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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

## [Unreleased]

Nothing yet...

## [1.3.0] - 2022-05-23

### Added
- New linters
   - TestNameWithTooManyCharactersLinter

- Linters that are impacted by `Rule` elements in Gherkin have been updated, now that Rules models are available 
  in CukeModeler
  - FeatureWithoutScenariosLinter

## [1.2.1] - 2021-06-13

### Fixed
 - Updated the minimum required Ruby version to `2.1`. The gem has never had `2.0` compatible code (due to using 
   named parameters without default values), so it's easier to just officially drop `2.0` 'support' than to change 
   the API to enable a use case that was never used anyway. 

## [1.2.0] - 2021-01-08

### Added
 - Ruby 3.x is now supported

## [1.1.0] - 2020-06-14

### Added
 - Now compatible with CukeModeler 3.x

## [1.0.1] - 2020-05-06

### Fixed
 - Replaced some code that was not valid with earlier versions of Ruby 2.x, with which this gem is specified as being compatible.

## [1.0.0] - 2020-03-09

### Changed
 - No longer including every file in the Git repository as part of the gem. Only the files needed for using the linter (and the informative ones like the README) will be packaged into the released gem.

## [0.13.0] - 2020-03-01

### Added
 - Added the ability to configure relevant keywords for linters whose behavior is impacted by the dialect in which feature files are written.
   - BackgroundDoesMoreThanSetupLinter
   - TestWithActionStepAsFinalStepLinter
   - TestWithNoActionStepLinter
   - TestWithNoVerificationStepLinter
   - TestWithSetupStepAfterActionStepLinter
   - TestWithSetupStepAfterVerificationStepLinter
   - TestWithSetupStepAsFinalStepLinter

## [0.12.1] - 2020-02-15

### Fixed
 - `TestShouldUseBackgroundLinter` no longer suggests moving steps to the background if they have an outline parameter.

## [0.12.0] - 2020-02-13

### Added
 - New linters
   - ElementWithCommonTagsLinter
   - ElementWithDuplicateTagsLinter
   - FeatureFileWithMismatchedNameLinter

 - Now compatible with CukeModeler 2.x

## [0.11.1] - 2019-11-07

### Fixed
 - Fixed the Pretty formatter so that it can handle linting problems whose locations do not have a line number.

## [0.11.0] - 2019-11-01

### Added
 - New linters
   - FeatureFileWithInvalidNameLinter
   - TestWithBadNameLinter

## [0.10.0] - 2019-10-04

### Added
 - New linters
   - FeatureWithTooManyDifferentTagsLinter
   - TestShouldUseBackgroundLinter
   - TestWithActionStepAsFinalStepLinter
   - TestWithSetupStepAfterActionStepLinter
   - TestWithSetupStepAfterVerificationStepLinter
   - TestWithSetupStepAsFinalStepLinter

### Changed
 - Improved some of the documentation and linting messages so that it is more clear what the problem is.

## [0.9.0] - 2019-09-11

### Added
 - Linters can now be temporarily enabled/disabled within arbitrary portions of a feature file, in order to allow for exceptions to the otherwise blanket set of linting rules. 

## [0.8.0] - 2019-09-07

### Changed
 - The exit codes used by the CLI have been changed in order to better facilitate taking additional actions based on them. 
   - 0 - No linting problems found
   - 1 - Linting problems found
   - 2 - Some other problem (e.g. incorrect CLI usage)

## [0.7.0] - 2019-07-12

### Added
 - Linters can now be configured en masse instead of having to configure the same property for all of them individually.

 - New linters
   - ElementWithTooManyTagsLinter
   - FeatureWithoutNameLinter
   - TestWithNoActionStepLinter
   - TestWithNoNameLinter
   - TestWithNoVerificationStepLinter

## [0.6.0] - 2019-06-25

### Added
 - File paths can now be provided for linting without the user first having to turn them into models themselves.
 - Option flags have been added to the command line interface. This will allow more flexibility when running from the command line and thereby reduce the need for writing a Ruby script for even basic usages of the gem.
### Changed
 - Linting is now done using a collection of model trees instead of taking only a single model tree. 

### Fixed
 - Fixed a bug in the 'pretty' formatter that was causing problems to be ordered by line number instead of being ordered by file (and then by line number within those files).
 - Added a missing `require` statement that is needed if no other code in the runtime environment has loaded the needed library already.
 - Fixed a bug where enabling/disabling a linter would trigger additional configuration of the linter, even for linters that could not be configured.
## [0.5.0] - 2019-05-25

### Added
 - New linters
   - BackgroundDoesMoreThanSetupLinter
   - FeatureWithoutDescriptionLinter
   - SingleTestBackgroundLinter
   - StepWithEndPeriodLinter
   - StepWithTooManyCharactersLinter
## [0.4.0] - 2019-05-11

### Added
 - A base linter class has been added that can be used to create custom linters more easily by providing common boilerplate code that every linter would need.

### Changed
 - Linters now return only a single problem instead of returning a collection of problems.

## [0.3.1] - 2019-04-13

### Added
 - Now declaring required Ruby version. It's always been 2.x but now the gem actually says it officially.

## [0.3.0] - 2019-04-07

### Added
 - Linter configuration: linters can now be configured (turned on/off, conditions changed, etc.) instead of having to always use the default settings

## [0.2.0] - 2019-03-19

### Added
 - New linters
   - ExampleWithoutNameLinter
   - OutlineWithSingleExampleRowLinter
   - TestWithTooManyStepsLinter

## [0.1.0] - 2019-02-10

### Added
- Custom linters, formatters, and command line usability

[Unreleased]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v1.3.0...HEAD
[1.3.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v1.2.1...v1.3.0
[1.2.1]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1
[1.2.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0
[1.1.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v1.0.1...v1.1.0
[1.0.1]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v1.0.0...v1.0.1
[1.0.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.13.0...v1.0.0
[0.13.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.12.1...v0.13.0
[0.12.1]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.12.0...v0.12.1
[0.12.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.11.1...v0.12.0
[0.11.1]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.11.0...v0.11.1
[0.11.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.10.0...v0.11.0
[0.10.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.9.0...v0.10.0
[0.9.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.8.0...v0.9.0
[0.8.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.7.0...v0.8.0
[0.7.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.6.0...v0.7.0
[0.6.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.5.0...v0.6.0
[0.5.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0
[0.4.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.3.1...v0.4.0
[0.3.1]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1
[0.3.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0
[0.2.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/v0.1.0...v0.2.0
[0.1.0]: https://github.com/enkessler/cuke_linter/compare/2bbd3f29f4eb45b6e9ea7d47c5bb47182bf4fde7...v0.1.0