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1 wk
Test Coverage
'use strict'
/* global ss, $, $game, d3 */

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    - In-game resources that NPCs give to the player

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

var _ = require('underscore')

var TANGRAMS = require('/data.tangrams.js')

// TODO: Resource object.
function Resource (data, skinSuit) {
  // Copy contents of resource data to this object
  for (var i in data) {
    this[i] = data[i]

  this.playerAnswers = []

  // TODO: See where this is being used. Should the skinsuit
  // be a property of the NPC, the resource, or either?
  if (skinSuit) {
    this.skinSuit = skinSuit

Resource.prototype.getNumResponses = function () {
  return this.playerAnswers.length

Resource.prototype.addPlayerResponse = function (data) {
  return this.playerAnswers.push(data)

// Remove a public player response from the resource's list of player responses
Resource.prototype.removePlayerResponse = function (data) {
  this.playerAnswers = _.reject(this.playerAnswers, function (answer) {
    return answer.playerId === data.playerId

// Tangram pieces as object prototypes.
var _tangrams = []

function Tangram (data) {
  this.id = data.id       // Numerical unique id for each tangram piece
  this.name = data.name   // "correctX" or "wrongX" - not a unique identifier. Used by resource to identify which piece to use, currently.
  this.level = data.level // Pieces are associated with a level. Each level has a group of tangrams that go into a puzzle.
  this.path = data.path   // SVG shape path
  this.fill = data.fill   // Fill color, a string. Use method .getCSSColor to get a CSS/Canvas-compatible color string.

Tangram.prototype.getCSSColor = function () {
  var fills = {
    orange: 'rgb(236,113,41)',
    lightOrange: 'rgb(237,173,135)',
    blue: 'rgb(14,152,212)',
    lightBlue: 'rgb(109,195,233)',
    green: 'rgb(76,212,206)',
    lightGreen: 'rgb(164,238,235)'
  return fills[this.fill] || 'rgb(0,0,0)' // Fallback to black

var $resources = module.exports = {

  ready: false,

  inventorySlotsPerLevel: {},
  totalResources: {},

  // load in all the resources and the corresponding answers
  init: function (callback) {
    // Get all resources
    var npcs = $game.$npc.getNpcData()

    $.each(npcs, function (key, npc) {
      if (npc.isHolding) {
        _resources.data[npc.resource.id] = new Resource(npc.resource, npc.skinSuit)

        // Set up resource counts per level - used for inventory counts
        // This only counts resources held by NPCs that will be issued as
        // inventory pieces (as in, there is a shape)
        // It does not count resources that do not have shapes (like those that are
        // attached to a resume question)
        var resource = _resources.data[npc.resource.id]
        if (resource.shape !== '') {
          this.inventorySlotsPerLevel[npc.level] = this.inventorySlotsPerLevel[npc.level] + 1 || 1

    // HACK
    // Update the URL of the Master NPC resource, if
    // the player has obtained one of the community resources
    if ($game.$player.getResource(4000)) {
      var communityIDs = [4001, 4002, 4003]
      for (var i = 0; i < communityIDs.length; i++) {
        var checkResource = $game.$player.getResource(communityIDs[i])
        if (checkResource && checkResource.rewarded === true && checkResource.attempts > 0) {
          $game.$resources.get(4000).url = communityIDs[i].toString()

    // Create all tangram pieces - construct an array of all tangram pieces as object prototypes.
    _tangrams = TANGRAMS.map(function (tangram) {
      return new Tangram(tangram)

    // Create array of ALL player responses
    ss.rpc('game.npc.getResponses', $game.$player.instanceName, function (response) {
      var allPlayerResponses = response[0].resourceResponses

      $.each(allPlayerResponses, function (key, answer) {
        if (answer.madePublic === true) {

      $resources.ready = true

  resetInit: function () {
    $resources.ready = false

  get: function (id) {
    return _resources.data[id]

  getAll: function () {
    return _resources.data

  // Returns the total number of obtainable resources
  getTotalResourceCount: function () {
    return _resources.data.reduce(function (a) { return a + 1 }, 0)

  debug: function () { // TODO: REMOVE

  // Decide how to display resource on screen depending on state of player
  showResource: function (id) {
    var el = document.getElementById('resource-area')
    var resource = _resources.data[id]

    // Load resource content, then display.
    _resources.loadArticle(resource, function () {

      _resources.addContent(id, 1)

  // Called when player views a resource from inventory
  examineResource: function (id) {
    // If an id is called without a resource.url, then bail
    if (_resources.data[id].url === '') return

    // HIDES (not closes) the inventory, then show resource
    // Set a flag that remembers we were in the inventory
    $game.inventory.hide(function () {

  // Hide the resource area
  hideResource: function (callback) {
    var el = document.getElementById('resource-area')

    $(el).fadeOut(300, function () {
      // Reset all resource slides and buttons to a hidden & clean state.

      // Clean up background globals & game state flags
      _resources.temporaryAnswer = ''

      // Clear resource stage

      // Restore sound level

      // If inventory was showing previously, re-open the inventory
      if ($game.flags.check('viewing-inventory') === true) $game.inventory.show()

      if (typeof callback === 'function') callback()

  // Activated when clicking on something that is specific to viewing answers
  examineResponses: function (id) {
    var overlay = document.getElementById('resource-area')
    var el = overlay.querySelector('.resource-responses')

    _resources.addContent(id, 4)

    // Display rules
    el.style.display = 'block'
    if ($(overlay).is(':hidden')) {

  // Display messages on checking user input
  showCheckMessage: function (message, callback) {
    var $check = $('#resource-area .check')
    var $el = $check.find('.message-feedback')
    var $confirmBtn = $el.find('.btn-primary')


    $confirmBtn.on('click', function () {

  hideCheckMessage: function (callback) {
    var $el = $('#resource-area .check')
    if ($el.is(':visible')) {
      $el.fadeOut(200, callback)

  // Get the Tangram for a given resource id
  getTangram: function (id) {
    var resource = $resources.get(id)
    return _.findWhere(_tangrams, { level: $game.$player.currentLevel, name: resource.shape })

  getTangrams: function () {
    return _tangrams



var _resources = {

  data: [],
  temporaryAnswer: '',

  resetSlides: function () {
    var overlay = document.getElementById('resource-area')
    var article = overlay.querySelector('.resource-article')


    // Clear article content to prevent it from affecting the rest of the game, e.g. stopping videos that are still playing
    // This is equivalent to, but faster than & less prone to memory leaks than innerHTML = ''
    while (article.firstChild) article.removeChild(article.firstChild)

    // When slides are reset, always reset all buttons

  hideContent: function () {
    var overlay = document.getElementById('resource-area')
    var listOfContentElementSelectors = [

    for (var i in listOfContentElementSelectors) {
      var el = overlay.querySelector(listOfContentElementSelectors[i])
      el.style.display = 'none'

  resetButtons: function () {
    var buttons = document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.buttons')

    // Reset event listeners by cloning and hide all buttons
    _.each(buttons.querySelectorAll('button'), function (button) {
      var clone = button.cloneNode(true)
      button = button.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, button)
      clone.style.display = 'none'

  // Preloads the resource article into the staging area
  loadArticle: function (resource, callback) {
    // Continue if there is no resource article.
    if (!resource.url) {

    // Otherwise, go get that resource article and pre-load it!
    ss.rpc('game.resource.get', resource.url, function (html) {

  // Clears staging area
  unloadArticle: function () {
    var el = document.getElementById('resource-stage')
    // This is equivalent to, but faster than & less prone to memory leaks than innerHTML = ''
    while (el.firstChild) el.removeChild(el.firstChild)

  unloadTangram: function () {
    var artboard = document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.tangram')

    artboard.innerHMTL = ''
    d3.select('#resource-area .tangram svg').remove()

  // Loads the tangram piece and adds it into DOM
  loadTangram: function (resource) {
    // Loads the SVG version of the tangram.
    var artboard = document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.tangram')
    var artboardX = artboard.offsetWidth
    var artboardY = artboard.offsetHeight
    var shape = $resources.getTangram(resource.id)
    var fill = shape.getCSSColor()

    // Clear previous SVG if any

    var svg = d3.select('#resource-area .tangram').append('svg').attr('class', 'tangram-svg')
    var path = svg.append('path')
                  .attr('d', shape.path)
                  .attr('fill', fill)
                  .attr('stroke', 'rgb(255,255,255)')
                  .attr('stroke-width', 0)
    var pathCentroid = _getCentroid(path)
    var displayX = (artboardX / 2) - pathCentroid[0]
    var displayY = (artboardY / 2) - pathCentroid[1]

    // Set the tangram to display in the middle of the area
    path.attr('transform', 'translate(' + displayX + ',' + displayY + ')')

    function _getCentroid (selection) {
      var bbox = selection.node().getBBox()
      return [bbox.x + bbox.width / 2, bbox.y + bbox.height / 2]

  // Preloads question information into the DOM
  loadQuestion: function (resource) {
    var overlay = document.getElementById('resource-area')
    var el = overlay.querySelector('.resource-question')
    var form = el.querySelector('form')
    var formHTML = ''

    // Fill in the question
    el.querySelector('.question').textContent = resource.question

    // Create the answer form
    switch (resource.questionType) {
      case 'multiple':
        for (var i = 0; i < resource.possibleAnswers.length; i++) {
          formHTML += '<input name="resourceMultipleChoice" type ="radio" id="answer_' + i + '" value="' + resource.possibleAnswers[i] + '"><label for="answer_' + i + '">' + resource.possibleAnswers[i] + '</label><br>'
      case 'open':
        formHTML = '<textarea class="open-response" placeholder="Type your answer here..." maxlength="5000" autofocus>' + _resources.temporaryAnswer + '</textarea></form><p class="privacy-message">Your answer will be private by default. You can later choose to make it public to earn special seeds.</p>'
      case 'truefalse':
        formHTML = '<input name="resourceMultipleChoice" type="radio" id="true" value="true"><label for="true">true</label>' +
                   '<br><input name="resourceMultipleChoice" type="radio" id="false" value="false"><label for="false">false</label>'
      case 'yesno':
        formHTML = '<input name="resourceMultipleChoice" type="radio" id="yes" value="yes"><label for="yes">yes</label>' +
                   '<br><input name="resourceMultipleChoice" type="radio" id="no" value="no"><label for="no">no</label>'
      case 'resume':
        formHTML = this.makeResumeFormHTML(resource)
        formHTML = 'Whoops! The game tried to set up a type of question that doesn’t exist!'
    form.innerHTML = formHTML

    // Autofocus on input box, if any
    if (resource.questionType === 'resume') {
      // Add scrollable to form
      form.classList.add('scrollable', 'resume-form')

      // Wait for DOM render
      setTimeout(function () {
        // Find focus

        // Bind event to form submit action
        $('.resume-form').submit(function (e) {
          // Prevent actual submittal

          // Submit form contents as a string to rpc

          // Why does this happen twice?
          // TODO: fix this
          // Temporarily (?) hijacked by getAnswer() to save to answer field
          var formContents = $(this).serialize()
          ss.rpc('game.player.saveResumeAnswer', {
            id: $game.$player.id,
            form: formContents

          // Find the answer button and trigger click action on it
          $('#resource-area .buttons .answer-button').click()
      }, 0)

  // TODO: put resume HTML templates elsewhere
  makeResumeFormHTML: function (resource) {
    var html = ''

    // Notes on questions and desired functionality from Sam's Google Doc
    switch (resource.answer) {
      // Purpose
      // "What is your passion, and how do you want to work toward it?"
      case 'purpose':
        // One short text box
        html = '<input class="resume-text-input" name="resume-purpose" type="text" value="" placeholder="" maxlength=255>'
      // Education
      // What is your field of study at college?
      case 'education':
        // One short text box
        html = '<input class="resume-text-input" name="resume-education" type="text" value="" placeholder="" maxlength=140>'
      // Experience
      // What is your previous experience with civic engagement?
      // List each organization you've worked with in the past, and
      // (briefly) what you did there.
      case 'experience':
        // Three text boxes (potentially with the ability to add another?)
        html = '<div class="resume-experience-section">\
                  <div class="row">\
                    <div class="col-sm-2">\
                      <label class="resume-label" for="resume-experience-organization-01">Organization #1</label>\
                    </div><div class="col-sm-10">\
                      <input id="resume-experience-organization-01" class="resume-text-input" name="resume-experience-organization-01" type="text" value="" placeholder="" maxlength=50>\
                  </div class="row">\
                  <div class="row">\
                    <div class="col-sm-2">\
                      <label class="resume-label" for="resume-experience-summary-01">Summary</label>\
                    </div><div class="col-sm-10">\
                      <textarea id="resume-experience-summary-01" class="resume-textarea" name="resume-experience-summary-01"></textarea>\
                  </div class="row">\
                <div class="resume-experience-section">\
                  <div class="row">\
                    <div class="col-sm-2">\
                      <label class="resume-label" for="resume-experience-organization-02">Organization #2</label>\
                    </div><div class="col-sm-10">\
                      <input id="resume-experience-organization-02" class="resume-text-input" name="resume-experience-organization-02" type="text" value="" placeholder="" maxlength=50>\
                  </div class="row">\
                  <div class="row">\
                    <div class="col-sm-2">\
                      <label class="resume-label" for="resume-experience-summary-02">Summary</label>\
                    </div><div class="col-sm-10">\
                      <textarea id="resume-experience-summary-02" class="resume-textarea" name="resume-experience-summary-02"></textarea>\
                  </div class="row">\
                <div class="resume-experience-section">\
                  <div class="row">\
                    <div class="col-sm-2">\
                      <label class="resume-label" for="resume-experience-organization-03">Organization #3</label>\
                    </div><div class="col-sm-10">\
                      <input id="resume-experience-organization-03" class="resume-text-input" name="resume-experience-03" type="text" value="" placeholder="" maxlength=50>\
                  </div class="row">\
                  <div class="row">\
                    <div class="col-sm-2">\
                      <label class="resume-label" for="resume-experience-summary-03">Summary</label>\
                    </div><div class="col-sm-10">\
                      <textarea id="resume-experience-summary-03" class="resume-textarea" name="resume-experience-summary-03"></textarea>\
                <p><strong>If you need more than three, you can add more later!</p>'
      // Skills
      // What skills would you bring to a civic engagement opportunity? Check all that apply!
      case 'skills':
        // Checkboxes
        // Hard code all of this for now...
        var skills = [
          'Social Media Content Development',
          'Social Media Back-end Management',
          'Salesforce / Raiser’s Edge / Constant Contact / CRM',
          'SPSS / STATA',
          'Microsoft Office Suite',
          'Access / Database Development and Reporting',
          'Data Cleaning  / Data Management',
          'Graphic Design -  Marketing / Promotion',
          'Graphic Design – Infographics / Data Visualization',
          'Multimedia Production',
          'Quantitative Modelling / Statistical Analysis / Excel',
          'Administration and Organizational',
          'Project Design',
          'Group Facilitation',
          'Manage Teams',
          'Working across Difference',
          'Child Development',
          'Early Literacy',
          'Languages (you can add specifics later)',
          'ESL Instruction',
          'Nutrition / Food Preparation / Food Security Support',
          'Qualitative Data Collection – Interview / Focus Groups',
          'Qualitative Analysis – Coding / NVivo',
          'Event Planning / Logistics / Event Support',
          'Public Speaking',
          'Writing – Marketing / Promotion',
          'Writing – Reports / Expository',
          'Copyediting / Proofreading',
          'Environmental Stewardship / Environmental Program Operations',
          'Recycling Program Operations',
          'Public Health',
          'Performing Arts',
          'Community Outreach / Recruitment',
          'Working with Underserved Populations',
          'Client Support (you can add specifics later)',
          'Human Subjects / CITI',
          'Familiar with Public Transport',
          'Other Skill (you can add specifics later)'

        for (var i = 0, j = skills.length; i < j; i++) {
          html += '<input name="resume-skills" type="checkbox" id="resume-skills-' + i + '" value="' + skills[i] + '"> <label for="resume-skills-' + i + '">' + skills[i] + '</label> <br>'

      // Tagline
      // In just a few words, describe yourself (in a civic engagement context). Example: "Skilled artist, big heart"
      case 'tagline':
        // One short text box with a tight character limit
        html = '<input class="resume-text-input" name="resume-tagline" type="text" value="" placeholder="" maxlength=50>'
      // Catch all for typos etc
        html = '<strong class="color-red">Error:</strong> The game attempted to ask a resume question type that does not exist. Resume type provided: ' + resource.answer
    return html

  // Adds content for the screen if the Player answered the resource question correctly
  loadRewards: function (resource) {
    var el = document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.resource-content')
    var input = el.querySelector('.tagline-input input')
    var npc = $game.$npc.findNpcByResourceId(resource.id)
    var playerLevel = $game.$player.currentLevel
    var feedback = (resource.feedbackRight.length < 1) ? 'Thanks for sharing.' : resource.feedbackRight
    var dialogue = ''
    var skin = $game.$skins.getSkin(resource.skinSuit)
    var seedsRewarded = $game.$player.getResource(resource.id).seedsRewarded

    // Legacy stuff saved here, never used.
    // _rightOpenRandom = ['Very interesting. I\'ve never looked at it like that before.', 'That says a lot about you!', 'Thanks for sharing. Now get out there and spread some color!'],

    if (npc.level < playerLevel || resource.questionType === 'resume') {
      // This can happen because not all tangram pieces need to be obtained to
      // solve the botanist's puzzle. The player only needs the "correct" ones.
      // As a result, if a player goes back to talk to an NPC they haven't talked
      // to, they can still complete it, but will no longer obtain the tangram piece
      // since it is no longer necessary.
      // ALSO: No tangram piece is obtained if player is answering a resume question.
      // The player will still obtain seeds and skin rewards.
      dialogue = feedback + ' Here, take ' + seedsRewarded + ' seeds!'

      // Hide all the tangram related stuff
      el.querySelector('.tagline-input').style.display = 'none'
    } else {
      // Load the tangram as an SVG path

      // Reset and focus tagline input
      el.querySelector('.tagline-input').style.display = 'block'
      input.value = ''

      // Bind an event to the submit action of the tagline input form
      $('.tagline-input').submit(function (e) {
        $('#resource-area .save-button').trigger('click')

      // Bind a check event listener to the standard close button on the upper right
      $('#resource-area .close-overlay').on('click.onCloseCheck', function (e) {
        // Basically, do the same thing as the save button in this case.
        $('#resource-area .save-button').trigger('click')

      dialogue = feedback + ' Here, take this puzzle piece, and ' + seedsRewarded + ' seeds!'

    // give them the skinsuit regardless if in prev level or not
    if (skin) {
      dialogue += ' You unlocked the ' + skin.name + ' suit! Try it on or browse your other suits by clicking the changing room button below.'

    el.querySelector('.speaker').textContent = npc.name
    el.querySelector('.message').textContent = dialogue

  // A variation on loadRewards() to display 'Master NPC' content
  loadMasterNPCContent: function (resource) {
    var el = document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.resource-custom-content')
    var npc = $game.$npc.findNpcByResourceId(resource.id)

    el.style.display = 'block'
    el.querySelector('.speaker').textContent = npc.name

  // Load other players answers and your own
  loadResponses: function (resource) {
    var el = document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.resource-responses')
    var playerResource = $game.$player.getAnswer(resource.id)
    var playerPublic = false
    var playerHTML = ''
    var responsesHTML = ''
    var npc = $game.$npc.findNpcByResourceId(resource.id)
    var dialogue = ''

    // Process public responses (we do not have access to non-public responses here)
    for (var i = 0; i < resource.playerAnswers.length; i++) {
      var thisAnswer = resource.playerAnswers[i]

      if (thisAnswer.playerId === $game.$player.id) {
        // If yours is public, remember this for later
        playerPublic = true
      } else {
        // Create HTML snippet of all other players' public responses
        responsesHTML += '<li class="response"><p><span>' + thisAnswer.name + ': </span>' + thisAnswer.answer + '</p><div class="pledge-button"><button class="btn btn-success" data-resource="' + resource.id + '" data-player="' + thisAnswer.playerId + '">Seed It!</button></div></li>'

    // Determine what NPC says for status
    if (responsesHTML !== '') {
      dialogue = 'Here are some recent answers by your peers.'
    } else {
      if (!playerPublic) {
        dialogue = 'There are no public answers. If you make your answer public, other players can give you more seeds!'
      } else {
        dialogue = 'Your answer is shown below, but other players have not made their answers public.'
      responsesHTML = '<li class="response response-notice"><p>More answers from your peers will appear shortly.  Be sure to check back.</p></li>'

    // add in the player's answer with the appropriate button
    // TODO: Make a better templating system for all of this
    playerHTML += '<li class="response your-response"><p><span>' + 'You said' + ': </span>' + playerResource.answers[playerResource.answers.length - 1] + '</p>'
    if (!playerPublic) {
      playerHTML += '<div class="public-button"><button class="btn btn-info" data-resource="' + resource.id + '">Make Public</button> <i class="fa fa-lock fa-lg"></i></div>'
    } else {
      playerHTML += '<div class="private-button"><button class="btn btn-info" data-resource="' + resource.id + '">Make Private</button> <i class="fa fa-unlock-alt fa-lg"></i></div>'
    playerHTML += '</li>'

    el.querySelector('.question').innerHTML = 'Q: ' + resource.question
    el.querySelector('.content-box ul').innerHTML = playerHTML + responsesHTML
    el.querySelector('.speaker').textContent = npc.name
    el.querySelector('.message').textContent = dialogue

    // Bind a check event listener to the standard close button on the upper right
    $('#resource-area .close-overlay').on('click.onCloseResource', function (e) {
      // Basically, do the same thing as the close button in this case.
      $('#resource-area .close-button').trigger('click')

  // Clear the display and decide what to show on screen
  addContent: function (resourceId, section, slide) {
    var overlay = document.getElementById('resource-area')
    var answer = $game.$player.getAnswer(resourceId)
    var isAnswered = (answer && answer.result) ? true : false
    var isRevisit = $game.flags.check('viewing-inventory')
    var resource = _resources.data[resourceId]

    var $article = $('#resource-stage > section')
    var slides = $article.length

    // Reset all resource slides and buttons to a hidden & clean state.

    // Skip section 1 if the NPC's resource does not have URL field
    // It means there is no article content to display, so go straight to question
    // Resume question types are like this, so are some open-ended questions.
    if (section === 1 && resource.url === '') {
      section = 2

    // TODO: Need logic to handle state
    if (resource.id === 4000) {
      // If the player has not received correct resources for any of the
      // community NPCs, go to the special Master NPC screen
      if (!($game.$player.checkForCompletedResource(4001) === true ||
          $game.$player.checkForCompletedResource(4002) === true ||
          $game.$player.checkForCompletedResource(4003) === true)) {
        section = 4000

    // Determine what content to add.
    switch (section) {
      // [SECTION 01] ARTICLE.
      case 1:
        if (!slide) slide = 0
        if (slide < 0 || slide === slides) this.addContent('next', 4)  // Exit out if bad slide

        // Load and show article content. Assuming already preloaded!
        var page = $article.get(slide).innerHTML

        // Look for links and attach a handler to open them in a new window.
        // This method is necessary for links on the same domain otherwise
        // Davis will attempt to capture it for routing purposes, which we don't want
        $('.resource-article').find('a').on('click', function (e) {
          window.open(e.target.href, '_blank')

        // Logic for adding buttons
        // Always add a next button if there is more article to show
        if (slide < slides - 1) _addButton('next', 1, slide + 1)
        // On the last article slide, we must test for certain conditions
        else if (slide === slides - 1) {
          // If this resource is being reviewed later:
          if (isRevisit || isAnswered) {
            // If open-ended question, go to responses next
            if (resource.questionType === 'open') _addButton('next', 4)
            // If question was answered correctly for any other question type, close resource window
            else _addButton('close', null, null, _checkBotanistCallback)
          } else {
            // If question was not answered correctly, go to next slide (question screen)
            _addButton('next', 2)
        // Add a back button if it's not the first slide.
        if (slide > 0) _addButton('back', 1, slide - 1)

      // [SECTION 02] QUESTION.
      // The next slide after the article is the Question screen, which displays if the
      // player has NOT answered this question correctly.
      case 2:
        // Load and show question.
        overlay.querySelector('.resource-question').style.display = 'block'

        // Add buttons

        // No back button for questions without articles to view
        if (resource.url !== '') {
          _addButton('back', 1, slides - 1, function () {
            // If they were answering an open question, store their answer if the player goes back
            if (resource.questionType === 'open') {
              _resources.temporaryAnswer = overlay.querySelector('.open-response').value
        // After submitting an answer, if incorrect, the player is kicked back out to the game.
        // If correct, the player goes to section [3].
        // If answered, the player skips to section [4].
      // [SECTION 03] REWARD.
      // Only shown immediately after section [2] if it is answered correctly.
      case 3:
        overlay.querySelector('.resource-content').style.display = 'block'

        // Load resource details and draw tangram - note that this needs to happen after
        // the visibility is set to 'block' because we calculate div width/height in this function.

        if (resource.questionType === 'open') {
          _addButton('save', 4)
        } else if (resource.questionType === 'resume') {
        } else {
          _addButton('save', null, null, _checkBotanistCallback)
      // [4] RESPONSES.
      // Shown immediately after slide [3] if the player gets it correct, -OR-
      // immediately after [1] if question was answered correctly and player is revisiting.
      case 4:
        overlay.querySelector('.resource-responses').style.display = 'block'

        _addButton('close', null, null, _checkBotanistCallback)
        // If an article was preloaded onto the stage, display the 'back' button.
        if (document.getElementById('resource-stage').innerHTML !== '') _addButton('back', 1, slides - 1)
      // [4000] MASTER NPC.
      // Kind of a hack, but this is a screen to show for the Master NPC's
      // introductory thing. It is only activated through activating Master NPC
      // for the first time, and will display until a player receives one of the
      // community NPCs' resources.
      // Behind the scenes, upon reading this message, the player obtains a
      // placeholder resource from the Master NPC that "unlocks" the community NPCs.
      // It will be refreshed later with the Q&A content.
      case 4000:

        // Momentarily save dummy data for viewing this thing
        var data = {
          id: resource.id,
          answer: '',
          attempts: 0,
          npcLevel: null,
          questionType: null,
          skinSuit: null,
          correct: false,
          tagline: null
      // Generic error for debugging.
        $resources.hideResource(function callback () {
          $game.debug('Error Code 4992 dump!')
          console.log(resourceId, resource, section, slide)
          $game.$npc.showSpeechBubble('Error Code 4992', ['The game failed to provide a slide to display, or tried to display a slide that doesn’t exist. See console for log details.'])

    // Private add button function. Displays the button each slide asks for and binds actions to them.
    function _addButton (button, section, slide, callback) {
      var buttons = overlay.querySelector('.buttons')
      var back = buttons.querySelector('.back-button')
      var next = buttons.querySelector('.next-button')
      var answer = buttons.querySelector('.answer-button')
      var save = buttons.querySelector('.save-button')
      var close = buttons.querySelector('.close-button')

      // Note on EventListeners. Removal is possible within the function itself (the easiest
      // way is to name the function so you can remove it) but there is no good way to remove
      // event listeners on *other* buttons, which is necessary because there is usually a
      // binary choice on these (e.g. previous and next buttons co-existing at the same time.)
      // As a result, event listeners are cleared on the resetButtons() function by programatically
      // cloning every button.
      switch (button) {
        case 'next':
          next.style.display = 'inline-block'
          next.addEventListener('click', function () {
            if (typeof callback === 'function') callback()
            _resources.addContent(resourceId, section, slide)
        case 'back':
          back.style.display = 'inline-block'
          back.addEventListener('click', function () {
            if (typeof callback === 'function') callback()
            _resources.addContent(resourceId, section, slide)
        case 'answer':
          answer.style.display = 'inline-block'
          answer.addEventListener('click', function () {
            if (typeof callback === 'function') callback()

            // This is kind of a dumb place to put it, but it's the best place for it to
            // work right now. If it's an open-ended question, check to make sure that the
            // response is sufficient. If not, exit prematurely and preserve the state of the form.
            // It doesn't seem possible to put these returns inside another callback function
            // because it only returns out of the callback, not the listener function.
            if (resource.questionType === 'open') {
              if (_resources.validateOpenResponse(resource) !== true) return

            // Here is where the answer gets checked. If it's correct, save the answer and move
            // to the next slide. If not, we'll record that the answer was wrong, and quit.
            if (_resources.checkAnswer(resource) === true) {
              _resources.submitAnswer(resource, true)
              // Go to reward screen.
              _resources.addContent(resourceId, 3)
            } else {
              _resources.submitAnswer(resource, false)
              // Quit
        case 'save':
          save.style.display = 'inline-block'
          save.addEventListener('click', function _saveButton () {
            // For all question types except resume,
            // check the tagline
            if (resource.questionType !== 'resume') {
              var input = _resources.readTaglineInput()
              var tagline = _resources.sanitizeTagline(input)

              // If the tagline is not validated, exit
              if (_resources.validateTagline(tagline) !== true) {
                return false
              } else {
                // Else, set tagline and save the resource
                $game.$player.setTagline(resource, tagline)

            // Proceed to next screen or close resource window
            // depending on the situation
            if (section) {
              _resources.addContent(resourceId, section)
            } else {
              // If correct, then unlock suit, add seeds, add
              // tangram to inventory, and save answer to DB
              if (!isRevisit) {

            // Cleanup: remove tagline check event
            $('#resource-area .close-overlay').off('click.onCloseCheck')
        case 'close':
          close.style.display = 'inline-block'
          close.addEventListener('click', function _closeButton () {
            // If correct, then unlock suit, add seeds, add
            // tangram to inventory, and save answer to DB
            if (!isRevisit) {

            // Cleanup: remove close button event listener
            $('#resource-area .close-overlay').off('click.onCloseResource')

          // Nothing.
          $game.debug('Warning: the game attempted to add a button that does not exist.')
      return true

    function _checkBotanistCallback () {
      // A callback function. If a resource was just collected, check to see if player shoud be automatically teleported to the botanist.
      if (!isRevisit) {

  readTaglineInput: function () {
    return document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.tagline-input input').value

  sanitizeTagline: function (tagline) {
    return tagline.trim()

  validateTagline: function (tagline) {
    // This is a callback function to focus on the input box after closing the message
    var _focusInput = function () {
      document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.tagline-input input').focus()

    if (tagline.length === 0) {
      $resources.showCheckMessage('You should summarize what you learned. You’ll need this later!', _focusInput)
      return false
    } else {
      return true

  // Called by check answer to validate whether an open-ended response is sufficient
  validateOpenResponse: function (resource) {
    var response = this.getAnswer(resource)

    function _focusInput () {

    if (response.length === 0) {
      $resources.showCheckMessage('Please answer the question!', _focusInput)
      return false
    } else if (resource.requiredLength && response.length < resource.requiredLength) {
      _resources.popupCheck(resource, _focusInput)
      return false
    } else {
      return true

  // Trigger a popup if answer was too short
  popupCheck: function (resource, callback) {
    var $el = $('#resource-area .check')

    // Bind actions to buttons.
    // [1] Acknowledge prompt that your answer is skimpy and submit anyway
    $el.find('.sure-button').on('click', function () {
      _resources.submitAnswer(resource, true)
      _resources.addContent(resource.id, 3)
    // [2] Else, close and retry
    $el.find('.retry-button').on('click', function () {

  // Check whether the Player made the correct response
  checkAnswer: function (resource) {
    var response = this.getAnswer(resource)

    if (resource.questionType === 'open' || resource.questionType === 'resume') {
      // Open-ended and resume questions are never false
      return true
    } else {
      // Compare given answer with the resource's correct answer
      return (response === resource.answer) ? true : false

  // Retrieve Player's answers from the question form
  getAnswer: function (resource) {
    if (resource.questionType === 'open') {
      return document.getElementById('resource-area').querySelector('.open-response').value.trim()
    } else if (resource.questionType === 'resume') {
      return $('.resume-form').serialize()
    } else {
      return $('input[name=resourceMultipleChoice]:checked').val()

  submitAnswer: function (resource, isCorrect) {
    var response = this.getAnswer(resource)
    var npc = $game.$npc.findNpcByResourceId(resource.id)
    var data = {
      id: resource.id,
      answer: response,
      npcLevel: npc.level,
      questionType: resource.questionType,
      skinSuit: resource.skinSuit,
      correct: (isCorrect === true) ? true : false


  // Called after submitAnswer(..., false) because the answer is wrong, and we're done
  showFeedbackWrong: function (resource) {
    var npc = $game.$npc.findNpcByResourceId(resource.id)
    var message = resource.feedbackWrong

    $resources.hideResource(function callback () {
      $game.$npc.showSpeechBubble(npc.name, message)
