

2 days
Test Coverage
import settings from './settings'
import utils from './utils'
import logger from './utils/logger'
import { isString, set, get, isArray, isEmpty } from 'lodash'

let repIndex = 0

function asBoolean(value) {
  return !(
    !value ||
    value === '0' ||
    (isString(value) && value.toLowerCase() === 'false')

const adapters = {
  string: String,
  number: Number,
  boolean: asBoolean

// Level 1 assignment symbol
const cL1Ass = '='

const cOptsSep = '!'
// Level 2 (options) assignment symbol
const cL2Ass = ':'
// Level 2 (options) separator symbol
const cLSep = ','

const cCommonIgnoreSymbols = '$;@/?'
 * We may (and should) leave as is for better readability:
 *        $ , ; : @ / ?
 * Generate regular expression for symbols excluded for first level encryption
function getLevel1ExcludedExpr() {
  const cLevel1Ignores = ':,'
  return utils.generateRegExp(cCommonIgnoreSymbols + cLevel1Ignores)

 * Generate regular expression for symbols excluded for first level encryption
 * (options, etc, ..)
function getLevel2ExcludedExpr() {
  const cLevel2Ignores = ' '
  return utils.generateRegExp(cCommonIgnoreSymbols + cLevel2Ignores)

const cL1ExclExpr = getLevel1ExcludedExpr()
function encodeQueryComponentL1(value) {
  return utils.encodeQueryComponent(value, cL1ExclExpr)

const cL2ExclExpr = getLevel2ExcludedExpr()
function encodeQueryComponentL2(value) {
  return utils.encodeQueryComponent(value, cL2ExclExpr)

function ensureRepList(opts) {
  let { reps } = opts
  if (!reps) {
    const { presets } =
    let preset = opts.preset ||
    reps = presets[preset]
    if (!reps) {
      logger.warn(`Unknown preset "${preset}"`)
      ;[preset] = Object.keys(presets)
      reps = presets[preset] // fall back to any preset
    opts.preset = preset
    opts.reps = utils.deriveDeep(reps, true)

function ensureRepAssign(opts, prop, value) {
  const rep = opts.reps[repIndex]
  // prop specified twice therefore start new rep by cloning the current
  if (Object.hasOwn(rep, prop)) {
    repIndex = opts.reps.length
    opts.reps[repIndex] = utils.deriveDeep(rep, true)
  if (value !== undefined) {
    opts.reps[repIndex][prop] = value

function addObject(opts, params, options) {
  if (opts._objects === undefined) {
    opts._objects = []

  const [type, newOpts] = options
  const newObj = {

  if (newOpts !== undefined) {
    newObj.opts = newOpts

  opts._objects[opts._objects.length] = newObj

function parseParams(str, params) {
  const sep = str.indexOf(',')
  if (sep >= 0) {
    params.push(str.substr(sep + 1).split(','))
    return str.substr(0, sep)
  // keep this untouched if no params were extracted
  return str

function extractArgs(input, defaultsDict, params) {
  if (input) {
    const bang = input.indexOf(cOptsSep)
    const inputVal = parseParams(
      input.substr(0, bang >= 0 ? bang : undefined),
    if (bang >= 0) {
      const args = input.substr(bang + 1).split(cLSep)
      input = inputVal
      if (defaultsDict) {
        const defaults = defaultsDict[input]
        const opts = utils.deriveDeep(defaults, true)
        args.forEach((arg) => {
          const pair = arg.split(cL2Ass, 2)
          const key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0])
          const value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1])
          const adapter = adapters[typeof get(defaults, key)]
          if (adapter) {
            set(opts, key, adapter(value))
          } else {
            logger.warn(`Unknown argument "${key}" for option "${input}"`)
        if (Object.keys(opts).length > 0) {
          input = [input, opts]
    } else {
      input = inputVal
  return input

const actions = {
  l: 'load',
  load: String,
  t: 'type',
  type: String,
  v: 'view',
  view: String,
  u: 'unit',
  unit: Number,
  menu: asBoolean,

  // Commands

  o: 'object',
  object(value, opts) {
    const params = []
    let options = extractArgs(value, settings.defaults.objects, params)
    if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
      options = [options]
    addObject(opts, params[0], options)

  p: 'preset',
  preset(value, opts) {
    opts.preset = value
    opts.reps = null

  r: 'rep',
  rep(value, opts) {
    repIndex = Number(value)
    // clamp the index to one greater than the last
    repIndex =
      repIndex <= opts.reps.length
        ? repIndex < 0
          ? 0
          : repIndex
        : opts.reps.length
    // create a new rep if it is adjacent to the existing ones
    if (repIndex === opts.reps.length) {
      // if there is no rep to derive from, derive from the first rep of the default
      opts.reps[repIndex] =
        repIndex > 0
          ? utils.deriveDeep(opts.reps[repIndex - 1], true)
          : utils.deriveDeep(settings.defaults.presets.default[0], true)

  s: 'select',
  select(value, opts) {
    ensureRepAssign(opts, 'selector', value)

  m: 'mode',
  mode(value, opts) {
    ensureRepAssign(opts, 'mode', extractArgs(value, settings.defaults.modes))

  c: 'color',
  color(value, opts) {
      extractArgs(value, settings.defaults.colorers)

  mt: 'material',
  material(value, opts) {
      extractArgs(value, settings.defaults.materials)

  dup(value, opts) {
    const { reps } = opts
    const rep = reps[repIndex]
    repIndex = reps.length
    reps[repIndex] = utils.deriveDeep(rep, true)

  // Settings shortcuts

  ar: 'autoResolution'

function _fromArray(entries) {
  repIndex = 0
  const opts = {}
  for (let i = 0, n = entries.length; i < n; ++i) {
    const /** string[] */ entry = entries[i]
    let /** string? */ key = entry[0]
    const /** string? */ value = entry[1]
    if (Object.hasOwn(actions, key)) {
      let /** function|string? */ action = actions[key]
      while (isString(action)) {
        key = action
        action = actions[key]
      if (typeof action === 'function') {
        const result = action(value, opts)
        if (result !== undefined) opts[key] = result
    } else {
      const adapter = adapters[typeof get(settings.defaults, key)]
      if (adapter) {
        set(opts, `settings.${key}`, adapter(value))
      } else {
        logger.warn(`Unknown option "${key}"`)
  return opts

function fromAttr(attr) {
  return _fromArray(utils.getUrlParameters(`?${attr || ''}`))

function fromURL(url) {
  return _fromArray(utils.getUrlParameters(url))

function _processOptsForURL(opts) {
  const str = []
  let i = 0
  utils.forInRecursive(opts, (value, key) => {
    str[i++] =
      encodeQueryComponentL2(key) + cL2Ass + encodeQueryComponentL2(value)
  return str.join(cLSep)

function _processArgsForURL(args) {
  if (!isArray(args)) {
    return args
  if (args.length < 2) {
    return args[0]
  return `${args[0]}${cOptsSep}${_processOptsForURL(args[1])}`

function _processObjForURL(objOpts) {
  if (!objOpts || !objOpts.type) {
    return undefined
  let res = objOpts.type
  if (isArray(objOpts.params) && objOpts.params.length > 0) {
    res += `,${objOpts.params.join(',')}`
  if (objOpts.opts) {
    res += cOptsSep + _processOptsForURL(objOpts.opts)
  return res

function toURL(opts) {
  const stringList = []
  let idx = 0

  function checkAndAdd(prefix, value) {
    if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
      stringList[idx++] =
        encodeQueryComponentL1(prefix) + cL1Ass + encodeQueryComponentL1(value)

  function addReps(repList) {
    if (!repList) {
    for (let i = 0, n = repList.length; i < n; ++i) {
      if (isEmpty(repList[i])) {
      checkAndAdd('r', i)
      checkAndAdd('s', repList[i].selector)
      checkAndAdd('m', _processArgsForURL(repList[i].mode))
      checkAndAdd('c', _processArgsForURL(repList[i].colorer))
      checkAndAdd('mt', _processArgsForURL(repList[i].material))

  function addObjects(objList) {
    if (!objList) {
    for (let i = 0, n = objList.length; i < n; ++i) {
      checkAndAdd('o', _processObjForURL(objList[i]))

  checkAndAdd('l', opts.load)
  checkAndAdd('u', opts.unit)
  checkAndAdd('p', opts.preset)

  checkAndAdd('v', opts.view)

  utils.forInRecursive(opts.settings, (value, key) => {
    // I heard these lines in the whispers of the Gods
    // Handle preset setting in reps
    if (key === 'preset') {
    checkAndAdd(key, value)

  let url = ''
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    const { location } = window
    url = `${location.protocol}//${}${location.pathname}`
  if (stringList.length > 0) {
    url += `?${stringList.join('&')}`

  return url

function _processOptsForScript(opts) {
  const str = []
  let i = 0
  utils.forInRecursive(opts, (value, key) => {
    str[i++] = `${key}=${utils.enquoteString(value)}`
  return str.join(' ')

function _processArgsForScript(args) {
  if (!isArray(args)) {
    return args
  if (args.length < 2) {
    return args[0]
  return `${args[0]} ${_processOptsForScript(args[1])}`

function _processObjForScript(objOpts) {
  if (!objOpts || !objOpts.type) {
    return undefined
  let res = objOpts.type
  if (isArray(objOpts.params) && objOpts.params.length > 0) {
    res += ` ${' ')}`
  if (objOpts.opts) {
    res += ` ${_processOptsForScript(objOpts.opts)}`
  return res

function _processRepsForScript(rep, index) {
  const repString = []
  let strIdx = 0
  function localAdd(prefix, value) {
    if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
      repString[strIdx++] = prefix + value
  if (isEmpty(rep)) {
    return null
  localAdd('', index)
  localAdd('s=', utils.enquoteString(rep.selector))
  localAdd('m=', _processArgsForScript(rep.mode))
  localAdd('c=', _processArgsForScript(rep.colorer))
  localAdd('mt=', _processArgsForScript(rep.material))
  return repString.join(' ')

function toScript(opts) {
  const commandsList = []
  let idx = 0
  function checkAndAdd(command, value, saveQuotes) {
    if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
      const quote = typeof value === 'string' && saveQuotes ? '"' : ''
      commandsList[idx++] = `${command} ${quote}${value}${quote}`.trim()

  function addReps(repList) {
    if (!repList) {

    for (let i = 0, n = repList.length; i < n; ++i) {
      checkAndAdd('rep', _processRepsForScript(repList[i], i))

  function addObjects(objList) {
    if (!objList) {
    for (let i = 0, n = objList.length; i < n; ++i) {
      checkAndAdd('', _processObjForScript(objList[i]))

  checkAndAdd('set', 'autobuild false')
  checkAndAdd('load', opts.load, true)
  checkAndAdd('unit', opts.unit)
  checkAndAdd('preset', opts.preset)

  utils.forInRecursive(opts.settings, (value, key) => {
    // I heard these lines in the whispers of the Gods
    // Handle preset setting in reps
    if (key === 'preset') {
    checkAndAdd(`set ${key}`, value, true)
  checkAndAdd('view', opts.view)
  checkAndAdd('set', 'autobuild true')
  return commandsList.join('\n')

export default {