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# Engine Yard Cloud Deploy Options
#                           IMPORTANT
#            Commit this file into your git repository.
#       These options are loaded on the server during deploy.
# Valid locations:
# * REPOSITORY_ROOT/config/ey.yml.
# Further information available here:
# https://support.cloud.engineyard.com/entries/20996661-customize-your-deployment-on-engine-yard-cloud
# For advanced usage, see the source that loads this configuration:
# https://github.com/engineyard/engineyard-serverside/blob/master/lib/engineyard-serverside/configuration.rb
  # Run migrations during deploy by default.
  # When set to true, runs the migration_command (below) during deploy.
  # This setting can be overridden for individual deployments using
  # the command line options --migrate or --no-migrate.
<%= option 'migrate' %>

  # Default migration command to run when migrations are enabled.
<% if existing_config['migration_command'] || config['migrate'] %>
<%= option 'migration_command' %>
<% else %>
<%= commented_option 'migration_command' %>
<% end %>

  # Enables rails assets precompilation always and halts when the task fails.
  # By default, assets are detected using app/assets and config/application.rb.
  # If you use rails assets and you want Engine Yard to compile your assets
  # during deploy, set this to true. If you want to compile assets locally
  # before deploy, set this to false. Make sure you add `public/assets` to
  # `.gitignore` if you want Engine Yard to precompile your assets.
  # For more control over assets, set precompile_assets: false and
  # run your precompile task in the deploy/before_compile_assets.rb deploy hook.
<%= option 'precompile_assets' %>

  # Override the assets:precompile rake task. This option will be used instead
  # of <%= defaults['precompile_assets_task'] %> in the `rake <%= defaults['precompile_assets_task'] %>` command.
<%= option_unless_default 'precompile_assets_task' %>

  # Asset strategies affect the way assets are stored on the server.
  # * private
  #   Store assets directly in public/assets for each deployment.
  #   Previous assets are symlinked for continuity.
  #   When assets are reused, they are copied using rsync.
  # * shifting
  #   Assets are kept in a shared directory on each server.
  #   When new assets are compiled, old assets are shifted to a shared
  #   last_assets directory. This has always been the default behavior.
  # * shared
  #   Assets are kept in a shared directory on each server.
  #   When new assets are compiled, the same directory is used.
  #   Assets will accumulate in this mode if a cleaning script is not run.
  #   Use this strategy if you want to write your own asset cleaning script.
  # * cleaning
  #   Like shared, but a cleaning script is run before each new compile.
  #   The script attempts to remove all files not mentioned by the old
  #   manifest.yml, before it is replaced by the new manifest (leaving 2
  #   deployments worth of assets in the directory)
  # "private" is recommended because it is the least error prone.
  # If you prefer faster compilation, "shared" can be quicker, but will require
  # custom scripting and will cause problems when rollbacks are used.
  # "shifting" is the default behavior.
<% if config['asset_strategy'] != defaults['asset_strategy'] %>
<%= option 'asset_strategy' %>
<% else %>
  #asset_strategy: private
<% end %>

  # This list of repository relative paths is checked for changes during
  # each deployment (when change detection is not disabled). If `git diff`
  # detects changes since the last deployment, fresh assets will be compiled.
  # This option overrides the default list, so include the following
  # defaults if you need them.
<% if config['asset_dependencies'] %>
<%= option 'asset_dependencies' %>
<% else %><%# better default format than the normal yaml dump %>
  #- app/assets            # default
  #- lib/assets            # default
  #- vendor/assets         # default
  #- Gemfile.lock          # default
  #- config/application.rb # default
  #- config/routes.rb      # default
  #- config/requirejs.yml  # example of a custom asset dependency
<% end %>

  # When true, precompiles assets even if no changes would be detected by
  # running git diff with the asset_dependencies above.
  # Default is false (always check git diff before asset compilation)
<%= option_unless_default 'precompile_unchanged_assets' %>

  # Choose which servers should compile assets.
  # Default behavior is to exclude util instances.
  # Specify :all to compile on all servers including util servers.
<% if config['asset_roles'] %>
<%= option 'asset_roles' %>
<% else %>
  #asset_roles: :all
<% end %>

  # Bundle without different bundler groups:
  # Ex: bundle install --without '[bundle_without]'
  # Default is "<%= defaults['bundle_without'] %>".
  # Leave blank to remove --without from the bundle install command.
<%= option_unless_default 'bundle_without' %>

  # Add extra options to the bundle install command line.
  # Does not override bundle_without, if specified.
  # If the application's gems are vendored in the
  # repository, setting --local can speed up bundle.
<%= option_unless_default 'bundle_options' %>

  # Enable maintenance page during migrate action (default)
  # Setting this to false, disables maintenance page during migrations.
  # CAUTION! No-downtime migrations requires careful migration
  # planning. Migrations must be non-destructive. The *previous*
  # deployment might serve pages during a partially migrated state.
  # For example, if you rename a column, all traffic served during
  # that migration will be broken until the new code is deployed.
<%= option_unless_default 'maintenance_on_migrate' %>

  # Enable maintanence page during every deploy.
  # Unicorn and Passenger support no-downtime deploys, so the default
  # for these servers is false. Mongrel and some other servers default
  # to true to avoid downtime during server restarting.
<%= option_unless_default 'maintenance_on_restart' %>

  # If true, always run deployments in verbose mode.
<%= option_unless_default 'verbose' %>

  # Hide the warning shown when the Gemfile does not contain a recognized
  # database adapter (mongodb for example)
  # This warning is here to help new customers that accidentally have no adapter.
  # You may safely set this to true if you aren't using a common database.
<%= option_unless_default 'ignore_database_adapter_warning' %>

  # You can add custom keys that will be available in your deploy hooks.
  # Custom keys will be available using config.key or config[:key]
  #your_own_custom_key: custom info

<%= extra_root_options %>

# Environment specific options.
# The options you specify here will only apply to a single environment
# that exactly matches the environment name key.
# Environment options will override the default options above.

  # These options will only apply to the EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT environment.
    #precompile_unchanged_assets: true

<%= environment_options %>