Settings'
    proc_cfg = 'Processing Options'
    email_cfg = 'Email options'

    # patch in a non-django encryption key
    cryptutil.ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'ae764f8rRBN8Y1n4CG56188JXZH1nox6'

    def setup_configparser(self):
        # define a config file parser with same basic options as command line
        # - use command line settings as initial values
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        # fedora connection settings
        config.set(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_root', self.args.fedora_root)
        config.set(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_user', self.args.fedora_user)
        # encrypt passwd before storing it
        pwd = self.args.fedora_password
        if pwd is not None:
            config.set(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_password', force_text(base64.b64encode(cryptutil.encrypt(pwd))))
        # processing options
        config.set(self.proc_cfg, 'max', str(self.args.max))
        config.set(self.proc_cfg, 'all_versions', str(self.args.all_versions))
        config.set(self.proc_cfg, 'since', str(self.args.since))
        config.set(self.proc_cfg, 'timelimit', str(self.args.timelimit))
        config.set(self.proc_cfg, 'max_size', str(self.args.max_size))
        # email options
        config.set(self.email_cfg, 'email', str(self.args.email))
        config.set(self.email_cfg, 'from', str(self.args.from_email))
        config.set(self.email_cfg, 'smtp', str(self.args.smtp))
        return config

    def generate_configfile(self):
        config = self.setup_configparser()
        with open(self.args.gen_config, 'w') as cfgfile:
        if not self.args.quiet:
            print('Config file created at %s' % self.args.gen_config)

    def load_configfile(self):
        cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
        with open(self.args.config) as cfgfile:

        # set args from config, making sure not to override any
        # non-defaults sepcified on the command line

        # - fedora opts
        if cfg.has_section(self.repo_cfg):
            if cfg.has_option(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_root') and \
              not self.args.fedora_root:
                self.args.fedora_root = cfg.get(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_root')
            if cfg.has_option(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_user') and \
              not self.args.fedora_user:
                self.args.fedora_user = cfg.get(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_user')
            if cfg.has_option(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_password') and \
              not self.args.fedora_password:
                self.args.fedora_password = force_text(cryptutil.decrypt(base64.b64decode(cfg.get(self.repo_cfg, 'fedora_password'))))

        # - processing opts
        if cfg.has_section(self.proc_cfg):
            if cfg.has_option(self.proc_cfg, 'max') and not self.args.max:
                    self.args.max = cfg.getint(self.proc_cfg, 'max')
                    self.args.max = None
            if cfg.has_option(self.proc_cfg, 'all_versions') and not \
                self.args.all_versions = cfg.getboolean(self.proc_cfg, 'all_versions')
            # since is always set, so command-line opt should only override if
            # set to a non-default value, to allow config take precedence
            if cfg.has_option(self.proc_cfg, 'since') and \
              self.args.since == self.default_days_betweeen_checks:
                self.args.since = cfg.getint(self.proc_cfg, 'since')
            if cfg.has_option(self.proc_cfg, 'timelimit') and not \
                    self.args.timelimit = cfg.getint(self.proc_cfg, 'timelimit')
                    # if None or non-numeric, getint will fail; ignore invalid number
            if cfg.has_option(self.proc_cfg, 'max_size') and not \
                    self.args.max_size = cfg.getint(self.proc_cfg, 'max_size')
                    # if None or non-numeric, getint will fail; ignore invalid number

        # - email opts
        if cfg.has_section(self.email_cfg):
            if cfg.has_option(self.email_cfg, 'email') and not self.args.email:
                self.args.email = cfg.get(self.email_cfg, 'email')
                if self.args.email == 'None':
                    self.args.email = None
            if cfg.has_option(self.email_cfg, 'from') and not self.args.from_email:
                self.args.from_email = cfg.get(self.email_cfg, 'from')
                if self.args.from_email == 'None':
                    self.args.from_email = None
            if cfg.has_option(self.email_cfg, 'smtp') and not \
                self.args.smtp = cfg.get(self.email_cfg, 'smtp')
                if self.args.smtp == 'None':
                    self.args.smtp = None

class PasswordAction(argparse.Action):
    '''Use :meth:`getpass.getpass` to prompt for a password for a
    command-line argument.'''
    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None):
        # if a value was specified on the command-line, use that
        if value:
            setattr(namespace, self.dest, value)
        # otherwise, use getpass to prompt for a password
            setattr(namespace, self.dest, getpass())

if __name__ == '__main__':