

1 day
Test Coverage
import utils from '../../utils'
import { Vector3, Color, BufferGeometry, BufferAttribute } from 'three'
import { fill } from 'lodash'

const MAX_IDC_16BIT = 65535
const POS_SIZE = 4
const DIR_SIZE = 3
const COL_SIZE = 3
const tmpColor = new Color()
const direction = new Vector3()

function setArrayXYZ(arr, idx, x, y, z) {
  arr[idx] = x
  arr[idx + 1] = y
  arr[idx + 2] = z

function setArrayXYZW(arr, idx, x, y, z, w) {
  arr[idx] = x
  arr[idx + 1] = y
  arr[idx + 2] = z
  arr[idx + 3] = w

function getSubset(arr, startSegmentIdx, segmentsCount, elemSize) {
  const start = startSegmentIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT
  const end = start + segmentsCount * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT
  return arr.subarray(start * elemSize, end * elemSize)

 * This class represents lines geometry which consists of screen-aligned narrow quad of variable width.
 * @constructor
 * @param {number}  segmentsCount   Number of segments per chunk.
 * collision geometry.

class ThickLinesGeometry extends BufferGeometry {
  constructor(segmentsCount) {

  startUpdate() {
    return true

  finishUpdate() {
    this.getAttribute('position').needsUpdate = true
    this.getAttribute('color').needsUpdate = true
    this.getAttribute('alphaColor').needsUpdate = true
    this.getAttribute('direction').needsUpdate = true

  setColor(segmentIdx, colorVal) {
    let idx = segmentIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT * COL_SIZE
    setArrayXYZ(this._colors, idx, tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b)
    idx += COL_SIZE
    setArrayXYZ(this._colors, idx, tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b)
    idx += COL_SIZE
    setArrayXYZ(this._colors, idx, tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b)
    idx += COL_SIZE
    setArrayXYZ(this._colors, idx, tmpColor.r, tmpColor.g, tmpColor.b)

  setSegment(segmentIdx, pos1, pos2) {
    direction.subVectors(pos1, pos2)
    const positions = this._positions
    const directions = this._directions
    let idx = segmentIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT * POS_SIZE
    let dirIdx = segmentIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT * DIR_SIZE
    setArrayXYZW(positions, idx, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, 0.5)
    setArrayXYZ(directions, dirIdx, direction.x, direction.y, direction.z)
    idx += POS_SIZE
    dirIdx += DIR_SIZE
    setArrayXYZW(positions, idx, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, -0.5)
    setArrayXYZ(directions, dirIdx, direction.x, direction.y, direction.z)
    idx += POS_SIZE
    dirIdx += DIR_SIZE
    setArrayXYZW(positions, idx, pos2.x, pos2.y, pos2.z, 0.5)
    setArrayXYZ(directions, dirIdx, direction.x, direction.y, direction.z)
    idx += POS_SIZE
    dirIdx += DIR_SIZE
    setArrayXYZW(positions, idx, pos2.x, pos2.y, pos2.z, -0.5)
    setArrayXYZ(directions, dirIdx, direction.x, direction.y, direction.z)

  setOpacity(startSegIdx, endSegIdx, value) {
    const start = startSegIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT
    const end = endSegIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT
    fill(this.alpha, value, end, start)
    this.getAttribute('alphaColor').needsUpdate = true

  getSubsetSegments(startSegmentIdx, segmentsCount) {
    return [
      getSubset(this._positions, startSegmentIdx, segmentsCount, POS_SIZE),
      getSubset(this._directions, startSegmentIdx, segmentsCount, DIR_SIZE)

  getSubsetColors(startSegmentIdx, segmentsCount) {
    return getSubset(this._colors, startSegmentIdx, segmentsCount, COL_SIZE)

  getSubsetOpacities(startSegmentIdx, segmentsCount) {
    return getSubset(this._alpha, startSegmentIdx, segmentsCount, 1)

  getNumVertexPerSegment() {

  getPositionSize() {
    return POS_SIZE

  setSegments(startSegmentIdx, positions) {
    const startPos = startSegmentIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT * POS_SIZE
    if (positions instanceof Array && positions.length === 2) {
      this._positions.set(positions[0], startPos)
      const startDir = startSegmentIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT * DIR_SIZE
      this._directions.set(positions[1], startDir) // dirs are geo part of vertex
    } else {
      this._positions.set(positions, startPos)

  setColors(startSegmentIdx, colors) {
    const start = startSegmentIdx * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT * COL_SIZE
    this._colors.set(colors, start)

  _initVertices(segmentsCount) {
    this._buffersSize = segmentsCount * VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT
    const pointsCount = this._buffersSize
    const use32bitIndex = pointsCount > MAX_IDC_16BIT
    this._index = utils.allocateTyped(
      use32bitIndex ? Uint32Array : Uint16Array,
      segmentsCount * 6
    this._positions = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, pointsCount * POS_SIZE)
    this._colors = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, pointsCount * COL_SIZE)
    this._directions = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, pointsCount * DIR_SIZE)
    const alpha = (this._alpha = utils.allocateTyped(Float32Array, pointsCount))
    fill(alpha, 1.0)

    const index = this._index
    let indexOffset = 0
    let pointOffset = 0
    for (
      let j = 0;
      j < segmentsCount;
      j++, indexOffset += 6, pointOffset += VERTEX_PER_SEGMENT
    ) {
      index[indexOffset] = pointOffset
      index[indexOffset + 1] = pointOffset + 1
      index[indexOffset + 2] = pointOffset + 3
      index[indexOffset + 3] = pointOffset
      index[indexOffset + 4] = pointOffset + 2
      index[indexOffset + 5] = pointOffset + 3
    this.setIndex(new BufferAttribute(this._index, 1))

      new BufferAttribute(this._positions, POS_SIZE)
    this.setAttribute('color', new BufferAttribute(this._colors, COL_SIZE))
    this.setAttribute('alphaColor', new BufferAttribute(alpha, 1))
      new BufferAttribute(this._directions, DIR_SIZE)

export default ThickLinesGeometry