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# file eulxml/xpath/core.py
#   Copyright 2010,2011 Emory University Libraries
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

"""Core XPath parsing glue.

This module builds a lexer and parser for XPath expressions for import into
eulxml.xpath. To understand how this module builds the lexer and parser, it
is helpful to understand how the `ply <http://www.dabeaz.com/ply/>`_ module

Note that most client applications will import htese objects from
eulxml.xpath, not directly from here."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import re
from ply import lex, yacc
import tempfile

from eulxml.xpath import lexrules
from eulxml.xpath import parserules
from eulxml.xpath.ast import serialize

__all__ = ['lexer', 'parser', 'parse', 'serialize']

# build the lexer. This will generate a lextab.py in the eulxml.xpath
# directory. Unfortunately, xpath requires some wonky lexing.
# Per http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#exprlex :
#  1 If there is a preceding token and the preceding token is not one of @,
#    ::, (, [, , or an Operator, then a * must be recognized as a
#    MultiplyOperator and an NCName must be recognized as an OperatorName.
#  2 If the character following an NCName (possibly after intervening
#    ExprWhitespace) is (, then the token must be recognized as a NodeType
#    or a FunctionName.
#  3 If the two characters following an NCName (possibly after intervening
#    ExprWhitespace) are ::, then the token must be recognized as an
#    AxisName.
#  4 Otherwise, the token must not be recognized as a MultiplyOperator, an
#    OperatorName, a NodeType, a FunctionName, or an AxisName.
# To implement this, we create a wrapper class that extends token() for the
# described lookahead/lookback lexing, and we dynamically set the lexer's
# __class__ to this wrapper. That's pretty weird and ugly, but Python allows
# it. If you can find a prettier solution to the problem then I welcome a
# fix.

    # @, ::, (, [
    # Operators: OperatorName
    'AND_OP', 'OR_OP', 'MOD_OP', 'DIV_OP', 'MULT_OP',
    # Operators: MultiplyOperator
    # Operators: /, //, |, +, -
    # Operators: =. !=, <, <=, >, >=
    'EQUAL_OP', 'REL_OP',

    # Also need to add : . Official XPath lexing rules are in terms of
    # QNames, but we produce QNames in the parse layer. We need to include :
    # here to force foo:div to be a single step, otherwise that last div
    # would be interpreted as an operator (where standard xpath would just
    # call it part of the qname)

NODE_TYPES = set(['comment', 'text', 'processing-instruction', 'node'])

class LexerWrapper(lex.Lexer):
    def token(self):
        tok = lex.Lexer.token(self)
        if tok is not None:
            if tok.type == 'STAR_OP':
                if self.last is not None and self.last.type not in OPERATOR_FORCERS:
                    # first half of point 1
                    tok.type = 'MULT_OP'

            if tok.type == 'NCNAME':
                if self.last is not None and self.last.type not in OPERATOR_FORCERS:
                    # second half of point 1
                    operator = lexrules.operator_names.get(tok.value, None)
                    if operator is not None:
                        tok.type = operator
                    next = self.peek()
                    if next is not None:
                        if next.type == 'OPEN_PAREN':
                            # point 2
                            if tok.value in NODE_TYPES:
                                tok.type = 'NODETYPE'
                                tok.type = 'FUNCNAME'
                        elif next.type == 'AXIS_SEP':
                            # point 3
                            tok.type = 'AXISNAME'

        self.last = tok
        return tok

    def peek(self):
        clone = self.clone()
        return clone.token()

# try to build the lexer with cached lex table generation. this will fail if
# the user doesn't have write perms on the source directory. in that case,
# try again without lex table generation.
lexdir = os.path.dirname(lexrules.__file__)
lexer = None
    lexer = lex.lex(module=lexrules, optimize=1, outputdir=lexdir,
except IOError as e:
    import errno
    if e.errno != errno.EACCES:
if lexer is None:
    lexer = lex.lex(module=lexrules, reflags=re.UNICODE)
# then dynamically rewrite the lexer class to use the wonky override logic
# above
lexer.__class__ = LexerWrapper
lexer.last = None

# build the parser. This will generate a parsetab.py in the eulxml.xpath
# directory. Unlike lex, though, this just logs a complaint when it fails
# (contrast lex's explosion). Other than that, it's much less exciting
# than the lexer wackiness.
parsedir = os.path.dirname(parserules.__file__)
# By default, store generated parse files with the code
# If we don't have write permission, put them in the configured tempdir
if (not os.access(parsedir, os.W_OK)):
    parsedir = tempfile.gettempdir()
parser = yacc.yacc(module=parserules, outputdir=parsedir, debug=0)

def parse(xpath):
    '''Parse an xpath.'''
    # Expose the parse method of the constructed parser,
    # but explicitly specify the lexer created here,
    # since otherwise parse will use the most-recently created lexer.
    return parser.parse(xpath, lexer=lexer)

def ptokens(s):
    '''Lex a string as XPath tokens, and print each token as it is lexed.
    This is used primarily for debugging. You probably don't want this

    for tok in lexer: