

Test Coverage
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Load serotonin from string</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../packages/miew/dist/miew.min.css">
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  <h1>Load serotonin from string in .XYZ format</h1>
  <div class="miew-container" style="width:640px; height:480px"></div>

    // serotonin in XYZ format
    var serotoninXYZ = '25\n'
      + '5202\n'
      + 'O          2.73520        2.46200        0.09750\n'
      + 'N          0.11210       -2.34780       -0.11230\n'
      + 'N         -4.24020        1.56780       -0.28800\n'
      + 'C         -1.18570       -0.60400        0.33720\n'
      + 'C          0.14870       -0.13610        0.17810\n'
      + 'C         -2.37440        0.21670        0.64400\n'
      + 'C          0.94280       -1.24990       -0.10300\n'
      + 'C         -1.17610       -1.96730        0.15230\n'
      + 'C         -3.08730        0.73690       -0.61780\n'
      + 'C          0.75910        1.13200        0.24660\n'
      + 'C          2.32230       -1.15860       -0.31980\n'
      + 'C          2.13790        1.23860        0.03200\n'
      + 'C          2.90570        0.10960       -0.24680\n'
      + 'H         -3.08280       -0.37360        1.24060\n'
      + 'H         -2.08420        1.06540        1.27690\n'
      + 'H         -1.96880       -2.70180        0.18460\n'
      + 'H          0.41090       -3.29680       -0.28950\n'
      + 'H         -3.42250       -0.10740       -1.23120\n'
      + 'H         -2.38880        1.32120       -1.22840\n'
      + 'H          0.16350        2.01490        0.46250\n'
      + 'H          2.92070       -2.03710       -0.53680\n'
      + 'H          3.97620        0.20860       -0.41110\n'
      + 'H         -4.64550        1.93950       -1.14610\n'
      + 'H         -3.93630        2.37340        0.25740\n'
      + 'H          2.06010        3.13240        0.29950\n';

    (function() {
      const { Miew } = miew
      var viewer = new Miew({
        container: document.getElementsByClassName('miew-container')[0],
        // required for the molecule data without residues, because default mode, Cartoon, visualizes residues
        reps: [{
          mode: 'BS',
          colorer: 'EL',
          material: 'DF',
        // optional settings
        settings: {
          bg: {color: 0xCCCCCC},
          fogFarFactor: 2,
          fps: false,
          axes: false,
          resolution: 'high',

      if (viewer.init()) {
        // please, load protein by the function here, not on Miew creation
        viewer.load(serotoninXYZ, { sourceType: 'immediate', fileType: 'xyz' });