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    <h1 class="page-title">Tutorial: events</h1>




<p>Miew allows tracking some important changes inside him.
Users of the Miew library have a chance to subscribe to Miew events in which they are interested in and create handlers for them.</p>
<h2>Instruction how to subscribe to Miew event</h2>
<li>Find an event on which you want to subscribe (you can see all Miew events in next part).</li>
<li>Use Miew method addEventListner(string eventType, function handler). Usually, it looks like one of the following variants:
<li><code>*.addEventListner('eventType', () =&gt; { ... });</code> - if in handler you don't need additional event information;</li>
<li><code>*.addEventListner('eventType', (e) =&gt; { ... e.ArgumentName ... });</code> - if you want to use in handler some additional event information.</li>
<p>Here you can find an example:</p>
<h2>Events list</h2>
<h3>Rotating, translating and scaling events</h3>
<p>These events are sent after rotating, translating or scaling molecule (or it's fragment or multiple molecules)</p>
<td><em>quaternion</em>: last rotation</td>
<td>On rotation</td>
<td><em>number</em>: previous scale/current scale</td>
<td>On scaling</td>
<td>On component translation in XY plane (parallel to screen)</td>
<td>On fragment or all molecules translation in XY plane (parallel to screen)</td>
<td>After each of the listed above events changing</td>
<h3>Representation events</h3>
<td><em>number</em>: rep index <br> <em>string</em>: molecule's name</td>
<td>After each representation adding</td>
<td><em>number</em>: rep index <br> <em>string</em>: molecule's name</td>
<td>After each representation changing</td>
<td><em>number</em>: rep index <br> <em>string</em>: molecule's name</td>
<td>After each representation removing</td>
<h3>Miew continuous processes events</h3>
<h4>Continuous long processes</h4>
<td><em>string/file</em>: molecule source to load <br> <em>object</em>: options (data source type, data contents type, etc.)</td>
<td>On loading</td>
<td>On fetching</td>
<td>On parsing</td>
<td>On rebuilding</td>
<td>On exporting to *.fbx</td>
<h4>Ending of processes</h4>
<td>result: name or error</td>
<td>On loading end</td>
<td>result: data or error</td>
<td>On fetching end</td>
<td>result: data or error</td>
<td>On parsing end</td>
<td>On building end</td>
<td>On exporting end</td>
<h3>Settings changing events</h3>
<p><strong>Pay attention to these events, they are sent from Miew.settings (not from Miew as others).</strong></p>
<p>Look at the example:</p>
<td>change:SettingPath <br> SettingPath - any field of <strong>defaults</strong> in settings.js <br> <br> Example: <strong>change:outline.on</strong></td>
<td>On changing the value of correspondent setting</td>
<h3>Other events</h3>
    <td>On resize work area <br> <ul> <li>During initialization<li>After each resizing<li>on the first time when the stereo mode is set to WEBVR</ul></td>
<td><em>object</em>: empty object or picked object</td>
<td>On click inside Miew work area</td>
<td><em>string</em>: new title</td>
<td>After title inside Miew was changed</td>
<td><em>boolean</em>: is current mode complex edit mode</td>
<td>After edit mode was changed</td>



    <h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Namespaces</h3><ul><li><a href="SettingsObject.html">SettingsObject</a></li></ul><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="EntityList.html">EntityList</a></li><li><a href="EventDispatcher.html">EventDispatcher</a></li><li><a href="GROParser.html">GROParser</a></li><li><a href="GROReader.html">GROReader</a></li><li><a href="Helix.html">Helix</a></li><li><a href="LoaderList.html">LoaderList</a></li><li><a href="Logger.html">Logger</a></li><li><a href="Miew.html">Miew</a></li><li><a href="ParserList.html">ParserList</a></li><li><a href="PDBStream.html">PDBStream</a></li><li><a href="Strand.html">Strand</a></li><li><a href="StructuralElement.html">StructuralElement</a></li></ul><h3>Tutorials</h3><ul><li><a href="tutorial-embed.html">Embedding the Viewer</a></li><li><a href="tutorial-events.html">events</a></li><li><a href="tutorial-selectors.html">Selection Language</a></li><li><a href="tutorial-url.html">URL Query String</a></li></ul><h3><a href="global.html">Global</a></h3>

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