

1 wk
Test Coverage
import utils from '../../utils'
import { Vector3 } from 'three'

 * Modifed from SpatialHash
 * Main differences are:
 * - Optimized grid size to ensure we only ever need to look +/-1 cell
 * - Aware of atomic radii and will only output atoms within rAtom + rExtra
 *   (see withinRadii method)
 * (Uses rounding rather than bitshifting as consequence of arbitrary grid size)
 * @class
 * @param {Float32Array} posRad - x, y, z coordinates and radiuses
 * @param {Float32Array} min - xyz min coordinates
 * @param {Float32Array} max - xyz max coordinates
 * @param {number} maxDistance - max distance
function AVHash(posRad, min, max, maxDistance) {
  const itemSize = 4
  const nAtoms = posRad.length / itemSize

  const minX = min[0]
  const minY = min[1]
  const minZ = min[2]

  const maxX = max[0]
  const maxY = max[1]
  const maxZ = max[2]

  function hashFunc(w, minW) {
    return Math.floor((w - minW) / maxDistance)

  const iDim = hashFunc(maxX, minX) + 1
  const jDim = hashFunc(maxY, minY) + 1
  const kDim = hashFunc(maxZ, minZ) + 1

  const nCells = iDim * jDim * kDim

  const jkDim = jDim * kDim

  /* Get cellID for cartesian x,y,z */
  const cellID = function (x, y, z) {
    return (
      (hashFunc(x, minX) * jDim + hashFunc(y, minY)) * kDim + hashFunc(z, minZ)

  /* Initial building, could probably be optimized further */
  const preHash = []
  let i
  let cid
  for (i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
    const iIdx = itemSize * i
    cid = cellID(posRad[iIdx], posRad[iIdx + 1], posRad[iIdx + 2])

    if (preHash[cid] === undefined) {
      preHash[cid] = [i]
    } else {

  const cellOffsets = utils.allocateTyped(Uint32Array, nCells)
  const cellLengths = utils.allocateTyped(Uint16Array, nCells)
  const data = utils.allocateTyped(Uint32Array, nAtoms)

  let offset = 0
  let maxCellLength = 0
  let j
  for (i = 0; i < nCells; i++) {
    const start = (cellOffsets[i] = offset)

    const subArray = preHash[i]

    if (subArray !== undefined) {
      for (j = 0; j < subArray.length; j++) {
        data[offset] = subArray[j]

    const cellLength = offset - start
    cellLengths[i] = cellLength

    if (cellLength > maxCellLength) {
      maxCellLength = cellLength

  // Maximum number of neighbours we could ever produce (27 adjacent cells of equal population)
  this.neighbourListLength = 27 * maxCellLength + 1

   * Populate the supplied out array with atom indices that are within rAtom + rExtra
   * of x,y,z
   * -1 in out array indicates the end of the list
   * @param  {number} x - x coordinate
   * @param  {number} y - y coordinate
   * @param  {number} z - z coordinate
   * @param  {number} rExtra - additional radius
   * @param  {Float32Array} out - pre-allocated output array
   * @return {undefined}
  this.withinRadii = function (x, y, z, rExtra, out) {
    let outIdx = 0

    const nearI = hashFunc(x, minX)
    const nearJ = hashFunc(y, minY)
    const nearK = hashFunc(z, minZ)

    const loI = Math.max(0, nearI - 1)
    const loJ = Math.max(0, nearJ - 1)
    const loK = Math.max(0, nearK - 1)

    const hiI = Math.min(iDim - 1, nearI + 1)
    const hiJ = Math.min(jDim - 1, nearJ + 1)
    const hiK = Math.min(kDim - 1, nearK + 1)

    for (i = loI; i <= hiI; ++i) {
      const iOffset = i * jkDim

      for (j = loJ; j <= hiJ; ++j) {
        const jOffset = j * kDim

        for (let k = loK; k <= hiK; ++k) {
          cid = iOffset + jOffset + k

          const cellStart = cellOffsets[cid]
          const cellEnd = cellStart + cellLengths[cid]

          for (let dataIndex = cellStart; dataIndex < cellEnd; dataIndex++) {
            const atomIndex = data[dataIndex]
            const baseIndex = itemSize * atomIndex
            const dx = posRad[baseIndex] - x
            const dy = posRad[baseIndex + 1] - y
            const dz = posRad[baseIndex + 2] - z
            const rSum = posRad[baseIndex + 3] + rExtra

            if (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz <= rSum * rSum) {
              out[outIdx++] = data[dataIndex]
    // Add terminator
    out[outIdx] = -1
function ContactSurface(packedArrays, boundaries, params, _indexList) {
  // Field generation method adapted from AstexViewer (Mike Hartshorn)
  // by Fred Ludlow.
  // Other parts based heavily on NGL (Alexander Rose) EDT Surface class
  // Should work as a drop-in alternative to EDTSurface (though some of
  // the EDT paramters are not relevant in this method).

  const itemSize = 4
  const { posRad, colors, atoms } = packedArrays
  const nAtoms = posRad.length / itemSize

  const { bbox } = boundaries

  const min = bbox.minPosRad
  const max = bbox.maxPosRad

  let r2 // Atom positions, expanded radii (squared)
  let maxRadius

  // Parameters
  let probeRadius
  let scaleFactor
  let probePositions

  // Cache last value for obscured test
  let lastClip = -1

  // Grid params
  let dim
  let grid
  let volTex
  let weights
  let weightsMap = null
  let atomMap = null
  let visibilitySelector = null

  // grid indices -> xyz coords
  let gridx
  let gridy
  let gridz

  // Lookup tables:
  let sinTable
  let cosTable

  // Spatial Hash
  let hash

  // Neighbour array to be filled by hash
  let neighbours

  // Vectors for Torus Projection
  const mid = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  const n1 = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  const n2 = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

  let ngTorus

  function uniformArray(TypeName, n, a) {
    const array = utils.allocateTyped(TypeName, n)
    for (let innI = 0; innI < n; ++innI) {
      array[innI] = a

    return array

  function fillGridDim(a, start, step) {
    for (let innI = 0; innI < a.length; innI++) {
      a[innI] = start + step * innI

  function initializeGrid() {
    ;({ scaleFactor } = params)
    ;({ dim } = boundaries)

    ngTorus = Math.min(5, 2 + Math.floor(probeRadius * scaleFactor))

    const gridSize = dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2]
    grid = uniformArray(Float32Array, gridSize, -1001.0)
    volTex = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, gridSize * 3)
    weights = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, gridSize)
    if (visibilitySelector) {
      weightsMap = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, gridSize)
      atomMap = []

    gridx = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, dim[0])
    gridy = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, dim[1])
    gridz = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, dim[2])

    fillGridDim(gridx, min[0], 1 / scaleFactor)
    fillGridDim(gridy, min[1], 1 / scaleFactor)
    fillGridDim(gridz, min[2], 1 / scaleFactor)

  function initializeAngleTables() {
    let theta = 0.0
    const step = (2 * Math.PI) / probePositions

    cosTable = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, probePositions)
    sinTable = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, probePositions)
    for (let innI = 0; innI < probePositions; innI++) {
      cosTable[innI] = Math.cos(theta)
      sinTable[innI] = Math.sin(theta)
      theta += step

  function initializeHash() {
    hash = new AVHash(posRad, min, max, 2.01 * maxRadius)
    neighbours = new Int32Array(hash.neighbourListLength)

  function init() {
    ;({ probeRadius, scaleFactor, probePositions, visibilitySelector } = params)
    r2 = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, nAtoms)
    maxRadius = 0
    for (let innI = 0; innI < nAtoms; ++innI) {
      const rExt = (posRad[innI * itemSize + 3] += probeRadius)
      if (rExt > maxRadius) {
        maxRadius = rExt
      r2[innI] = rExt * rExt


    lastClip = -1

  function singleAtomObscures(ai, innX, innY, innZ) {
    const innCI = itemSize * ai
    const ra2 = r2[ai]
    const dx = posRad[innCI] - innX
    const dy = posRad[innCI + 1] - innY
    const dz = posRad[innCI + 2] - innZ
    const d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz

    return d2 < ra2

  function obscured(innX, innY, innZ, a, b) {
    // Is the point at x,y,z obscured by any of the atoms
    // specifeid by indices in neighbours. Ignore indices
    // a and b (these are the relevant atoms in projectPoints/Torii)

    // Cache the last clipped atom (as very often the same one in
    // subsequent calls)
    let ai

    if (lastClip !== -1) {
      ai = lastClip
      if (ai !== a && ai !== b && singleAtomObscures(ai, innX, innY, innZ)) {
        return ai
      lastClip = -1

    let ni = 0
    ai = neighbours[ni]
    while (ai >= 0) {
      if (ai !== a && ai !== b && singleAtomObscures(ai, innX, innY, innZ)) {
        lastClip = ai
        return ai
      ai = neighbours[++ni]

    lastClip = -1

    return -1

  function projectPoints() {
    // For each atom:
    //     Iterate over a subsection of the grid, for each point:
    //         If current value < 0.0, unvisited, set positive
    //         In any case: Project this point onto surface of the atomic sphere
    //         If this projected point is not obscured by any other atom
    //             Calcualte delta distance and set grid value to minimum of
    //             itself and delta

    // Should we alias frequently accessed closure constiables??
    // Assume JS engine capable of optimizing this
    // anyway...
    const maxRad = 4.0
    const sigma = maxRad / 3
    const sigma2Inv = 1 / (2 * sigma * sigma)

    for (let innI = 0; innI < nAtoms; innI++) {
      const innCI = itemSize * innI
      const ax = posRad[innCI]
      const ay = posRad[innCI + 1]
      const az = posRad[innCI + 2]
      const ar = posRad[innCI + 3]
      const ar2 = r2[innI]

      hash.withinRadii(ax, ay, az, ar, neighbours)

      // Number of grid points, round this up...
      const ng = Math.ceil(ar * scaleFactor)

      // Center of the atom, mapped to grid points (take floor)
      const iax = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (ax - min[0]))
      const iay = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (ay - min[1]))
      const iaz = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (az - min[2]))

      // Extents of grid to consider for this atom
      const minx = Math.max(0, iax - ng)
      const miny = Math.max(0, iay - ng)
      const minz = Math.max(0, iaz - ng)

      // Add two to these points:
      // - iax are floor'd values so this ensures coverage
      // - these are loop limits (exclusive)
      const maxx = Math.min(dim[0], iax + ng + 2)
      const maxy = Math.min(dim[1], iay + ng + 2)
      const maxz = Math.min(dim[2], iaz + ng + 2)

      const colIdx = innI * 3
      const cr = colors[colIdx]
      const cg = colors[colIdx + 1]
      const cb = colors[colIdx + 2]

      for (let iz = minz; iz < maxz; iz++) {
        const dz = gridz[iz] - az
        const zOffset = dim[1] * dim[0] * iz

        for (let iy = miny; iy < maxy; iy++) {
          const dy = gridy[iy] - ay
          const dzy2 = dz * dz + dy * dy
          const zyOffset = zOffset + dim[0] * iy

          for (let ix = minx; ix < maxx; ix++) {
            const idx = ix + zyOffset
            const dx = gridx[ix] - ax
            const d2 = dzy2 + dx * dx

            if (d2 < ar2) {
              const w = Math.exp(-d2 * sigma2Inv)
              const cIdx = idx * 3
              volTex[cIdx] += cr * w
              volTex[cIdx + 1] += cg * w
              volTex[cIdx + 2] += cb * w
              weights[idx] += w
              if (visibilitySelector !== null && w > weightsMap[idx]) {
                weightsMap[idx] = w
                atomMap[idx] = atoms[innI]

              if (grid[idx] < 0.0) {
                // Unvisited, make positive
                grid[idx] = -grid[idx]
              // Project on to the surface of the sphere
              // sp is the projected point ( dx, dy, dz ) * ( ra / d )
              const d = Math.sqrt(d2)
              const ap = ar / d
              let spx = dx * ap
              let spy = dy * ap
              let spz = dz * ap

              spx += ax
              spy += ay
              spz += az

              if (obscured(spx, spy, spz, innI, -1) === -1) {
                const dd = ar - d
                if (dd < grid[idx]) {
                  grid[idx] = dd

  function normalToLine(out, p) {
    out.x = out.y = out.z = 1.0
    if (p.x !== 0) {
      out.x = (p.y + p.z) / -p.x
    } else if (p.y !== 0) {
      out.y = (p.x + p.z) / -p.y
    } else if (p.z !== 0) {
      out.z = (p.x + p.y) / -p.z
    return out

  function projectTorus(a, b) {
    const aIdx = itemSize * a
    const bIdx = itemSize * b
    const xa = posRad[aIdx]
    const ya = posRad[aIdx + 1]
    const za = posRad[aIdx + 2]
    const r1 = posRad[aIdx + 3]
    let dx = (mid.x = posRad[bIdx] - xa)
    let dy = (mid.y = posRad[bIdx + 1] - ya)
    let dz = (mid.z = posRad[bIdx + 2] - za)
    const innR2 = posRad[bIdx + 3]
    let d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz

    // This check now redundant as already done in AVHash.withinRadii
    // if( d2 > (( r1 + r2 ) * ( r1 + r2 )) ){ return; }

    const d = Math.sqrt(d2)

    // Find angle between a->b vector and the circle
    // of their intersection by cosine rule
    const cosA = (r1 * r1 + d * d - innR2 * innR2) / (2.0 * r1 * d)

    // distance along a->b at intersection
    const dmp = r1 * cosA


    // Create normal to line
    normalToLine(n1, mid)

    // Cross together for second normal vector
    n2.crossVectors(mid, n1)

    // r is radius of circle of intersection
    const rInt = Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 - dmp * dmp)


    mid.x += xa
    mid.y += ya
    mid.z += za

    lastClip = -1

    const ng = ngTorus

    for (let innI = 0; innI < probePositions; innI++) {
      const cost = cosTable[innI]
      const sint = sinTable[innI]

      const px = mid.x + cost * n1.x + sint * n2.x
      const py = mid.y + cost * n1.y + sint * n2.y
      const pz = mid.z + cost * n1.z + sint * n2.z

      if (obscured(px, py, pz, a, b) === -1) {
        // As above, iterate over our grid...
        // px, py, pz in grid coords
        const iax = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (px - min[0]))
        const iay = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (py - min[1]))
        const iaz = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (pz - min[2]))

        const minx = Math.max(0, iax - ng)
        const miny = Math.max(0, iay - ng)
        const minz = Math.max(0, iaz - ng)

        const maxx = Math.min(dim[0], iax + ng + 2)
        const maxy = Math.min(dim[1], iay + ng + 2)
        const maxz = Math.min(dim[2], iaz + ng + 2)

        for (let iz = minz; iz < maxz; iz++) {
          dz = pz - gridz[iz]
          const zOffset = dim[1] * dim[0] * iz
          for (let iy = miny; iy < maxy; iy++) {
            dy = py - gridy[iy]
            const dzy2 = dz * dz + dy * dy
            const zyOffset = zOffset + dim[0] * iy
            for (let ix = minx; ix < maxx; ix++) {
              dx = px - gridx[ix]
              d2 = dzy2 + dx * dx
              const idx = ix + zyOffset
              const current = grid[idx]

              if (current > 0.0 && d2 < current * current) {
                grid[idx] = Math.sqrt(d2)

  function projectTorii() {
    for (let innI = 0; innI < nAtoms; innI++) {
      const innIdx = itemSize * innI
        posRad[innIdx + 1],
        posRad[innIdx + 2],
        posRad[innIdx + 3],
      let ia = 0
      let ni = neighbours[ia]
      while (ni >= 0) {
        if (innI < ni) {
          projectTorus(innI, ni)
        ni = neighbours[++ia]

  function fixNegatives() {
    for (let innI = 0, n = grid.length; innI < n; innI++) {
      if (grid[innI] < 0) grid[innI] = 0
      let w = weights[innI]
      if (w > 0) {
        w = 1 / w
        const innInnI = innI * 3
        volTex[innInnI] *= w
        volTex[innInnI + 1] *= w
        volTex[innInnI + 2] *= w

  function getVolume() {
    // Basic steps are:
    // 1) Initialize
    // 2) Project points
    // 3) Project torii



  } = function () {
    // type and cutoff left in for compatibility with EDTSurface.getSurface
    // function signature
    this.volTexMap = volTex
    this.weightsMap = weightsMap
    this.atomMap = atomMap
    this.volMap = grid
export default ContactSurface