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title: Mozilla MOSS grant and OpenJS Foundation
date: 2020-08-14

[<img src="/img/mozilla.svg" width="240" height="68">](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/moss/)<img src="/img/gap.svg" width="5%">[<img src="/img/openjs.png" width="220" height="68">](https://openjsf.org/blog/2020/08/14/ajv-joins-openjs-foundation-as-an-incubation-project/)

Ajv has been awarded a grant from Mozilla’s [Open Source Support (MOSS) program](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/moss/) in the “Foundational Technology” track! It will sponsor the development of Ajv support of [JSON Schema version 2019-09](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-handrews-json-schema-02) and of [JSON Type Definition (RFC8927)](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8927/).

Ajv also joined [OpenJS Foundation](https://openjsf.org/) – having this support will help ensure the longevity and stability of Ajv for all its users.

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This [blog post](https://www.poberezkin.com/posts/2020-08-14-ajv-json-validator-mozilla-open-source-grant-openjs-foundation.html) has more details.

I am looking for the long term maintainers of Ajv – working with [ReadySet](https://www.thereadyset.co/), also sponsored by Mozilla, to establish clear guidelines for the role of a "maintainer" and the contribution standards, and to encourage a wider, more inclusive, contribution from the community.