

3 days
Test Coverage
import utils from '../utils'
import {
} from 'three'

function pow2ceil(v) {
  let p = 2
  v = (v - 1) >> 1
  while (v) {
    p <<= 1
    v >>= 1
  return p

 * Volume constructor
 * @param {Object} type - Float32Array, Int8Array, etc...
 * @param {Object|Array} dimensions - number of data points on each axis (x, y, z)
 * @param {Box3} box - bounding box defining data place in metric space,
 *                     it's corners correspond to extreme data points
 * @param {Number} vecSize - dimension of the field data point (1 = scalar, 3 = 3D vector)
 * @param {Object} data - typed array of the same type as specified by the 1st parameter,
 *                        layout: point by point along X,
 *                                row by row along Y,
 *                                plane by plane along Z
 * @param {Number} volumeInfo - volume info values to define threshold to filter the noise

class Volume {
  constructor(type, dimensions, box, vecSize, data, volumeInfo) {
    this._box = box.clone()
    this._dimVec = Math.max(Math.floor(vecSize || 1), 1)
    this._volumeInfo = volumeInfo

    if (dimensions instanceof Array) {
      ;[this._dimX, this._dimY, this._dimZ] = dimensions
    } else {
      this._dimX = dimensions.x
      this._dimY = dimensions.y
      this._dimZ = dimensions.z
    this._dimX = Math.max(Math.floor(this._dimX), 1)
    this._dimY = Math.max(Math.floor(this._dimY), 1)
    this._dimZ = Math.max(Math.floor(this._dimZ), 1)

    this._rowElements = this._dimVec * this._dimX
    this._planeElements = this._rowElements * this._dimY
    this._totalElements = this._planeElements * this._dimZ

    this._data = data || utils.allocateTyped(type, this._totalElements)

    // override getter/setter for vector fields
    switch (this._dimVec) {
      case 1:

      case 2:
        this.getValue = function (x, y, z) {
          const idx =
            x * this._dimVec + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements
          return [this._data[idx], this._data[idx + 1]]

        this.setValue = function (x, y, z, a, b) {
          const idx =
            x * this._dimVec + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements
          this._data[idx] = a
          this._data[idx + 1] = b

        this.addValue = function (x, y, z, a, b) {
          const idx =
            x * this._dimVec + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements
          this._data[idx] += a
          this._data[idx + 1] += b

      case 3:
        this.getValue = function (x, y, z) {
          const idx =
            x * this._dimVec + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements
          return [this._data[idx], this._data[idx + 1], this._data[idx + 2]]

        this.setValue = function (x, y, z, a, b, c) {
          const idx =
            x * this._dimVec + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements
          this._data[idx] = a
          this._data[idx + 1] = b
          this._data[idx + 2] = c

        this.addValue = function (x, y, z, a, b, c) {
          const idx =
            x * this._dimVec + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements
          this._data[idx] += a
          this._data[idx + 1] += b
          this._data[idx + 2] += c

        throw new Error('Volume: invalid vector dimension')

  // default getter assumes it's a scalar field
  getValue(x, y, z) {
    return this._data[x + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements]

  // default setter assumes it's a scalar field
  setValue(x, y, z, val) {
    this._data[x + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements] = val

  // default adder assumes it's a scalar field
  addValue(x, y, z, val) {
    this._data[x + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements] += val

  getDimensions() {
    return [this._dimX, this._dimY, this._dimZ]

  getBox() {
    return this._box

  getVolumeInfo() {
    return this._volumeInfo

  getCellSize() {
    const boxSize = new Vector3()
    const res = new Vector3()
    res.x = this._dimX > 1 ? boxSize.x / (this._dimX - 1) : 0
    res.y = this._dimY > 1 ? boxSize.y / (this._dimY - 1) : 0
    res.z = this._dimZ > 1 ? boxSize.z / (this._dimZ - 1) : 0
    return res

  computeGradient() {
    if (this._dimVec !== 1) {
      // gradient can only be computed for scalar fields
      return null

    // create a 3D vector field of gradients
    const gradient = new Volume(
      [this._dimX, this._dimY, this._dimZ],

    // calculate cell side lengths
    const vl = this.getCellSize()

    // gradient axis scaling values and averaging factors, to correctly
    // calculate the gradient for volumes with irregular cell spacing
    const vs = new Vector3(-0.5 / vl.x, -0.5 / vl.y, -0.5 / vl.z)

    // TODO Check for intended bug in VMD (min is zero)
    function clamp(val, min, max) {
      return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, val))

    const xSize = this._dimX
    const ySize = this._dimY
    const zSize = this._dimZ
    const volMap = this._data

    function _voxelValue(x, y, z) {
      return volMap[z * xSize * ySize + y * xSize + x]

    for (let zi = 0; zi < zSize; ++zi) {
      const zm = clamp(zi - 1, 0, zSize - 1)
      const zp = clamp(zi + 1, 0, zSize - 1)

      for (let yi = 0; yi < ySize; ++yi) {
        const ym = clamp(yi - 1, 0, ySize - 1)
        const yp = clamp(yi + 1, 0, ySize - 1)

        for (let xi = 0; xi < xSize; ++xi) {
          const xm = clamp(xi - 1, 0, xSize - 1)
          const xp = clamp(xi + 1, 0, xSize - 1)

          // Calculate the volume gradient at each grid cell.
          // Gradients are now stored unnormalized, since we need them in pure
          // form in order to draw field lines etc.  Shading code will now have
          // to do renormalization for itself on-the-fly.

          // XXX this gradient is only correct for orthogonal grids, since
          // we're using the array index offsets rather to calculate the gradient
          // rather than voxel coordinate offsets.  This will have to be
          // re-worked for non-orthogonal datasets.

            (_voxelValue(xp, yi, zi) - _voxelValue(xm, yi, zi)) * vs.x,
            (_voxelValue(xi, yp, zi) - _voxelValue(xi, ym, zi)) * vs.y,
            (_voxelValue(xi, yi, zp) - _voxelValue(xi, yi, zm)) * vs.z

    return gradient

  normalize() {
    const data = this._data

    // get min/max
    let min = data[0]
    let max = data[0]
    for (let i = 1; i < data.length; ++i) {
      min = Math.min(min, data[i])
      max = Math.max(max, data[i])

    const d = 1.0 / (max - min)
    if (d === 0) {

    // normalize
    for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
      data[i] = d * (data[i] - min)

  getTiledTextureStride() {
    return [this._dimX + 2, this._dimY + 2]

  buildTiledTexture() {
    let tilesX = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((this._dimZ * this._dimY) / this._dimX))

    let width = tilesX * (this._dimX + 2) - 1
    width = pow2ceil(width)
    tilesX = Math.floor(width / (this._dimX + 2))

    const tilesY = Math.ceil(this._dimZ / tilesX)
    let height = tilesY * (this._dimY + 2) - 1
    height = pow2ceil(height)

    const data = new Uint8Array(width * height)

    let src
    let dst
    for (let tileRow = 0; tileRow < tilesY; ++tileRow) {
      // process each pixel row of this tile row
      for (let row = 0; row < this._dimY; ++row) {
        src = tileRow * tilesX * this._planeElements + row * this._rowElements
        dst = width * (tileRow * (this._dimY + 2) + row)
        // copy a series of rows through several XY planes
        for (let t = 0; t < tilesX; ++t) {
          // copy one row of one XY plane
          for (let x = 0; x < this._dimX; ++x) {
            data[dst++] = 255.0 * this._data[src++]

          // repeat last pixel of previous tile
          data[dst++] = 255.0 * this._data[src - 1]

          if (t < tilesX - 1) {
            // skip to the same row of next XY plane
            src += this._planeElements - this._rowElements
            // repeat first pixel of next tile
            data[dst++] = 255.0 * this._data[src]

    // fill pixels between tile rows with copy of edge pixels
    for (let tileRow = 0; tileRow < tilesY; ++tileRow) {
      // copy last pixel row of this tile row to the following pixel row of the texture
      src = width * (tileRow * (this._dimY + 2) + this._dimY - 1)
      dst = src + width
      for (let x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
        data[dst++] = data[src++]
      if (tileRow < tilesY - 1) {
        // copy first pixel row of next tile row to the preceding pixel row of the texture
        src = width * (tileRow + 1) * (this._dimY + 2)
        dst = src - width
        for (let x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
          data[dst++] = data[src++]

    const texture = new DataTexture(
    texture.needsUpdate = true
    return texture

  /* ********************************************************************************
   * Methods that provide direct access to internal array (for better performance)
   ******************************************************************************** */

  getData() {
    return this._data

  getDirectIdx(x, y, z) {
    return x * this._dimVec + y * this._rowElements + z * this._planeElements

  getStrideX() {
    return this._dimVec

  getStrideY() {
    return this._rowElements

  getStrideZ() {
    return this._planeElements
} = 'Volume'

export default Volume