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A Django library implementing an interface for viewing regulations data. This
library combines all of the data from a parsed regulation and generates
navigable, accessible HTML, complete with associated information.

This repository is part of a larger eRegulations project. To read about it, please see

## Requirements

This library requires
* Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6
* Django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, or 1.11
* setuptools v20.5 or later
* Node 6 or later

## API Docs

[regulations-site on Read The Docs](

## Local development

This library lives in two worlds, roughly translating to a Python Django app
and a Backbone Javascript app, which communicate through the Django templates.
To work on the library locally, you'll need to install components for both

We use [tox]( to test across multiple versions of
Python and Django. To run our Python tests, linters, and build our docs,
you'll need to install `tox` *globally* (Tox handles virtualenvs for us).

pip install tox
# If using pyenv, consider also installing tox-pyenv

The front-end development environment relies on on Node (version 6+) and npm
for package management. To install Node, we recommend

curl -o- | bash # install nvm and run it's setup scripts
nvm install 6 # install node 6
nvm alias default 6 # set node 6 as the default

Alternately you can install Node by:

- Install a binary or installer from
- If you're on OS X, you can use [Homebrew](

Finally, you will need to install the frontend dependencies and Grunt command
line interface using npm:

cd regulations-site
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli

Once all of the above is complete, you may run tests and linting across
available Python versions:


Or run JS unit tests:

tox -e jstests

There are also a number of Grunt tasks (see below) to compile CSS, lint JS,

### Running as an application

While this library is generally intended to be used within a larger project,
it can also be ran as its own application via [Docker](
or a local Python install. In both cases, we'll run in `DEBUG` mode.

Before we can run as an application, we'll need to define where it should look
for data. For example, to pull from ATF's data:

echo 'API_BASE = ""' >>

To run via Docker,
docker build . -t eregs/site   # only needed after code changes
docker run -p 8000:8000 eregs/site

To run via local Python, run the following inside a
pip install .
python migrate
python runserver

In both cases, you can find the site locally at

## JavaScript application 
The application code in JavaScript uses [Backbone.js]( as a foundation, though in some non-standard ways. If you plan to do work on this layer, it is recommended that you acquaint yourself with this [starter documentation](

### Configuration JSON

In the root of the repository, copy `example-config.json` to `config.json` and edit as necessary. Grunt depends on these settings to carry out tasks.
- `testURL` is the environment that you would like tests to run on.
- `frontEndPath` is the path to the root of your codebase where the `css/` and `js/` directories are.
- `testPath` is the path to the functional test specs.

### Running Grunt tasks
There are a number of tasks configured in [Gruntfile.js](Gruntfile.js). On the
last lines, you will find tasks that group subtasks into common goals. These

* `grunt test` runs JS lint and unit tests.
* `grunt mocha_stanbul` runs only JS unit tests.
* `grunt build-dev` builds a development version of the frontend assets.
* `grunt build-dist` or just `grunt` builds a production version of the
  frontend assets (including minification, etc.)

## Integration tests

We have a set of integration (or "functional") tests which run the library
through its paces and makes assertions by running a full browser. This
requires [Selenium]( and may make use of [Sauce
Labs]( for testing additional browsers.

### Configuration

By default, selenium runs tests via the [PhantomJS](
browser (which requires separate installation). Alternatively, you can specify
which local browsers to test via the `UITESTS_LOCAL` environment variable,
e.g. "chrome".

To utilize Sauce Labs for a more complete set of browsers, you will need to
define two envrionment variables: `SAUCE_USERNAME` and `SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY` to
house account info. You'll also need to specify which browsers to test via the
`UITESTS_REMOTE` environment variable.

### Running

If running via Sauce Labs, you will first need to download and run [Sauce

Then, you'll need to run the library as an application (see above) first;
we'll assume it's running on port 8000. See
[devops/](devops/ for an example
which utilizes Docker-compose.

Finally, to run the tests, execute

UITESTS_URL=http://localhost:8000 UITESTS_REMOTE=ie11 tox -e integration
# or
UITESTS_URL=http://localhost:8000 UITESTS_LOCAL=chrome tox -e integration

## Customization

To learn about customizing the templates and styles for an instance, see [Theming an instance](