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Test Coverage
Feature: Tag logic

  Normally, tag filters are applied using a logical AND. That is, a tag filter will trigger if a
  test case's tags match ALL of the provided tag filters. If desired, the tag filters can be
  evaluated using a logical OR and, further, the two kinds of evaluation can be combined.

  Note: All tag filters are 'inclusive' and strings for the purposes of these examples but the same
  logic notation and limitations apply for exclusive or regular expression tag filters.

    And the following feature file "a_test.feature":

        Scenario: test a
        Scenario: test b
        @a @b
        Scenario: test ab
        Scenario: test c
        Scenario: test d
        @c @d
        Scenario: test cd

  Scenario Outline: ANDing and ORing tags
  Tags that are grouped together will be OR'd together before the remaining AND evaluation occurs

    When test cases are extracted from "a_test.feature" using "<tag filters>"
    Then "<test cases>" are found
    | tag filters | test cases                                                                   |
    | '@a'        | path/to/a_test.feature:4,  path/to/a_test.feature:8                          |
    | ['@a']      | path/to/a_test.feature:4,  path/to/a_test.feature:8                          |
    | '@a','@b'   | path/to/a_test.feature:8                                                     |
    | ['@a','@b'] | path/to/a_test.feature:4, path/to/a_test.feature:6, path/to/a_test.feature:8 |

  Scenario: Complex logic
    When test cases are extracted from "a_test.feature" using "['@a','@c'],['@b','@d']"
    Then "path/to/a_test.feature:8, path/to/a_test.feature:14" are found