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# Contributing Guide

## Introduction

If you're here, then thank you for considering contributing to the project!
Read on to find out how to go about participating in the development of `mongoose-update-if-current`.

Following our contributing guide helps everyone involved to better understand one another's work,
and helps us address issues, consider feature suggestions and process pull requests with a minimum
of hassle.

All kinds of contributions are welcome!
Writing documentation, creating example code, adding new test cases, increasing code coverage
and fixing bugs are all excellent ways to contribute helpfully and constructively.

## Getting started

To start contributing, use the following guide:

1. Create your own fork of the code.
2. Make the changes in your fork.
3. If you like the change and think the project could use it:
    * Be sure you have followed the code style for the project.
    * Make sure all tests pass when running `npm test`.
    * Make sure the project builds successfully when running `npm run build`.
    * Create a pull request on GitHub, following the template provided.

## How to report a bug

If you find a security vulnerability, do **NOT** open an issue.
Email [eoin@videtur.io](mailto:eoin@videtur.io) instead.

When opening up a bug report or general issue, please use the issue template provided.

## How to suggest a feature or enhancement

This is by nature a small plugin project, so the scope for added features is quite small.
The philosophy here is to do one thing, that is, optimistic concurrency control for mongoose, and to do it well.
That being said, suggestions for enhancement or improvement are always welcome.

When suggesting a new feature or enhancement, create an issue and tag it as such.
Make sure to use the template provided in GitHub.
Scope out the feature when proposing it, and explain the rationale behind it.
Give an example of how it could be used, if applicable.