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news: true
title: "Ajv online event - May 20, 10am PT / 6pm UK"
date: 2021-04-24
more: false

We will talk about:
- new features of Ajv version 8.
- the improvements sponsored by Mozilla's MOSS grant.
- how Ajv is used in JavaScript applications.

- [Evgeny Poberezkin](https://github.com/epoberezkin), the creator of Ajv.
- [Mehan Jayasuriya](https://github.com/mehan), Program Officer at Mozilla Foundation, leading the [MOSS](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/moss/) and other programs investing in the open source and community ecosystems.
- [Matteo Collina](https://github.com/mcollina), Technical Director at NearForm and Node.js Technical Steering Committee member, creator of Fastify web framework.
- [Kin Lane](https://github.com/kinlane), Chief Evangelist at Postman. Studying the tech, business & politics of APIs since 2010. Presidential Innovation Fellow during the Obama administration.
- [Ulysse Carion](https://github.com/ucarion), the creator of JSON Type Definition specification.

[Gajus Kuizinas](https://github.com/gajus) will host the event.

Please [register here](https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/4216192074976/WN_erJ_t4ICTHOnGC1SOybNnw).

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