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Test Coverage
Feature: Tag elements can be modeled.

  Acceptance criteria

    1. All conceptual pieces of a tag can be modeled:
      - the tag's name
      - the tags's source line
      - the tags's raw element

    2. Features can be outputted in a convenient form

  Background: Test file setup.
    Given the following feature file:

      Scenario Outline:
        * a step

        | a param |
    When the file is read

  Scenario: The raw tag element is modeled.
    Then the feature tag correctly stores its underlying implementation
    And the test tag correctly stores its underlying implementation
    And the example tag correctly stores its underlying implementation

  Scenario: The tag's source line is modeled.
    Then the feature tag source line "1"
    And the test tag source line "4"
    And the example tag source line "8"

  Scenario: The tag name is modeled.
    Then the feature tag name is "@feature_tag"
    And the test tag name is "@outline_tag"
    And the example tag name is "@example_tag"

  Scenario: Convenient output of a tag
    Then the tag has convenient output