

3 days
Test Coverage
import utils from '../../utils'
import { Vector3 } from 'three'

// suppress some JSHint warnings
/* jshint bitwise: false */

 * Build normals for isosurface, using atoms information
 * @param {number} numAtoms     - Number of atoms in molecule
 * @param {Element} atoms      - Array of atoms
 * @param {Vector3} vBoxMin     - Bounding box min
 * @param {Vector3} vBoxMax     - Bounding box max
 * @param {number} probeRadius     - Normals for output
class IsosurfaceBuildNormals {
  constructor(numAtoms, atoms, vBoxMin, vBoxMax, probeRadius) {
    this._numAtoms = numAtoms
    this._atoms = atoms
    this._vBoxMin = new Vector3()
    this._vBoxMax = new Vector3()
    this._probeRadius = probeRadius

    this._atomsList = null
    this._voxelList = null

  createVoxels() {
    let numAtomsRefs
    let rad
    const ATOM_VOXEL_REF_SCALE = 4.5

    const numAtoms = this._numAtoms | 0
    const atoms = this._atoms
    const dx = this._vBoxMax.x - this._vBoxMin.x
    const dy = this._vBoxMax.y - this._vBoxMin.y
    const dz = this._vBoxMax.z - this._vBoxMin.z
    let w = dx < dy ? dx : dy
    w = dz < w ? dz : w
    let maxRad = 0.0
    let aveRad = 0.0

    let i
    for (i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) {
      rad = (atoms[i].radius + this._probeRadius) * 2.0
      maxRad = rad > maxRad ? rad : maxRad
      aveRad += rad
    let numCells = Math.floor(w / maxRad)
    if (numCells < 2) {
      numCells = 2
    aveRad /= numAtoms

    this._numCells = numCells
    this._aveRad = aveRad
    this._maxRad = maxRad

    const side = numCells
    const side2 = numCells * numCells
    const side3 = numCells * numCells * numCells

    const xScale = (this._xScale = 1.0 / (this._vBoxMax.x - this._vBoxMin.x))
    const yScale = (this._yScale = 1.0 / (this._vBoxMax.y - this._vBoxMin.y))
    const zScale = (this._zScale = 1.0 / (this._vBoxMax.z - this._vBoxMin.z))

    // estimate number of individual atom refs in each voxel list
    let maxAtomsRefs = 0

    const xNumVoxMult = xScale * numCells
    const yNumVoxMult = yScale * numCells
    const zNumVoxMult = zScale * numCells

    for (i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) {
      const radAffect =
        (atoms[i].radius + this._probeRadius) * ATOM_VOXEL_REF_SCALE
      const diaAffect = radAffect * 2.0
      let numVoxX = Math.floor(xNumVoxMult * diaAffect + 0.8)
      let numVoxY = Math.floor(yNumVoxMult * diaAffect + 0.8)
      let numVoxZ = Math.floor(zNumVoxMult * diaAffect + 0.8)
      // avoid case numVox? == 0
      // also use loop i <=
      maxAtomsRefs += numVoxX * numVoxY * numVoxZ
    } // for (i)
    // maxAtomsRefs = numAtoms * MAX_ATOMS_IN_SINGLE_VOXEL;

    this._voxelList = utils.allocateTyped(Int32Array, side3)
    const atomsList = []
    atomsList.length = maxAtomsRefs
    if (this._voxelList === null || atomsList === null) {
      return 0 - 1
    // init voxel list
    for (i = 0; i < side3; i++) {
      this._voxelList[i] = -1
    numAtomsRefs = 0

    // create voxel lists
    for (i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) {
      // use multiplier 4 to locate this atom in different voxels
      rad = (atoms[i].radius + this._probeRadius) * ATOM_VOXEL_REF_SCALE
      let xIndMin = Math.floor(
        (atoms[i].coord.x - this._vBoxMin.x - rad) * numCells * xScale
      let yIndMin = Math.floor(
        (atoms[i].coord.y - this._vBoxMin.y - rad) * numCells * yScale
      let zIndMin = Math.floor(
        (atoms[i].coord.z - this._vBoxMin.z - rad) * numCells * zScale
      let xIndMax = Math.floor(
        (atoms[i].coord.x - this._vBoxMin.x + rad) * numCells * xScale
      let yIndMax = Math.floor(
        (atoms[i].coord.y - this._vBoxMin.y + rad) * numCells * yScale
      let zIndMax = Math.floor(
        (atoms[i].coord.z - this._vBoxMin.z + rad) * numCells * zScale

      xIndMin = xIndMin >= 0 ? xIndMin : 0
      yIndMin = yIndMin >= 0 ? yIndMin : 0
      zIndMin = zIndMin >= 0 ? zIndMin : 0

      xIndMax = xIndMax < numCells ? xIndMax : numCells - 1
      yIndMax = yIndMax < numCells ? yIndMax : numCells - 1
      zIndMax = zIndMax < numCells ? zIndMax : numCells - 1

      for (let z = zIndMin; z <= zIndMax; z++) {
        for (let y = yIndMin; y <= yIndMax; y++) {
          for (let x = xIndMin; x <= xIndMax; x++) {
            // add atom with index "i" to this voxel list
            const indVoxel = x + y * side + z * side2
            // assert indVoxel >= 0
            // assert indVoxel < side3

            // add first
            if (this._voxelList[indVoxel] < 0) {
              atomsList[numAtomsRefs * 2 + 0] = i
              atomsList[numAtomsRefs * 2 + 1] = 0 - 1
              this._voxelList[indVoxel] = numAtomsRefs
              // assert numAtomsRefs < maxAtomsRefs - 1
            // insert into head of list
            const indexNext = this._voxelList[indVoxel]
            this._voxelList[indVoxel] = numAtomsRefs
            atomsList[numAtomsRefs * 2 + 0] = i
            atomsList[numAtomsRefs * 2 + 1] = indexNext
          } // for (x)
        } // for (y)
      } // for (z)
    } // for (i)

    // convert Array to Int32Array
    this._atomsList = Int32Array.from(atomsList)

    return 0

  destroyVoxels() {
    this._atomsList = null
    this._voxelList = null

    this._atoms = null
    this._vertices = null
    this._vBoxMin = null
    this._vBoxMax = null

   * Enumerate all atoms affecting specified point
   * @param {Vector3}    point    - point in 3D
   * @param {func(atom)} process  - function to call for each atom
  forEachRelatedAtom(point, process) {
    // find corresponding voxel
    const xInd = Math.floor(
      (point.x - this._vBoxMin.x) * this._numCells * this._xScale
    const yInd = Math.floor(
      (point.y - this._vBoxMin.y) * this._numCells * this._yScale
    const zInd = Math.floor(
      (point.z - this._vBoxMin.z) * this._numCells * this._zScale
    const indVoxel =
      xInd + yInd * this._numCells + zInd * this._numCells * this._numCells

    // run through atoms affecting this voxel
    const atoms = this._atoms
    for (
      let ref = this._voxelList[indVoxel];
      ref >= 0;
      ref = this._atomsList[ref * 2 + 1]
    ) {
      const indexAtom = this._atomsList[ref * 2]

   * Get atom closest to specified point
   * @param {Vector3} point  - point in 3D
   * @returns {IsoSurfaceAtomColored} atom, or null if not found
  getClosestAtom(point) {
    let closest = null
    let minDist2 = Number.MAX_VALUE

    this.forEachRelatedAtom(point, (atom) => {
      const dist2 = point.distanceToSquared(atom.coord)
      if (dist2 < minDist2) {
        minDist2 = dist2
        closest = atom

    return closest

   * Build normals for isosurface, using atoms information
   * @param {number} numVertices  - Number of vertices in final geometry (to render)
   * @param {Vector3} vertices    - Geometry vertices (3d coordinates array)
   * @param {Vector3} normals     - Normals for output
   * @returns {number} 0, if success
  buildNormals(numVertices, vertices, normals) {
    const self = this
    let numCloseAtoms = 0
    let vx = 0
    let vy = 0
    let vz = 0
    let dist2
    let vNormalX = 0
    let vNormalY = 0
    let vNormalZ = 0
    let koef = 0
    let w = 0
    const r25 = 2.5
    const r01 = 0.1

    const maxRadAffect = this._aveRad * r25
    const maxRadAffect2 = maxRadAffect * maxRadAffect
    const expScale = -this._aveRad * r01

    // some stats
    // numSlowAtoms = 0;

    const gatherNormals = function (atom) {
      const dx = vx - atom.coord.x
      const dy = vy - atom.coord.y
      const dz = vz - atom.coord.z
      dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
      if (dist2 > maxRadAffect2) {

      // get weight for gaussian smoothing
      const rad = atom.radius + self._probeRadius
      koef = dist2 - rad * rad
      if (koef < 0.0) {
        koef = -koef
      w = Math.exp(expScale * koef)

      vNormalX += dx * w
      vNormalY += dy * w
      vNormalZ += dz * w

    let maxClosedAtoms = 0
    // process all vertices, one by one
    for (let i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
      vx = vertices[i].x
      vy = vertices[i].y
      vz = vertices[i].z

      numCloseAtoms = 0
      vNormalX = vNormalY = vNormalZ = 0.0

      this.forEachRelatedAtom(vertices[i], gatherNormals)

      maxClosedAtoms =
        numCloseAtoms > maxClosedAtoms ? numCloseAtoms : maxClosedAtoms

      // normalize vNormal
      dist2 = vNormalX * vNormalX + vNormalY * vNormalY + vNormalZ * vNormalZ
      if (numCloseAtoms > 0) {
        koef = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(dist2)
        vNormalX *= koef
        vNormalY *= koef
        vNormalZ *= koef
      normals[i].x = vNormalX
      normals[i].y = vNormalY
      normals[i].z = vNormalZ
    } // for (i) all vertices

    return 0

   * Build vertex colors for isosurface, using atoms information
   * @param {number} numVertices  - Number of vertices in final geometry (to render)
   * @param {Vector3} vertices    - Geometry vertices (3d coordinates array)
   * @param {Vector3} colors                - Colors for output
   * @param {number} radiusColorSmoothness  - Radius of smoothness sphere
   * @returns {number} 0, if success
  buildColors(numVertices, vertices, colors, radiusColorSmoothness) {
    const self = this
    let vx = 0.0
    let vy = 0.0
    let vz = 0.0
    let koef = 0.0
    let w = 0.0
    const KOEF_ADD = 0.8

    const maxRadAffect = radiusColorSmoothness
    const maxRadAffect2 = maxRadAffect * maxRadAffect

    let colorsClose = []
    let weights = []
    let weightsSum = 0

    const gatherColors = function (atom) {
      const dx = vx - atom.coord.x
      const dy = vy - atom.coord.y
      const dz = vz - atom.coord.z
      const dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
      if (dist2 > maxRadAffect2) {

      // get weight for gaussian smoothing
      const rad = atom.radius + self._probeRadius
      koef = dist2 - rad * rad
      if (koef < 0.0) {
        koef = -koef
      w = 1.0 / (KOEF_ADD + koef)

      colorsClose.push([atom.colorX, atom.colorY, atom.colorZ])
      weights.push(w) // save weights for use
      weightsSum += w // calc sum of weights fo further normalization

    // process all vertices, one by one
    for (let i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
      vx = vertices[i].x
      vy = vertices[i].y
      vz = vertices[i].z

      colorsClose = []
      weights = []
      weightsSum = 0

      this.forEachRelatedAtom(vertices[i], gatherColors)

      // normalized weighted sum of colors
      for (let j = 0; j < colorsClose.length; ++j) {
        const weightNormalized = weights[j] / weightsSum
        colors[i].x += colorsClose[j][0] * weightNormalized
        colors[i].y += colorsClose[j][1] * weightNormalized
        colors[i].z += colorsClose[j][2] * weightNormalized
    } // for (i) all vertices
    return 0
export default IsosurfaceBuildNormals