'use strict';
// Build all.html by combining the generated toc and apicontent from each
// of the generated html files.
const fs = require('fs');
const source = `${__dirname}/../../out/doc/api`;
// Get a list of generated API documents.
const htmlFiles = fs.readdirSync(source, 'utf8')
.filter((name) => name.includes('.html') && name !== 'all.html');
// Read the table of contents.
const toc = fs.readFileSync(source + '/index.html', 'utf8');
// Extract (and concatenate) the toc and apicontent from each document.
let contents = '';
let apicontent = '';
// Identify files that should be skipped. As files are processed, they
// are added to this list to prevent dupes.
const seen = {
'all.html': true,
'index.html': true
for (const link of toc.match(/<a.*?>/g)) {
const href = /href="(.*?)"/.exec(link)[1];
if (!htmlFiles.includes(href) || seen[href]) continue;
const data = fs.readFileSync(source + '/' + href, 'utf8');
// Split the doc.
const match = /(<\/ul>\s*)?<\/div>\s*<div id="apicontent">/.exec(data);
contents += data.slice(0, match.index)
.replace(/[\s\S]*?<div id="toc">\s*<h2>.*?<\/h2>\s*(<ul>\s*)?/, '');
apicontent += data.slice(match.index + match[0].length)
.replace(/(<\/div>\s*)*\s*<script[\s\S]*/, '')
.replace(/<a href="(\w[^#"]*)#/g, (match, href) => {
return htmlFiles.includes(href) ? '<a href="#' : match;
.trim() + '\n';
// Mark source as seen.
seen[href] = true;
// Replace various mentions of index with all.
let all = toc.replace(/index\.html/g, 'all.html')
.replace('<a href="all.html" name="toc">', '<a href="index.html" name="toc">')
.replace('index.json', 'all.json')
.replace('api-section-index', 'api-section-all')
.replace('data-id="index"', 'data-id="all"')
.replace(/<li class="edit_on_github">.*?<\/li>/, '');
// Clean up the title.
all = all.replace(/<title>.*?\| /, '<title>');
// Insert the combined table of contents.
const tocStart = /<div id="toc">\s*<h2>.*?<\/h2>\s*/.exec(all);
all = all.slice(0, tocStart.index + tocStart[0].length) +
'<ul>\n' + contents + '</ul>\n' +
all.slice(tocStart.index + tocStart[0].length);
// Replace apicontent with the concatenated set of apicontents from each source.
const apiStart = /<div id="apicontent">\s*/.exec(all);
const apiEnd = /(\s*<\/div>)*\s*<script /.exec(all);
all = all.slice(0, apiStart.index + apiStart[0].length) +
apicontent +
// Write results.
fs.writeFileSync(source + '/all.html', all, 'utf8');
// Validate all hrefs have a target.
const ids = new Set();
const idRe = / id="(\w+)"/g;
let match;
while (match = idRe.exec(all)) {
const hrefRe = / href="#(\w+)"/g;
while (match = hrefRe.exec(all)) {
if (!ids.has(match[1])) throw new Error(`link not found: ${match[1]}`);