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Change & Version Information

The following is a summary of changes and improvements to
:mod:`eulxml`.  New features in each version should be listed, with
any necessary information about installation or upgrade notes.


* Require lxml 3.4 for ``collect_ids`` feature used in duplicate id
  support added in eulxml 1.1.2


* Allow duplicate ``xml:ids`` when loading xml if validation is not enabled
  (`PR #29 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulxml/pull/29>`_ from
  `@lddubeau <https://github.com/lddubeau>`_)


* Fix ply version in setup.py so install requirements match setup
* Only add eulxml catalog file to XML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable


* Now using an `XML catalog <http://xmlsoft.org/catalog.html>`_
  to load local copies of XSD schemas referenced by included XmlObject
  classes.  The included catalog is automatically added to the
  **XML_CATALOG_FILES** environment variable when eulxml is loaded, and
  should be used automatically and transparently by lxml and libxml.
  [`#18 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulxml/issues/18>`_]
* The use of an HTTP PROXY is no longer required for loading schemas,
  and eulxml will not generate warnings if no proxy is set.
* New module eulxml.catalog to download schemas and generate an XML
* Custom setup.py command `xmlcatalog` as a shortcut for downloading
  schemas and generating an XML Catalog
* Customized setup.py so that building the package will download
  schemas and generate a catalog if needed (schema files and xml
  catalog are now included in package data).
* The existing CERP schema URL no longer resolves; it has has been
  replaced with a new url that does, and included in the schema catalog
* bugfix: serializing unicode within xpaths
* bugfix: normalize space on eadid value in eulxml.xmlmap.teimap
* bugfix: xpath serialization error for unicode strings within xpaths
* bugfix: correction in xpath for TEI interp value


* Correct six dependency required version
* Fix six dependency in eulxml.xpath so installation can complete
  and generate parsetab and lextab when six installation is not yet
  processed.  [`#20 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulxml/issues/20>`_]


* Now Python 3 compatible, thanks to Morgan Aubert
  (`@ellmetha <https://github.com/ellmetha>`_).
* bugfix: BooleanField will now return `None` instead of generating an
  error when xml is not present and False is not configured as `None`.
  Contributed by Roman Voropaev
  (`@roman-voropaev <https://github.com/roman-voropaev>`_).
* Include xml namespace in base TEI class in eulxml.xmlmap.teimap
  for xml:id attributes referenced throughout.


* bugfix: workaround for resolver error failing to load schemas in some


* New method (:meth:`eulxml.xmlmap.load_xslt`) to load and precompile XSLT
  that will be used more than once.
* Re-worked :meth:`eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject.xsl_transform` to avoid
  malloc errors and segmentation faults and to allow using precompiled
  XSLT documents.
* Support for float field types in eulxml.xmlmap.  Contributed by
  `jilott <https://github.com/jilott>`_.


* Bug fix: correctly support parameters in
* Automatically encode string parameter values passed to
  :meth:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject.xsl_transform` as
  lxml string parameters (:class:`lxml.etree.XSLT.strparam`)


* Bug fix: :meth:`eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject.xsl_transform` now recognizes
  text output as a valid, non-empty XSL result


* Add default unicode output of date value for MODS date fields
  (:class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.mods.Date` and all date variants)
* Bug fix: :class:`~eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm` now uses the
  field order as defined on the form when updating the XML instance
  (fix for XML where schema requires fields in a specific order)


* Revert unused namespace cleanup change to serialization it generates
  less optimal output in certain cases.
* Minor updates to :mod:`~eulxml.xmlmap.eadmap`:

  * Added mapping for `xlink:show` attribute to
  * Added mapping for `note` field
  * Changed :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.eadmap.Note` paragraph content from
    string list to node list, to support formatting.
  * Added mapping for ``processinfo`` to
    :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.eadmap.ArchivalDescription` and


* Unused namespaces will now be cleaned up before serialization in
  :meth:`eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject.serialize` and
* :mod:`eulxml.xmlmap.eadmap` have been updated with root element names
  where possible, to better support using :mod:`~eulxml.xmlmap.eadmap` to
  update or modify EAD documents.


* Adjust :mod:`eulxml.xmlmap` fields for better results when inspected by
  sphinx autodoc or other similar tools.


* Update :mod:`eulxml.xmlmap.mods` with support for id attribute on top-level MODS
  element. Contributed by `bcail <https://github.com/bcail>`_.
* Update :mod:`eulxml.xmlmap.eadmap` with support for digital archival object tags.
* Add :class:`eulxml.xmlmap.fields.DateField` to support date fields
  separately from :class:`eulxml.xmlmap.fields.DateTimeField`; also includes
  minimal support for date fields in :class:`eulxml.forms.xmlobject.XmlObjectForm`.


* Pinned MODS version to 3.4 to guard against new versions of the schema breaking validation


* Corrected a minor bug where schema validation errors were not cleared between
  multiple validations.
* To avoid permission denied warning for auto-generated parser files,
  parsetab files are now created in python tempdir if the running user
  doesn't have write permission in the package installation directory.
  [`Issue 1 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulxml/issues/1>`_]
* When an XSLT transformation results in an empty document,
  :meth:`eulxml.xmlap.XmlObject.xsl_transform` now returns None.
  [`Issue 6 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulxml/issues/6>`_]
* Development requirements can now be installed as an optional requirement
  of the eulxml package (``pip install "eulxml[dev]"``).
* Unit tests have been updated to use :mod:`nose`
* New functionality in :mod:`eulxml.xmlmap.cerp` for parsing email dates
  and generating CERP xml from a Python email message object.

0.18.0 - Formset Ordering and DateTime

* :class:`eulxml.forms.xmlobject.XmlObjectForm` formsets now support
* :class:`eulxml.xmlmap.fields.DateTimeField` is now included in
  available :mod:`eulxml.xmlmap` fields.  This replaces the previously
  officially-unreleased, under-documented and -tested and misnamed
  ``DateField``.  Date-time format handling and whitespace
  normalization contributed by `jheath- <https://github.com/jheath->`_.

0.17.1 - Bugfix Release

* Fixed an error in eulxml.xpath parse that resulted in parse errors
  when other lexers are defined.

0.17.0 - Minor Enhancements

* :class:`eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` now supports lazy-loading for XSD
  Schemas.  To take advantage of this feature,
  :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` subclasses should define an
  ``XSD_SCHEMA`` location but should not set an ``xmlschema``.
* When :ref:`field <xmlmap-field>` mapped on a
  :class:`eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` is deleted, any XPath predicates
  that could have been automatically constructed when setting the
  value will be deleted from the :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject`
  where possible, if they are otherwise empty.

0.16.0 - MODS and PREMIS

* Add basic support for `MODS <http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/>`_ in
* Add basic support for `PREMIS <http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/>`_ in
* Minor logging and error handling improvements.

0.15.3 - Minor Enhancement

* Downgrade the lack of an HTTP_PROXY set in the environment from a
  RuntimeError to a Warning with schema validation disabled.

0.15.2 - Bugfix Release

* Fixed an error in the dependency structure that prevented the package from
  being used after installation through PyPI.

0.15.1 - Bugfix Release

* Fixed an error in the dependency structure that prevented the package from
  being installed through PyPI.

0.15.0 - Initial Release

* Split out xml-related components (:mod:`~eulxml.xpath`,
  :mod:`~eulxml.xmlmap`, and :mod:`~eulxml.forms`) from :mod:`eulcore`
  into :mod:`eulxml` for easier re-use.