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Test Coverage
Feature: Outputting example elements

  The output of an element model is a representation of the element as it would
  appear in gherkin.

  Scenario: Output of an example that does not have a name
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
      | param |

  Scenario: Output of an example that does have a name
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    Examples: with a name
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
    Examples: with a name
      | param |

  Scenario: Output of an example that does not have tags
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
      | param |

  Scenario: Output of an example that does have tags
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
    @tag1 @tag2 @tag3
      | param |

  Scenario: Output of an example that has a description, no first line buffer
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    Some description.
    Some more description.
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
      Some description.
      Some more description.

      | param |

  Scenario: Output of an example that has a description, first line is blank
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:

    Some description.
    Some more description.
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
      Some description.
      Some more description.

      | param |

  Scenario: Output of an example that has a description, first line is only whitespace
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    Some description.
    Some more description.
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
      Some description.
      Some more description.

      | param |

  Scenario: Output of an example that has one rows
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
      | param1 | param2 |
      | value1 | value2 |

  Scenario: Output of an example that has multiple rows
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
      | param1 | param2 |
      | value1 | value2 |
      | value3 | value4 |

  Scenario: Output of an example that contains all possible parts
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    Examples: with a name
    Some description.
    Some more description.
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
    @tag1 @tag2 @tag3
    Examples: with a name
      Some description.
      Some more description.

      | param1 | param2 |
      | value1 | value2 |
      | value3 | value4 |

  Scenario: Whitespace buffers are based on the longest value or parameter in a column
    Given an example element based on the following gherkin:
    When it is outputted
    Then the following text is provided:
      | parameter_name | x          |
      | y              | value_name |