

1 wk
Test Coverage
import IsoSurfaceGeometry from './IsoSurfaceGeometry'
import IsoSurfaceAtomColored from './IsoSurfaceAtomColored'
import IsosurfaceBuildNormals from './IsosurfaceBuildNormals'
import IsoSurfaceMarchCube from './IsoSurfaceMarchCube'
import IsoSurfaceGeo from './IsoSurfaceGeo'
import chem from '../../chem'
import utils from '../../utils'
import { BufferAttribute, Vector3 } from 'three'

const COLOR_SIZE = 3
const HASH_SIZE = 32768
const { Element } = chem

 * This class implements 'quick' isosurface geometry generation algorithm.
 * @param spheresCount - number of atoms/spheres
 * @param opts - geometry specific options
 * @constructor

class SSIsosurfaceGeometry extends IsoSurfaceGeometry {
  _build() {
    // convert geoOut into arrays of positions, indices, normals
    const geoOut = this.getGeo()

  _fromGeo(geoOut) {
    let colors = null
    const positions = utils.allocateTyped(
      (1 + 2) * geoOut._numVertices
    const normals = utils.allocateTyped(
      (1 + 2) * geoOut._numVertices
    if (geoOut._colors !== null) {
      colors = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, (1 + 2) * geoOut._numVertices)
    const indices = utils.allocateTyped(
      (1 + 2) * geoOut._numTriangles

    for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < geoOut._numVertices; i++) {
      positions[j + 0] = geoOut._vertices[i].x
      positions[j + 1] = geoOut._vertices[i].y
      positions[j + 2] = geoOut._vertices[i].z
      normals[j + 0] = geoOut._normals[i].x
      normals[j + 1] = geoOut._normals[i].y
      normals[j + 2] = geoOut._normals[i].z
      j += 3
    if (colors !== null) {
      for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < geoOut._numVertices; i++, j += 3) {
        colors[j + 0] = geoOut._colors[i].x
        colors[j + 1] = geoOut._colors[i].y
        colors[j + 2] = geoOut._colors[i].z

    const numTri3 = geoOut._numTriangles * (1 + 2)
    for (let i = 0; i < numTri3; i++) {
      indices[i] = geoOut._indices[i]

    this.setIndex(new BufferAttribute(indices, 1))
    this.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(positions, 3))
    this.setAttribute('normal', new BufferAttribute(normals, 3))
    this.setAttribute('color', new BufferAttribute(colors, 3))


  convertToAtomsColored(packedArrays, atomsColored) {
    const { atoms, colors } = packedArrays
    for (let i = 0, numAtoms = atoms.length; i < numAtoms; i++) {
      const vCenter = atoms[i].position
      const { radius } = atoms[i].element
      atomsColored[i] = new IsoSurfaceAtomColored(vCenter, radius)
      const nm = atoms[i].element.number
      atomsColored[i].atomType = this.getType(nm)
      let cIdx = COLOR_SIZE * i
      atomsColored[i].colorX = colors[cIdx++]
      atomsColored[i].colorY = colors[cIdx++]
      atomsColored[i].colorZ = colors[cIdx]
      atomsColored[i].srcAtom = atoms[i]

  getGeo() {
    return this.geoOut

  destroy() {
    this.atoms = null

    this.hashLines = null
    this.hashEntries = null

   * Calculates bounding box for array with spheres (atoms)
   * @param {Object}  atoms      Atoms array
   * @param {Vector3} vBoxMin    Bounding box min point
   * @param {Vector3} vBoxMax    Bounding box max point
  getBoundingBox(atoms, vBoxMin, vBoxMax) {
    const bigNum = 10000000.0

    vBoxMin.x = vBoxMin.y = vBoxMin.z = bigNum
    vBoxMax.x = vBoxMax.y = vBoxMax.z = 0 - bigNum

    const probeRadius2 = this.probeRadius * this.atomRadiusScale
    let radMax = 0.0
    for (let i = 0, num = atoms.length; i < num; i++) {
      const vCenter = atoms[i].coord
      const rad = atoms[i].radius + probeRadius2
      radMax = rad > radMax ? rad : radMax
      if (vCenter.x - rad < vBoxMin.x) {
        vBoxMin.x = vCenter.x - rad
      if (vCenter.y - rad < vBoxMin.y) {
        vBoxMin.y = vCenter.y - rad
      if (vCenter.z - rad < vBoxMin.z) {
        vBoxMin.z = vCenter.z - rad
      if (vCenter.x + rad > vBoxMax.x) {
        vBoxMax.x = vCenter.x + rad
      if (vCenter.y + rad > vBoxMax.y) {
        vBoxMax.y = vCenter.y + rad
      if (vCenter.z + rad > vBoxMax.z) {
        vBoxMax.z = vCenter.z + rad
    vBoxMin.x -= radMax
    vBoxMin.y -= radMax
    vBoxMin.z -= radMax
    vBoxMax.x += radMax
    vBoxMax.y += radMax
    vBoxMax.z += radMax

   * Calculate (x,y,z) cordinate of the cell corner point
   * @param {Vector3} vBoxMin Bounding box min point
   * @param {Vector3} vBoxMax Bounding box max point
   * @param {number} x Cell integer x coordinate
   * @param {number} y Cell integer y coordinate
   * @param {number} z Cell integer z coordinate
   * @param {number} numPoints NUm points in cell on side
   * @param {Vector3} vOut Output vector
  getCornerCoord(vBoxMin, vBoxMax, x, y, z, numPoints, vOut) {
    const invNP = 1.0 / (numPoints - 1.0)
    const tx = x * invNP
    const ty = y * invNP
    const tz = z * invNP

    vOut.x = vBoxMin.x * (1.0 - tx) + vBoxMax.x * tx
    vOut.y = vBoxMin.y * (1.0 - ty) + vBoxMax.y * ty
    vOut.z = vBoxMin.z * (1.0 - tz) + vBoxMax.z * tz

   * Calculate point of intersection of sphere surface
   * and cell edge, given by [indexA, indexB] line
   * @param {number} indexA Cell vertex index in [0..11]
   * @param {number} indexB Cell vertex index in [0..11]
   * @param {array}  sign   Sign array for all 8 vertices
   * @param {object} cube   Cube
   * @param {number} indexPointValue for value placement
   * @param {Vector3} vOut  Point of intersection
  buildEdgePoint(indexA, indexB, sign, cube, indexPointValue, vOut) {
    if (sign[indexA] ^ sign[indexB]) {
      const cTwentyFour = 24
      const a =
        0 - cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + cTwentyFour + indexA]
      const b = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + cTwentyFour + indexB]
      const c = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + cTwentyFour + indexA]
      const t = a / (b - c)
      const xa = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + indexA * (2 + 1) + 0]
      const ya = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + indexA * (2 + 1) + 1]
      const za = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + indexA * (2 + 1) + 2]
      const xb = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + indexB * (2 + 1) + 0]
      const yb = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + indexB * (2 + 1) + 1]
      const zb = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indexPointValue + indexB * (2 + 1) + 2]

      vOut.x = xa * (1.0 - t) + xb * t
      vOut.y = ya * (1.0 - t) + yb * t
      vOut.z = za * (1.0 - t) + zb * t

   * Check if triangle is visible (vertices are close to atoms included in visibility set)
   * @param {Vector3} v0 Vertex #0
   * @param {Vector3} v1 Vertex #1
   * @param {Vector3} v2 Vertex #2
   * @returns {boolean} true if triangle is visible
  isTriangleVisible(v0, v1, v2) {
    const a0 = this.voxelWorld.getClosestAtom(v0)
    const a1 = this.voxelWorld.getClosestAtom(v1)
    const a2 = this.voxelWorld.getClosestAtom(v2)
    if (
      a0 === null ||
      a1 === null ||
      a2 === null ||
      a0.srcAtom === null ||
      a1.srcAtom === null ||
      a2.srcAtom === null
    ) {
      return false

    return (
      this.visibilitySelector.includesAtom(a0.srcAtom) &&
      this.visibilitySelector.includesAtom(a1.srcAtom) &&

   * Add triangle to result geometry
   * @param {Vector3} v0 Vertex #0
   * @param {Vector3} v1 Vertex #1
   * @param {Vector3} v2 Vertex #2
   * @returns {boolean} false if no more triangles can be added
  addTriangle(v0, v1, v2) {
    if (this.visibilitySelector && !this.isTriangleVisible(v0, v1, v2)) {
      return true

    const geo = this.geoOut

    if (geo._numTriangles >= this.maxNumTriangles) {
      return false

    // Add vertex with optimize
    const indInGeo0 = this.addVertexToGeo(geo, v0)
    const indInGeo1 = this.addVertexToGeo(geo, v1)
    const indInGeo2 = this.addVertexToGeo(geo, v2)
    if ((indInGeo0 | indInGeo1 | indInGeo2) < 0) {
      return false

    const itr = 3 * geo._numTriangles
    geo._indices[itr + 0] = indInGeo0
    geo._indices[itr + 1] = indInGeo1
    geo._indices[itr + 2] = indInGeo2
    return true

   * Build result geometry (triangle mesh) from marching cube cells
   * @param {number} meshRes Marchnig cube vertex count on each side
   * @param {Vector3} vBoxMin Bounding box point min
   * @param {Vector3} vBoxMax Bounding box point max
   * @param {number} corners float values array for each cube point
   * @param {Vector3} vCellStep vector to next cube cell diagonal point
   * @param {object} cube IsoSurfaceMarchCube object
   * @returns {number} 0, if success (<0) is error
  buildGeoFromCorners(meshRes, vBoxMin, vBoxMax, corners, vCellStep, cube) {
    const arrSize = 12
    const cNumVerts = 8
    const numCells = meshRes - 1
    const side = meshRes
    const side2 = meshRes * meshRes

    const vaEdges = new Array(arrSize)
    for (let i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) {
      vaEdges[i] = new Vector3()
    const sign = []
    for (let i = 0; i < cNumVerts; i++) {
      sign[i] = 1.0
    const vCorner = new Vector3()
    let indCell = 0
    let indY = 0
    for (let y = 0; y < numCells; y++, indY += side2) {
      let indZ = 0
      for (let z = 0; z < numCells; z++, indZ += side) {
        for (let x = 0; x < numCells; x++) {
          if (!cube.hasIntersection[indCell]) {
            // next cell
          const bitsInside = cube.bitsInside[indCell]

          this.getCornerCoord(vBoxMin, vBoxMax, x, y, z, meshRes, vCorner)

          const indPointValues = indCell * (2 << (2 + 2))
          for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < cNumVerts; i++) {
            cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + j++] = vCorner.x
            cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + j++] = vCorner.y
            cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + j++] = vCorner.z

          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 3] += vCellStep.x
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 2 * 3] += vCellStep.x
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 5 * 3] += vCellStep.x
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 6 * 3] += vCellStep.x

          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 2 * 3 + 2] += vCellStep.z
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 3 * 3 + 2] += vCellStep.z
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 6 * 3 + 2] += vCellStep.z
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 7 * 3 + 2] += vCellStep.z

          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 4 * 3 + 1] += vCellStep.y
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 5 * 3 + 1] += vCellStep.y
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 6 * 3 + 1] += vCellStep.y
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[indPointValues + 7 * 3 + 1] += vCellStep.y

          // now current cell has intersections (from -x to +x) on some cube edges
          const indValues = indPointValues + 24
          for (let i = 0; i < cNumVerts; ++i) {
            sign[i] = cube.pointsValuesLinear[indValues + i] < 0.0 ? 1 : 0

          this.buildEdgePoint(0, 1, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[0])
          this.buildEdgePoint(1, 2, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[1])
          this.buildEdgePoint(2, 3, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[2])
          this.buildEdgePoint(3, 0, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[3])

          this.buildEdgePoint(4, 5, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[4])
          this.buildEdgePoint(5, 6, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[5])
          this.buildEdgePoint(6, 7, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[6])
          this.buildEdgePoint(7, 4, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[7])

          this.buildEdgePoint(0, 4, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[8])
          this.buildEdgePoint(1, 5, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[9])
          this.buildEdgePoint(2, 6, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[10])
          this.buildEdgePoint(3, 7, sign, cube, indPointValues, vaEdges[11])

          const offs = bitsInside * (2 << (1 + 2))
          for (
            let numTri = 0, indTri = 0;
            numTri < 2 + 2 + 2;
            numTri++, indTri += 3
          ) {
            // s_triIndicesMarchCube is external array, defined in mold_ind.js
            const i0 = cube.striIndicesMarchCube[offs + indTri]
            if (i0 < 0) {
            const i1 = cube.striIndicesMarchCube[offs + indTri + 1]
            const i2 = cube.striIndicesMarchCube[offs + indTri + 2]

            if (!this.addTriangle(vaEdges[i0], vaEdges[i1], vaEdges[i2])) {
              return 0 - 2
          } // for numTri

          // next cell (cube)
        } // for (x)
      } // for (z)
    } // for (y)
    return 0

   * Returns number of cell with intersection with at least one sphere.
   * Using this number, we can estimate required number of vertices
   * and triangles to build result mesh.
   * @param {number} side Number of points in cube voxels
   * @param {number} numCells Number of cells in cube voxels (per direction)
   * @param {array} corners Array of float values for cube corner points
   * @param {object} cube IsoSurfaceMarchCube object
   * @returns {number} numIntersectedCells
  getNumIntersectedCells(side, numCells, corners, cube) {
    const side2 = side * side
    const cNumVerts = 8
    let numIntersectedCells = 0

    let indCell = 0
    let indY = 0
    for (let y = 0; y < numCells; y++, indY += side2) {
      let indZ = 0
      for (let z = 0; z < numCells; z++, indZ += side) {
        for (let x = 0; x < numCells; x++) {
          const cubeValuesIndex = indCell * (2 << (2 + 2)) + 24
          const indCorner = x + indZ + indY

          cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex] = corners[indCorner]
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex + 1] = corners[indCorner + 1]
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex + 2] =
            corners[indCorner + side + 1]
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex + 3] =
            corners[indCorner + side]
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex + 4] =
            corners[side2 + indCorner]
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex + 5] =
            corners[side2 + indCorner + 1]
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex + 6] =
            corners[side2 + indCorner + side + 1]
          cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex + 7] =
            corners[side2 + indCorner + side]

          // check read exception
          // assert(side2 + indCorner + side + 1 < side3);

          // get bit flags inside
          let bitsInside = 0
          for (let i = 0; i < cNumVerts; ++i) {
            if (cube.pointsValuesLinear[cubeValuesIndex + i] < 0.0) {
              bitsInside |= 1 << i

          if (bitsInside === 0 || bitsInside === (1 << cNumVerts) - 1) {
            cube.hasIntersection[indCell] = false
          } else {
            cube.hasIntersection[indCell] = true
          cube.bitsInside[indCell] = bitsInside
          // next cell
        } // for (x)
      } // for (z)
    } // for (y)
    return numIntersectedCells

  getType(letter) {
    /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
    const atomT = [
      0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 6, 3, 6, 4, 6, 5, 6, 6, 0, 7, 3, 8, 2, 9, 6, 10, 6, 11, 6,
      12, 6, 13, 6, 14, 6, 15, 4, 16, 5, 17, 6, 18, 6, 19, 6, 20, 6, 21, 6, 22,
      6, 23, 6, 24, 6, 25, 6, 26, 6, 27, 6, 28, 6, 29, 6, 30, 6, 31, 6, 32, 6,
      33, 6, 34, 6, 35, 6, 36, 6, 37, 6, 38, 6, 39, 6, 40, 6, 41, 6, 42, 6, 43,
      6, 44, 6, 45, 6, 46, 6, 47, 6, 48, 6, 49, 6, 50, 6, 51, 6, 52, 6, 53, 6,
      54, 6, 55, 6, 56, 6, 57, 6, 58, 6, 59, 6, 60, 6, 61, 6, 62, 6, 63, 6, 64,
      6, 65, 6, 66, 6, 67, 6, 68, 6, 69, 6, 70, 6, 71, 6, 72, 6, 73, 6, 74, 6,
      75, 6, 76, 6, 77, 6, 78, 6, 79, 6, 80, 6, 81, 6, 82, 6, 83, 6, 84, 6, 85,
      6, 86, 6, 87, 6, 88, 6, 89, 6, 90, 6, 91, 6, 92, 6, 93, 6, 94, 6, 95, 6,
      96, 6, 97, 6, 98, 6, 99, 6, 100, 6, 101, 6, 102, 6, 103, 6, 104, 6, 105,
      6, 106, 6, 107, 6, 108, 6, 109, 6
    /* eslint-enable no-magic-numbers */

    if (
      letter < 1 ||
      letter > atomT.length / 2 ||
      Object.keys(Element.ByAtomicNumber).length * 2 !== atomT.length
    ) {
      throw new Error(
        'atomT.length  should be equal Element.ByAtomicNumber.length * 2'
    return atomT[letter * 2]

   * Calculate values for marching cube grid points
   * positive values are outside sphere, negative - is inside
   * @param {array} corners array of float values
   * @param {number} side Number of point in cube in 1 dimennsion
   * @param {Vector3} vBoxMin Bounding box min point
   * @param {Vector3} vBoxMax Bounding box max point
   * @param {array} atoms Array of input atoms
   * @param {number} probeRad radius for atom probing
  calculateGridCorners(corners, side, vBoxMin, vBoxMax, atoms, probeRad) {
    const side2 = side * side
    const side3 = side2 * side
    const vCorner = new Vector3()
    const vDif = new Vector3()
    /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
    const aLot = +1.0e12
    /* eslint-enable no-magic-numbers */

    for (let i = 0; i < side3; i++) {
      corners[i] = aLot // to large value

    const xScale = (side - 1) / (vBoxMax.x - vBoxMin.x)
    const yScale = (side - 1) / (vBoxMax.y - vBoxMin.y)
    const zScale = (side - 1) / (vBoxMax.z - vBoxMin.z)

    for (let s = 0, numAtoms = atoms.length; s < numAtoms; s++) {
      const atom = atoms[s]
      const radius = atom.radius + probeRad

      const fx = (atom.coord.x - radius - vBoxMin.x) * xScale
      const fy = (atom.coord.y - radius - vBoxMin.y) * yScale
      const fz = (atom.coord.z - radius - vBoxMin.z) * zScale

      const indXMin = Math.floor(fx)
      const indYMin = Math.floor(fy)
      const indZMin = Math.floor(fz)

      let indXMax = Math.floor((atom.coord.x + radius - vBoxMin.x) * xScale)
      let indYMax = Math.floor((atom.coord.y + radius - vBoxMin.y) * yScale)
      let indZMax = Math.floor((atom.coord.z + radius - vBoxMin.z) * zScale)

      indXMax = indXMax <= side - 1 ? indXMax : side - 1
      indYMax = indYMax <= side - 1 ? indYMax : side - 1
      indZMax = indZMax <= side - 1 ? indZMax : side - 1

      for (let y = indYMin; y <= indYMax; y++) {
        const indY = y * side2
        for (let z = indZMin; z <= indZMax; z++) {
          const indZ = z * side
          for (let x = indXMin; x <= indXMax; x++) {
            const ind = indY + indZ + x
            this.getCornerCoord(vBoxMin, vBoxMax, x, y, z, side, vCorner)
            vDif.x = vCorner.x - atom.coord.x
            vDif.y = vCorner.y - atom.coord.y
            vDif.z = vCorner.z - atom.coord.z
            const distToSphere = Math.sqrt(
              vDif.x * vDif.x + vDif.y * vDif.y + vDif.z * vDif.z
            // val: < 0, if inside sphere
            // val: > 0, if outside sphere
            const val = distToSphere - radius
            if (val < corners[ind]) {
              corners[ind] = val
          } // for (x)
        } // for (z)
      } // for (y)
    } // for (s)

   * Create memory pool for vertex hash management
   * @param {number} maxNumVertices Maximum possible number of vertices (that will be build)
   * @param {number} maxNumTriangles Maximum possible number of triangles (that will be build)
   * @returns {number} 0, if success. (<0) is non memory
  createVertexHash(maxNumVertices, maxNumTriangles) {
    this.hashLines = utils.allocateTyped(Int32Array, HASH_SIZE * 2)
    if (this.hashLines === null) {
      return 0 - 1
    for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) {
      this.hashLines[j++] = 0 // num vertices in this hash line
      this.hashLines[j++] = 0 - 1 // index of the first entry

    this.maxNumVertices = maxNumVertices
    this.maxNumTriangles = maxNumTriangles

    this.numHashEtriesAllocated = maxNumVertices
    this.hashEntries = utils.allocateTyped(
      2 * this.numHashEtriesAllocated
    if (this.hashEntries === null) {
      return 0 - 1
    for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < this.numHashEtriesAllocated; i++) {
      this.hashEntries[j++] = 0 - 1 // index of vertex
      this.hashEntries[j++] = 0 - 1 // next hash entry index
    this.numHashEntryIndex = 0
    return 0

   * Allocate and return new hash entry. Just check possible amount.
   * @returns {number} index of hash entry, that can be used for geometry add vertex functionality
  getNewHashEntry() {
    if (this.numHashEntryIndex < this.numHashEtriesAllocated) {
      const i = this.numHashEntryIndex
      return i
    return 0 - 1

   * Add vertex to geometry structure
   * using vertex hash table to quickly check, is this vertex already exist in geometry
   * @param {object} geoOut Geometry to build
   * @param {Vector3} vAdd Vertex to add
   * @returns {number} index of added (or existing) vertex in geometry.
  addVertexToGeo(geoOut, vAdd) {
    let entry
    const oneHynberes = 0.01
    const n815851 = 815851
    const n37633 = 37633
    const n2453543 = 2453543
    const r106 = 1.0e-6

    const hashResolution = this.marCubeResoultion << 2
    const v = new Vector3()
    const ix = Math.floor(
      (hashResolution * (vAdd.x - this.vBoxMin.x)) /
        (this.vBoxMax.x + oneHynberes - this.vBoxMin.x)
    const iy = Math.floor(
      (hashResolution * (vAdd.y - this.vBoxMin.y)) /
        (this.vBoxMax.y + oneHynberes - this.vBoxMin.y)
    const iz = Math.floor(
      (hashResolution * (vAdd.z - this.vBoxMin.z)) /
        (this.vBoxMax.z + oneHynberes - this.vBoxMin.z)
    let iHash = ix * n815851 + iz * n37633 + iy * n2453543
    iHash &= HASH_SIZE - 1
    const hLineIndex = iHash + iHash

    // search vertex via hash
    // search in hash list
    if (this.vBoxMin !== null && this.vBoxMax !== null) {
      for (
        entry = this.hashLines[hLineIndex + 1];
        entry >= 0;
        entry = this.hashEntries[entry * 2 + 1]
      ) {
        const ind = this.hashEntries[entry * 2 + 0] // vertex index
        v.x -= vAdd.x
        v.y -= vAdd.y
        v.z -= vAdd.z
        const dot2 = v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z
        if (dot2 < r106) {
          return ind
        } // if (found)
      } // for (entry)
    } // search

    // add new vertex to geometry
    if (geoOut._numVertices >= this.maxNumVertices) {
      return 0 - 1

    const iVertAdd = geoOut._numVertices

    // add to hash
    if (this.vBoxMin !== null && this.vBoxMax !== null) {
      entry = this.getNewHashEntry()
      if (entry < 0) {
        return 0 - 1
      const entryFirst = this.hashLines[hLineIndex + 1]
      this.hashLines[hLineIndex + 1] = entry
      this.hashEntries[entry * 2 + 0] = iVertAdd
      this.hashEntries[entry * 2 + 1] = entryFirst

      this.hashLines[hLineIndex + 0]++ // num vertices in line ++
    return iVertAdd

   * @param {number} side some placeholder description
   * @param {number} probeSphereRadius some placeholder description
   * @param {object} vBoxMin some placeholder description
   * @param {object} vBoxMax some placeholder description
   * @param {object} geoOut some placeholder description
   * @param {object} corners some placeholder description
   * @returns {number} always 0
  ) {
    let ind
    let distToSphere
    let distToBorder
    const r11 = 1.1

    function innerBlockWorkAround() {
      if (distToBorder > 0.0) {
        // point is inside probe sphere
        if (corners[ind] < 0.0) {
          corners[ind] = distToBorder // was inside surface, now is oustide ( > 0)
        if (distToBorder > corners[ind]) {
          corners[ind] = distToBorder // find positive maximum
      } else if (distToBorder > corners[ind]) {
        // point is outside sphere
        corners[ind] = distToBorder // find negative maximum

    const side2 = side * side
    const xScale = (side - 1) / (vBoxMax.x - vBoxMin.x)
    const yScale = (side - 1) / (vBoxMax.y - vBoxMin.y)
    const zScale = (side - 1) / (vBoxMax.z - vBoxMin.z)

    const probeSpRad2 = probeSphereRadius * 2 * (probeSphereRadius * 2)
    const sideInv = 1.0 / (side - 1)

    for (let i = 0; i < geoOut._numVertices; i++) {
      const vCenter = geoOut._vertices[i]

      const radEst = probeSphereRadius * r11

      let indXMin = Math.floor((vCenter.x - radEst - vBoxMin.x) * xScale)
      let indYMin = Math.floor((vCenter.y - radEst - vBoxMin.y) * yScale)
      let indZMin = Math.floor((vCenter.z - radEst - vBoxMin.z) * zScale)

      let indXMax = Math.floor((vCenter.x + radEst - vBoxMin.x) * xScale)
      let indYMax = Math.floor((vCenter.y + radEst - vBoxMin.y) * yScale)
      let indZMax = Math.floor((vCenter.z + radEst - vBoxMin.z) * zScale)

      indXMin = indXMin >= 0 ? indXMin : 0
      indYMin = indYMin >= 0 ? indYMin : 0
      indZMin = indZMin >= 0 ? indZMin : 0
      indXMax = indXMax <= side - 1 ? indXMax : side - 1
      indYMax = indYMax <= side - 1 ? indYMax : side - 1
      indZMax = indZMax <= side - 1 ? indZMax : side - 1

      for (let iy = indYMin; iy <= indYMax; iy++) {
        const indY = iy * side2
        for (let iz = indZMin; iz <= indZMax; iz++) {
          const indZ = iz * side
          for (let ix = indXMin; ix <= indXMax; ix++) {
            ind = indY + indZ + ix
            // getCornerCoord(vBoxMin, vBoxMax, ix, iy, iz, side, &vCorner);
            let t = ix * sideInv
            const xCorner = vBoxMin.x * (1.0 - t) + vBoxMax.x * t
            t = iy * sideInv
            const yCorner = vBoxMin.y * (1.0 - t) + vBoxMax.y * t
            t = iz * sideInv
            const zCorner = vBoxMin.z * (1.0 - t) + vBoxMax.z * t

            const dx = xCorner - vCenter.x
            const dy = yCorner - vCenter.y
            const dz = zCorner - vCenter.z
            const dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
            if (dist2 < probeSpRad2) {
              distToSphere = Math.sqrt(dist2)
              distToBorder = -(distToSphere - probeSphereRadius)
            } // if (dist from corner point to sphere center more 2 radiuses)
          } // for (ix)
        } // for (iz)
      } // for (iy)
    } // for (i) all geo vertices
    return 0

  _innerBuild() {
    let ok
    const expandFactor = 1.2

    // performance test
    // this.performanceTest();

    // Create temporary atoms (but colored)
    const packedArrays = {
      posRad: this._posRad,
      colors: this._colors,
      atoms: this._opts.atoms
    this.complex = this._opts.parent
    this.atoms = packedArrays.atoms
    this.meshResolution = this._opts.gridSpacing
    this.atomRadiusScale = this._opts.radScale
    this.colorMode = this._opts.colorMode
    this.probeRadius = this._opts.probeRadius
    this.useVertexColors = true
    this.excludeProbe = this._opts.excludeProbe
    this.visibilitySelector = this._opts.visibilitySelector

    this.geoOut = null

    this.hashLines = null
    this.hashEntries = null
    this.numHashEtriesAllocated = 0
    this.numHashEntryIndex = 0
    this.maxNumVertices = 0
    this.maxNumTriangles = 0

    const atomsColored = new Array(this.atoms.length)
    this.convertToAtomsColored(packedArrays, atomsColored)

    // find bbox for spheres scene
    const vBoxMin = (this.vBoxMin = new Vector3())
    const vBoxMax = (this.vBoxMax = new Vector3())
    this.getBoundingBox(atomsColored, vBoxMin, vBoxMax)

    const marCubeResoultion = (this.marCubeResoultion =
      this.meshResolution * (2 + 2))

    // build grid corners for Marching cube algorithm
    const side = marCubeResoultion
    const side2 = side * side
    const side3 = side2 * side
    const corners = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, side3)
    const rProbeRadius = this.probeRadius * this.atomRadiusScale


    const numCells = marCubeResoultion - 1
    const cube = new IsoSurfaceMarchCube()
    ok = cube.create(numCells)
    if (ok < 0) {
      return ok
    // copy corners to cells
    const vCellStep = new Vector3()
    vCellStep.x = (vBoxMax.x - vBoxMin.x) / numCells
    vCellStep.y = (vBoxMax.y - vBoxMin.y) / numCells
    vCellStep.z = (vBoxMax.z - vBoxMin.z) / numCells

    let numIntersectedCellsEstim = this.getNumIntersectedCells(
    let maxNumVertices = Math.floor(numIntersectedCellsEstim * expandFactor)
    let maxNumTriangles = Math.floor(
      numIntersectedCellsEstim * expandFactor * 2

    this.geoOut = new IsoSurfaceGeo(

    ok = this.createVertexHash(maxNumVertices, maxNumTriangles)
    if (ok < 0) {
      return ok

    // build voxel world (used to check triangle-to-atom tie and to calculate normals and colors)
    let probeRadForNormalsColors = rProbeRadius
    if (this.excludeProbe) {
      probeRadForNormalsColors = 0.01
    this.voxelWorld = new IsosurfaceBuildNormals(

    ok = this.buildGeoFromCorners(
    if (this.excludeProbe) {
      // using 3d mesh (geoOut) as a surface points
      // move probe sphere and try to minimuze corners values

      // delete old builded geo
      this.geoOut._vertices = null
      this.geoOut._colors = null
      this.geoOut._indices = null
      this.geoOut._normals = null
      this.geoOut._numVertices = 0
      this.geoOut._numTriangles = 0
      this.geoOut = null

      // estimage geo vertices budget again
      numIntersectedCellsEstim = this.getNumIntersectedCells(
      maxNumVertices = Math.floor(numIntersectedCellsEstim * expandFactor)
      maxNumTriangles = Math.floor(numIntersectedCellsEstim * expandFactor * 2)

      // creates empty new geometry
      this.geoOut = new IsoSurfaceGeo(
      ok = this.createVertexHash(maxNumVertices, maxNumTriangles)
      if (ok < 0) {
        return ok
      // build vertices and triangles from corners values
      ok = this.buildGeoFromCorners(

    // build vertex normals
    // More value : more smooth color mixing
    // value about 0.7: very rough colors borders
    let radiusColorSmoothness = 6.5
    if (this.excludeProbe) {
      radiusColorSmoothness -= 1.5
    if (this.useVertexColors) {
    this.voxelWorld = null

    // remove objects

    return ok

// All code below must be erased from every device and each developer's memory

export default SSIsosurfaceGeometry