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Test Coverage
Feature: CukeTagger
  In order to quickly add or remove tags
  As a Cucumber user
  I want to use cuketagger

    Given a file named "sample.feature" with:
      # Feature comment
      Feature: Sample

        @two @three
        Scenario: Missing
          Given missing

        # Scenario comment
        Scenario: Passing
          Given passing
            | a | b |
            | c | d |


  Scenario: Remove tags from specific scenario
    When I run cuketagger with "remove:two remove:three <path_to>/sample.feature:6"
    Then I should see:
      # Feature comment
      Feature: Sample

        Scenario: Missing
          Given missing

        # Scenario comment
        Scenario: Passing
          Given passing
            | a | b |
            | c | d |


  Scenario: Remove tags from multiple scenarios
    When I run cuketagger with "remove:two remove:three <path_to>/sample.feature:6:11"
    Then I should see:
      # Feature comment
      Feature: Sample

        Scenario: Missing
          Given missing

        # Scenario comment
        Scenario: Passing
          Given passing
            | a | b |
            | c | d |


    Scenario: Add tags to specific scenario
      When I run cuketagger with "add:foo add:bar <path_to>/sample.feature:11"
      Then I should see:
        # Feature comment
        Feature: Sample

          @two @three
          Scenario: Missing
            Given missing

          # Scenario comment
          @three @foo @bar
          Scenario: Passing
            Given passing
              | a | b |
              | c | d |


    Scenario: Add and remove tags from feature
      When I run cuketagger with "remove:one add:bar <path_to>/sample.feature"
      Then I should see:
        # Feature comment
        Feature: Sample

          @two @three
          Scenario: Missing
            Given missing

          # Scenario comment
          Scenario: Passing
            Given passing
              | a | b |
              | c | d |


    Scenario: Add and remove tags from feature with line given
      When I run cuketagger with "remove:one add:bar <path_to>/sample.feature:3"
      Then I should see:
        # Feature comment
        Feature: Sample

          @two @three
          Scenario: Missing
            Given missing

          # Scenario comment
          Scenario: Passing
            Given passing
              | a | b |
              | c | d |


    Scenario: Replace tags in feature
      When I run cuketagger with "replace:two:four <path_to>/sample.feature:6"
      Then I should see:
        # Feature comment
        Feature: Sample

          @four @three
          Scenario: Missing
            Given missing

          # Scenario comment
          Scenario: Passing
            Given passing
              | a | b |
              | c | d |


    Scenario: Replace non-existing tag
      When I run cuketagger with "replace:nope:four <path_to>/sample.feature:6"
      Then I should see 'expected "@nope" at sample.feature:6, skipping' in the output

    Scenario: Rewrite file
      When I run cuketagger with "--force remove:two remove:three <path_to>/sample.feature:6"
      Then the content of "sample.feature" should be:
        # Feature comment
        Feature: Sample

          Scenario: Missing
            Given missing

          # Scenario comment
          Scenario: Passing
            Given passing
              | a | b |
              | c | d |
