

5 days
Test Coverage
import { set } from 'lodash'
import ParsingError from './ParsingError'

// Implemented and being tested against:

function _isWhitespace(ch) {
  return ch === 32 || ch === 10 || ch === 13 || ch === 9

function _inlineIndexOf(ch0, str, idx) {
  const len = str.length
  let ch = -1
  while (idx < len) {
    ch = str.charCodeAt(idx)
    if (ch === ch0 || ch === 10) {
  return ch === ch0 ? idx : -1

export default function readCIF(source) {
  let i = 0
  let j = 0
  const n = source.length
  let code = NaN
  let newline = true
  let line = 1
  let column = 1
  let begin
  let state = 0 // 0 - start, 1 - block, 2 - item, 3 - loop, 4 - values, 5 - value
  const result = {}
  let block = {}
  let keys = []
  let keysCount = 0
  let key = ''
  let values = []
  let valuesCount = 0
  let value

  function _parseValue() {
    let val
    if (
      (code === 46 || code === 63) &&
      (i + 1 >= n || _isWhitespace(source.charCodeAt(i + 1)))
    ) {
      // '.' or '?' .....
      // it's a missing value
      return undefined
    if (newline && code === 59) {
      // ';' ......................................................................
      // parse multi-line string
      j = i
      let lines = 0
      do {
        j = _inlineIndexOf(10, source, j + 1) // '\n'
        if (j === -1) {
          throw new ParsingError('Unterminated text block found', line, column)
      } while ((j + 1 < n && source.charCodeAt(j + 1) !== code) || j + 1 >= n)
      val = source.substring(i + 1, j).replace(/\r/g, '')
      i = j + 2
      line += lines
      column = 1
      newline = false
      return val
    if (code === 39 || code === 34) {
      // ''' or '"' ...........................................................
      // parse quoted string
      j = i
      do {
        j = _inlineIndexOf(code, source, j + 1)
        if (j === -1) {
          throw new ParsingError(
            'Unterminated quoted string found',
      } while (j + 1 < n && !_isWhitespace(source.charCodeAt(j + 1)))
      val = source.substring(i + 1, j)
      column += j - i + 1
      i = j + 1
      return val
    } // ......................................................................................................
    // parse until the first whitespace
    j = i
    while (j < n && !_isWhitespace(source.charCodeAt(j))) {
    val = source.substring(i, j)
    column += j - i
    i = j
    // try to convert to a number
    const num = Number(val)
    if (!Number.isNaN(num)) {
      return num
    // or leave as an unquoted string
    return val

  function _storeKey(tag) {
    keys[keysCount++] = tag

  function _storeValue(val) {
    const keyIndex = valuesCount % keysCount
    return val

  while (i <= n) {
    code = source.charCodeAt(i) // 'NaN' in place of '<eof>'
    if (code === 13) {
      // '\r' .......................................................................................
      // just ignore
    } else if (code === 10) {
      // '\n' ................................................................................
      // take note of new lines
      newline = true
      column = 1
    } else {
      // process inline characters
      if (code === 32 || code === 9) {
        // ' ' or '\t' ................................................................
        // just ignore
      } else if (code === 35) {
        // '#' ...............................................................................
        // skip the comment until before the end of the line
        i = _inlineIndexOf(10, source, i + 1) // '\n'
        if (i === -1) {
        } else {
          continue // don't forget to process the new line
      } else if (state === 0) {
        // start =============================================================================
        if (
          (code === 68 || code === 100) &&
          source.substr(i + 1, 4).toLowerCase() === 'ata_'
        ) {
          // 'data_' ..........
          j = i + 5
          begin = j
          while (j < n && !_isWhitespace(source.charCodeAt(j))) {
          column += j - i
          i = j
          if (begin < i) {
            // add new data block
            result[source.substring(begin, i)] = block = {}
            state = 1 // block
            continue // don't forget to process the whitespace
          } else {
            throw new ParsingError('Data block name missing', line, column)
        } else if (Number.isNaN(code)) {
          // <eof> ....................................................................
        } else {
          // ..................................................................................................
          throw new ParsingError(
            `Unexpected character in state ${state}`,
      } else if (state === 1) {
        // block =============================================================================
        if (
          (code === 68 || code === 100) &&
          source.substr(i + 1, 4).toLowerCase() === 'ata_'
        ) {
          // 'data_' ..........
          state = 0 // start
          continue // parse again in a different state
        } else if (code === 95) {
          // '_' .............................................................................
          j = i + 1
          begin = j
          while (j < n && !_isWhitespace(source.charCodeAt(j))) {
          column += j - i
          i = j
          if (begin < i) {
            // start new item
            key = source.substring(begin, i)
            state = 2 // item
            continue // don't forget to process the whitespace
          } else {
            throw new ParsingError('Tag name missing', line, column)
        } else if (
          (code === 76 || code === 108) &&
          source.substr(i + 1, 4).toLowerCase() === 'oop_'
        ) {
          // 'loop_' ...
          i += 5
          column += 5
          if (i < n && !_isWhitespace(source.charCodeAt(i))) {
            throw new ParsingError(
              `Unexpected character in state ${state}`,
          } else {
            // start new loop
            keys = []
            keysCount = 0
            values = []
            valuesCount = 0
            state = 3 // loop
            continue // don't forget to process the whitespace
        } else if (Number.isNaN(code)) {
          // <eof> ....................................................................
        } else {
          // ..................................................................................................
          throw new ParsingError(
            `Unexpected character in state ${state}`,
      } else if (state === 2) {
        // item ==============================================================================
        if (Number.isNaN(code)) {
        value = _parseValue()
        set(block, key, value)
        state = 1 // block
      } else if (state === 3) {
        // loop ==============================================================================
        if (code === 95) {
          // '_' ....................................................................................
          j = i + 1
          begin = j
          while (j < n && !_isWhitespace(source.charCodeAt(j))) {
          column += j - i
          i = j
          if (begin < i) {
            // add new key
            _storeKey(source.substring(begin, i))
            continue // don't forget to process the whitespace
          } else {
            throw new ParsingError('Tag name missing', line, column)
        } else {
          // ..................................................................................................
          if (keysCount > 0) {
            for (let keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keysCount; ++keyIndex) {
              value = []
              values[keyIndex] = value
              set(block, keys[keyIndex], value)
            state = 4
            continue // parse again in a different state
          throw new ParsingError(
            'Data tags are missing inside a loop',
      } else if (state === 4) {
        // values ============================================================================
        if (
          (code === 68 || code === 100) &&
          source.substr(i + 1, 4).toLowerCase() === 'ata_'
        ) {
          // 'data_' ..........
          state = 0 // start
        } else if (code === 95) {
          // '_' .............................................................................
          state = 1 // block
        } else if (
          (code === 76 || code === 108) &&
          source.substr(i + 1, 4).toLowerCase() === 'oop_'
        ) {
          // 'loop_' ...
          state = 1 // block
        } else if (Number.isNaN(code)) {
          // <eof> ....................................................................
          state = 0
        } else {
          // ..................................................................................................
        continue // parse again in a different state
      } else {
        // ====================================================================================================
        throw new ParsingError(
          `Unexpected internal state ${state}`,

      newline = false

  if (state === 2) {
    // item
    throw new ParsingError(
      `Unexpected end of file in state ${state}`,

  return result