#include "env.h"
#include "node_mutex.h"
#include "sharedarraybuffer_metadata.h"
#include <list>
namespace node {
namespace worker {
class MessagePortData;
class MessagePort;
typedef MaybeStackBuffer<v8::Local<v8::Value>, 8> TransferList;
// Represents a single communication message.
class Message : public MemoryRetainer {
// Create a Message with a specific underlying payload, in the format of the
// V8 ValueSerializer API. If `payload` is empty, this message indicates
// that the receiving message port should close itself.
explicit Message(MallocedBuffer<char>&& payload = MallocedBuffer<char>());
Message(Message&& other) = default;
Message& operator=(Message&& other) = default;
Message& operator=(const Message&) = delete;
Message(const Message&) = delete;
// Whether this is a message indicating that the port is to be closed.
// This is the last message to be received by a MessagePort.
bool IsCloseMessage() const;
// Deserialize the contained JS value. May only be called once, and only
// after Serialize() has been called (e.g. by another thread).
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> Deserialize(Environment* env,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context);
// Serialize a JS value, and optionally transfer objects, into this message.
// The Message object retains ownership of all transferred objects until
// deserialization.
// The source_port parameter, if provided, will make Serialize() throw a
// "DataCloneError" DOMException if source_port is found in transfer_list.
v8::Maybe<bool> Serialize(Environment* env,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
v8::Local<v8::Value> input,
const TransferList& transfer_list,
v8::Local<v8::Object> source_port =
// Internal method of Message that is called when a new SharedArrayBuffer
// object is encountered in the incoming value's structure.
void AddSharedArrayBuffer(const SharedArrayBufferMetadataReference& ref);
// Internal method of Message that is called once serialization finishes
// and that transfers ownership of `data` to this message.
void AddMessagePort(std::unique_ptr<MessagePortData>&& data);
// Internal method of Message that is called when a new WebAssembly.Module
// object is encountered in the incoming value's structure.
uint32_t AddWASMModule(v8::WasmModuleObject::TransferrableModule&& mod);
// The MessagePorts that will be transferred, as recorded by Serialize().
// Used for warning user about posting the target MessagePort to itself,
// which will as a side effect destroy the communication channel.
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MessagePortData>>& message_ports() const {
return message_ports_;
void MemoryInfo(MemoryTracker* tracker) const override;
MallocedBuffer<char> main_message_buf_;
std::vector<MallocedBuffer<char>> array_buffer_contents_;
std::vector<SharedArrayBufferMetadataReference> shared_array_buffers_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MessagePortData>> message_ports_;
std::vector<v8::WasmModuleObject::TransferrableModule> wasm_modules_;
friend class MessagePort;
// This contains all data for a `MessagePort` instance that is not tied to
// a specific Environment/Isolate/event loop, for easier transfer between those.
class MessagePortData : public MemoryRetainer {
explicit MessagePortData(MessagePort* owner);
~MessagePortData() override;
MessagePortData(MessagePortData&& other) = delete;
MessagePortData& operator=(MessagePortData&& other) = delete;
MessagePortData(const MessagePortData& other) = delete;
MessagePortData& operator=(const MessagePortData& other) = delete;
// Add a message to the incoming queue and notify the receiver.
// This may be called from any thread.
void AddToIncomingQueue(Message&& message);
// Turns `a` and `b` into siblings, i.e. connects the sending side of one
// to the receiving side of the other. This is not thread-safe.
static void Entangle(MessagePortData* a, MessagePortData* b);
// Removes any possible sibling. This is thread-safe (it acquires both
// `sibling_mutex_` and `mutex_`), and has to be because it is called once
// the corresponding JS handle handle wants to close
// which can happen on either side of a worker.
void Disentangle();
void MemoryInfo(MemoryTracker* tracker) const override;
// This mutex protects all fields below it, with the exception of
// sibling_.
mutable Mutex mutex_;
std::list<Message> incoming_messages_;
MessagePort* owner_ = nullptr;
// This mutex protects the sibling_ field and is shared between two entangled
// MessagePorts. If both mutexes are acquired, this one needs to be
// acquired first.
std::shared_ptr<Mutex> sibling_mutex_ = std::make_shared<Mutex>();
MessagePortData* sibling_ = nullptr;
friend class MessagePort;
// A message port that receives messages from other threads, including
// the uv_async_t handle that is used to notify the current event loop of
// new incoming messages.
class MessagePort : public HandleWrap {
// Create a new MessagePort. The `context` argument specifies the Context
// instance that is used for creating the values emitted from this port.
// This is called by MessagePort::New(), which is the public API used for
// creating MessagePort instances.
MessagePort(Environment* env,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
v8::Local<v8::Object> wrap);
~MessagePort() override;
// Create a new message port instance, optionally over an existing
// `MessagePortData` object.
static MessagePort* New(Environment* env,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
std::unique_ptr<MessagePortData> data = nullptr);
// Send a message, i.e. deliver it into the sibling's incoming queue.
// If this port is closed, or if there is no sibling, this message is
// serialized with transfers, then silently discarded.
v8::Maybe<bool> PostMessage(Environment* env,
v8::Local<v8::Value> message,
const TransferList& transfer);
// Start processing messages on this port as a receiving end.
void Start();
// Stop processing messages on this port as a receiving end.
void Stop();
/* constructor */
static void New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
/* prototype methods */
static void PostMessage(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
static void Start(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
static void Stop(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
static void Drain(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
static void ReceiveMessage(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
/* static */
static void MoveToContext(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
// Turns `a` and `b` into siblings, i.e. connects the sending side of one
// to the receiving side of the other. This is not thread-safe.
static void Entangle(MessagePort* a, MessagePort* b);
static void Entangle(MessagePort* a, MessagePortData* b);
// Detach this port's data for transferring. After this, the MessagePortData
// is no longer associated with this handle, although it can still receive
// messages.
std::unique_ptr<MessagePortData> Detach();
void Close(
v8::Local<v8::Value> close_callback = v8::Local<v8::Value>()) override;
// Returns true if either data_ has been freed, or if the handle is being
// closed. Equivalent to the [[Detached]] internal slot in the HTML Standard.
// If checking if a JavaScript MessagePort object is detached, this method
// alone is often not enough, since the backing C++ MessagePort object may
// have been deleted already. For all intents and purposes, an object with a
// NULL pointer to the C++ MessagePort object is also detached.
inline bool IsDetached() const;
void MemoryInfo(MemoryTracker* tracker) const override;
void OnClose() override;
void OnMessage();
void TriggerAsync();
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> ReceiveMessage(v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
bool only_if_receiving);
std::unique_ptr<MessagePortData> data_ = nullptr;
bool receiving_messages_ = false;
uv_async_t async_;
v8::Global<v8::Function> emit_message_fn_;
friend class MessagePortData;
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> GetMessagePortConstructorTemplate(
Environment* env);
} // namespace worker
} // namespace node