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Test Coverage
Feature: Using cuke_linter on the command line

  Linting functionality can be used directly from the command line.

  Scenario: Linting features

  Note: By default, linting will be done in the current directory using all linters and 'pretty' formatter.

    Given the cuke_linter executable is available
    When the following command is executed:
    Then a linting report will be made for all features

  Scenario: Accessing command line help
    Given the cuke_linter executable is available
    When the following command is executed:
      cuke_linter -h
    Then the following help is displayed:
      Usage: cuke_linter [options]
          -p, --path PATH                The file path that should be linted. Can be a file or directory.
                                         This option can be specified multiple times in order to lint
                                         multiple, unconnected locations.
          -f, --formatter FORMATTER      The formatter used for generating linting output. This option
                                         can be specified multiple times in order to use more than one
                                         formatter. Formatters must be specified using their fully
                                         qualified class name (e.g CukeLinter::PrettyFormatter). Uses
                                         the default formatter if none are specified.
          -o, --out OUT                  The file path to which linting results are output. Can be specified
                                         multiple times. Specified files are matched to formatters in the
                                         same order that the formatters are specified. Any formatter without
                                         a corresponding file path will output to STDOUT instead.
          -r, --require FILEPATH         A file that will be required before further processing. Likely
                                         needed when using custom linters or formatters in order to ensure
                                         that the specified classes have been read into memory. This option
                                         can be specified multiple times in order to load more than one file.
          -c, --config FILEPATH          The configuration file that will be used. Will use the default
                                         configuration file (if present) if this option is not specified.
          -h, --help                     Display the help that you are reading now.
          -v, --version                  Display the version of the gem being used.

  Scenario: Checking the version of CukeLinter
    Given the cuke_linter executable is available
    When the following command is executed:
      cuke_linter -v
    Then the version of the tool is displayed:

  Scenario: Specifying directories and files to lint
    Given the following feature file "some_feature.feature":
      Feature: Some feature
        Scenario: A scenario
          When a step
          Then a step
    And the following feature file "a_directory/with/some_feature.feature":
      Feature: Some feature
        Scenario: A scenario
          When a step
          Then a step
    When the following command is executed:
      cuke_linter -p <path_to>/some_feature.feature -p <path_to>/a_directory
    Then the resulting output is the following:
        Feature has no description

      2 issues found

  Scenario: Loading additional files
    Given the following file "some_important_file.rb":
      puts 'I got loaded!'
    When the following command is executed:
      cuke_linter -r <path_to>/some_important_file.rb
    Then the resulting output will include the following:
      I got loaded!

  Scenario: Specifying a formatter to use

  Note: The file containing the formatter class will have to be explicitly loaded if not using one
        of the built in formatters

    Given the following feature file "some.feature":
      Feature: This feature will have linted problems
    And the following file "my_custom_formatter.rb":
      class MyCustomFormatter
        def format(data)
          puts "Formatting done by #{self.class}"
    When the following command is executed:
      cuke_linter -p <path_to>/some.feature -f MyCustomFormatter -r <path_to>/my_custom_formatter.rb
    Then the resulting output is the following:
      Formatting done by MyCustomFormatter

  Scenario: Redirecting output
    Given the cuke_linter executable is available
    When the following command is executed:
      cuke_linter -o <path_to>/my_report.txt
    Then the linting report will be output to "<path_to>/my_report.txt"

  Scenario: Redirecting output for specific formatters

  Note: Formatters match to output locations in the same order that they are specified. Formatters
        that do not have their output location specified will output to STDOUT. Output locations
        that are not matched to a formatter will use the default formatter.

    Given the following feature file "some.feature":
      Feature: This feature will have linted problems
    And the following file "my_custom_formatters.rb":
      class MyCustomFormatter
        def format(data)
          "Formatting done by #{self.class}"

      class MyOtherCustomFormatter
        def format(data)
          "Formatting done by #{self.class}"
    When the following command is executed:
      cuke_linter -p <path_to>/some.feature -f MyCustomFormatter -f MyOtherCustomFormatter -o <path_to>/my_report.txt  -r <path_to>/my_custom_formatters.rb
    Then the resulting output is the following:
      Formatting done by MyOtherCustomFormatter
    And the file "<path_to>/my_report.txt" contains:
      Formatting done by MyCustomFormatter

  Scenario: Specifying a configuration file

  Note: If not specified, the default configuration file, if present, will be used

    Given the following feature file "has_no_scenarios.feature":
      Feature: Has no scenarios
        Not a single one
    And the following configuration file "my_config.file":
        Enabled: false
    When the following command is executed:
      cuke_linter -p <path_to>/has_no_scenarios.feature -c <path_to>/my_config.file
    Then the resulting output is the following:
      0 issues found

  Scenario: Interpreting exit codes
    When the executable finds no linting problems
    Then the exit code is "0"
    When the executable finds linting problems
    Then the exit code is "1"
    When the executable has a problem
    Then the exit code is "2"