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# Jarvis, a PHP 7.1 micro framework

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Jarvis is a PHP 7.1 micro framework. It is designed to be simple and lightweight.

Note that if you want to use Jarvis with PHP 5.6, please switch on `0.1` branch or use the `v0.1.*` tag.

Jarvis requires `php >= 7.1`. it's based on its own dependency injection container, http foundation component from Symfony and nikic's fast route.

# Usage


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

        ->setHandler(function () {
            return 'Hello world!';

$response = $jarvis->run();


# How Jarvis process incoming request

The schema below will sum up how  `Jarvis\Jarvis::run()` treats any incoming request:

INPUT: an instance of Request

|__ Step 1: broadcast RunEvent.
|__ Step 2: check if RunEvent has a response?
| NO    | YES
|       |
|       |_ RETURN Response
|__ Step 3: resolve URI
|__ Step 4: does request match any route?
| NO*   | YES
|       |
|       |_ Step 4a: broadcast ControllerEvent
|       |
|       |_ Step 4b: invoke callback to process the request
|       |
|_ Step 5: broadcast ResponseEvent
|_ RETURN Response

OUT: an instance of Response

*: note that if provided URI does not match any route `run()` will return an instance of Response with 404 or 406 status code.

# Router skill

Jarvis' Router can handle anonymous and named routes. By default, a route is type of HTTP `GET` method and the pattern setted to `/`. You can find some example below:

### Anonymous route, `GET` HTTP method, `/` as pattern

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

        ->setHandler(function () {
            return 'foobar!';

### Named route, name: `user_edit` , http method: `PUT`, pattern: `/user/{id}`

Note that id must be a number. Let's see how to do so.

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

        ->setHandler(function ($id) {
            // Do some stuff

            return "User $id informations are now up-to-date!";

echo $jarvis->router->uri('user_edit', ['id' => 123]); // print '/user/123'

# Dependency injection container skill

## `Container::alias()`

Jarvis' DIC (dependency injection container) can deal with alias:


$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

$jarvis['foo'] = 'hello world';
$jarvis->alias('bar', 'foo');

$jarvis['foo'] === $jarvis['bar']; // = true

## `Container::find()`

`::find()` is an another useful method provided by Jarvis' DIC:


$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

$jarvis['dicaprio_movie_1997'] = 'Titanic';
$jarvis['dicaprio_movie_2010'] = 'Inception';
$jarvis['dicaprio_movie_2014'] = 'The Wolf of Wall Street';

$jarvis->find('dicaprio_movie_*'); // = ['Titanic', 'Inception', 'The Wolf of Wall Street']
$jarvis->find('dicaprio_movie_19*'); // = ['Titanic']
$jarvis->find('dicaprio_movie_2015'); // = []