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// Copyright (c) 2016-present Frédéric Maquin <fred@ephread.com> and contributors.
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.

import UIKit

class CoachMarkLayoutHelper {
    var layoutDirection: UIUserInterfaceLayoutDirection = .leftToRight

    // TODO: Improve the layout system. Make it smarter.
    func constraints(
        for coachMarkView: CoachMarkView,
        coachMark: CoachMark,
        parentView: UIView,
        layoutDirection: UIUserInterfaceLayoutDirection? = nil,
        passNumber: Int = 0
    ) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] {
        if coachMarkView.superview != parentView {
            return []

        self.layoutDirection = UIView.userInterfaceLayoutDirection(
            for: parentView.semanticContentAttribute

        let computedProperties: CoachMarkComputedProperties
        let offset: CGFloat

        if passNumber == 0 {
            computedProperties = CoachMarkComputedProperties(layoutDirection: self.layoutDirection,
                                                             horizontalAlignment: .centered)
            offset = 0
        } else {
            computedProperties = computeProperties(for: coachMark, inParentView: parentView)
            offset = arrowOffset(for: coachMark, withProperties: computedProperties,
                                 inParentView: parentView)

        switch computedProperties.horizontalAlignment {
        case .leading:
            coachMarkView.changeArrowPosition(to: .leading, offset: offset)
            return leadingConstraints(for: coachMarkView, withCoachMark: coachMark,
                                      inParentView: parentView)
        case .centered:
            coachMarkView.changeArrowPosition(to: .center, offset: offset)
            return middleConstraints(for: coachMarkView, withCoachMark: coachMark,
                                     inParentView: parentView)
        case .trailing:
            coachMarkView.changeArrowPosition(to: .trailing, offset: offset)
            return trailingConstraints(for: coachMarkView, withCoachMark: coachMark,
                                       inParentView: parentView)

    private func leadingConstraints(for coachMarkView: CoachMarkView,
                                    withCoachMark coachMark: CoachMark,
                                    inParentView parentView: UIView
    ) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] {

        if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
            let layoutGuide = parentView.safeAreaLayoutGuide

            return [
                             .constraint(equalTo: layoutGuide.leadingAnchor,
                                         constant: coachMark.horizontalMargin),
                             .constraint(lessThanOrEqualToConstant: coachMark.maxWidth),
                             .constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo: layoutGuide.trailingAnchor,
                                         constant: -coachMark.horizontalMargin)

        let visualFormat = """

        return NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: visualFormat,
                                              options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions(rawValue: 0),
                                              metrics: nil,
                                              views: ["currentCoachMarkView": coachMarkView])

    private func middleConstraints(for coachMarkView: CoachMarkView,
                                   withCoachMark coachMark: CoachMark,
                                   inParentView parentView: UIView
    ) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] {
        let maxWidth = min(coachMark.maxWidth, (parentView.bounds.width - 2 *

        let visualFormat = "H:[currentCoachMarkView(<=\(maxWidth)@1000)]"

        var constraints =
            NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: visualFormat,
                                           options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions(rawValue: 0),
                                           metrics: nil,
                                           views: ["currentCoachMarkView": coachMarkView])

        var offset: CGFloat = 0

        if let pointOfInterest = coachMark.pointOfInterest {
            if layoutDirection == .leftToRight {
                offset = parentView.center.x - pointOfInterest.x
            } else {
                offset = pointOfInterest.x - parentView.center.x

            item: coachMarkView, attribute: .centerX, relatedBy: .equal,
            toItem: parentView, attribute: .centerX,
            multiplier: 1, constant: -offset

        return constraints

    private func trailingConstraints(for coachMarkView: CoachMarkView,
                                     withCoachMark coachMark: CoachMark,
                                     inParentView parentView: UIView
    ) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] {
        if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
            let layoutGuide = parentView.safeAreaLayoutGuide

            return [
                    .constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: layoutGuide.leadingAnchor,
                                constant: coachMark.horizontalMargin),
                    .constraint(lessThanOrEqualToConstant: coachMark.maxWidth),
                    .constraint(equalTo: layoutGuide.trailingAnchor,
                                constant: -coachMark.horizontalMargin)

        let visualFormat = """

        return NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: visualFormat,
                                              options: NSLayoutConstraint.FormatOptions(rawValue: 0),
                                              metrics: nil,
                                              views: ["currentCoachMarkView": coachMarkView])

    /// Returns the arrow offset, based on the layout and the
    /// segment in which the coach mark will be.
    /// - Parameter coachMark: coachmark data.
    /// - Parameter properties: precomputed properties.
    /// - Parameter parentView: view showing the coachmarks.
    private func arrowOffset(for coachMark: CoachMark,
                             withProperties properties: CoachMarkComputedProperties,
                             inParentView parentView: UIView) -> CGFloat {
        var arrowOffset: CGFloat

        switch properties.horizontalAlignment {
        case .centered:
            arrowOffset = middleArrowOffset(for: coachMark, withProperties: properties,
                                            inParentView: parentView)
        case .leading:
            arrowOffset = leadingArrowOffset(for: coachMark, withProperties: properties,
                                             inParentView: parentView)
        case .trailing:
            arrowOffset = trailingArrowOffset(for: coachMark, withProperties: properties,
                                              inParentView: parentView)

        return arrowOffset

    private func leadingArrowOffset(for coachMark: CoachMark,
                                    withProperties properties: CoachMarkComputedProperties,
                                    inParentView parentView: UIView) -> CGFloat {
        guard let pointOfInterest = coachMark.pointOfInterest else {
            return 0

        let compensation = safeAreaCompensation(for: parentView, with: properties)

        if properties.layoutDirection == .leftToRight {
            return pointOfInterest.x - coachMark.horizontalMargin - compensation
        } else {
            return parentView.bounds.size.width - pointOfInterest.x -
                   coachMark.horizontalMargin - compensation

    private func middleArrowOffset(for coachMark: CoachMark,
                                   withProperties properties: CoachMarkComputedProperties,
                                   inParentView parentView: UIView) -> CGFloat {
        guard let pointOfInterest = coachMark.pointOfInterest else {
            return 0

        if properties.layoutDirection == .leftToRight {
            return parentView.center.x - pointOfInterest.x
        } else {
            return pointOfInterest.x - parentView.center.x

    private func trailingArrowOffset(for coachMark: CoachMark,
                                     withProperties properties: CoachMarkComputedProperties,
                                     inParentView parentView: UIView) -> CGFloat {
        guard let pointOfInterest = coachMark.pointOfInterest else {
            return 0

        let compensation = safeAreaCompensation(for: parentView, with: properties)

        if properties.layoutDirection == .leftToRight {
            return parentView.bounds.size.width - pointOfInterest.x -
                   coachMark.horizontalMargin - compensation
        } else {
            return pointOfInterest.x - coachMark.horizontalMargin - compensation

    private func safeAreaCompensation(for parentView: UIView,
                                      with properties: CoachMarkComputedProperties) -> CGFloat {
        if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
            switch (properties.horizontalAlignment, properties.layoutDirection) {

            case (.leading, .leftToRight), (.trailing, .rightToLeft):
                return parentView.safeAreaInsets.left
            case (.leading, .rightToLeft), (.trailing, .leftToRight):
                return parentView.safeAreaInsets.right
            default: break

        return 0

    /// Compute the segment index (for now the screen is separated
    /// in two horizontal areas and depending in which one the coach
    /// mark stand, it will be laid out in a different way.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - coachMark: coachmark data.
    ///   - layoutDirection: the layout direction (LTR or RTL)
    ///   - frame: frame of the parent view
    /// - Returns: the alignment
    private func computeHorizontalAlignment(
        of coachMark: CoachMark,
        forLayoutDirection layoutDirection: UIUserInterfaceLayoutDirection,
        inFrame frame: CGRect
    ) -> CoachMarkHorizontalAlignment {
        if let pointOfInterest = coachMark.pointOfInterest, frame.size.width > 0 {
            let segmentIndex = Int(ceil(2 * pointOfInterest.x / frame.size.width))

            switch (segmentIndex, layoutDirection) {
            case (1, .leftToRight): return .leading
            case (2, .leftToRight): return .trailing
            case (1, .rightToLeft): return .trailing
            case (2, .rightToLeft): return .leading
            default: return .centered
        } else {
            if coachMark.pointOfInterest == nil {
            } else {

            return .centered

    private func computeProperties(for coachMark: CoachMark,
                                   inParentView parentView: UIView)
    -> CoachMarkComputedProperties {
        let horizontalAlignment = computeHorizontalAlignment(of: coachMark,
                                                           forLayoutDirection: layoutDirection,
                                                           inFrame: parentView.frame)

        return CoachMarkComputedProperties(
            layoutDirection: layoutDirection,
            horizontalAlignment: horizontalAlignment

struct CoachMarkComputedProperties {
    let layoutDirection: UIUserInterfaceLayoutDirection
    let horizontalAlignment: CoachMarkHorizontalAlignment

enum CoachMarkHorizontalAlignment {
    case leading, centered, trailing