#!/usr/bin/env node
/* JSON 3 Builder | */
var path = require("path"), fs = require("fs"), gzip = require("zlib").gzip, spawn = require("child_process").spawn, marked = require(path.join(__dirname, "vendor", "marked")),
// The path to the Closure Compiler `.jar` file.
closurePath = path.join(__dirname, "vendor", "closure-compiler.jar"),
// The Closure Compiler options: enable advanced optimizations and suppress all
// warnings apart from syntax and optimization errors.
closureOptions = ["--compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS", "--warning_level=QUIET"];
// A RegExp used to detect the `define` pragma used by asynchronous module
// loaders.
var definePattern = RegExp('(?:' +
// `typeof define == "function"`. Matches `==` and `===`; `'` and `"`.
'typeof\\s+define\\s*===?\\s*([\'"])function\\1|' +
// `"function" == typeof define`. Same rules as above.
'([\'"])function\\2\\s*===?\\s*typeof\\s+define' +
')' +
// `&&`.
'\\s*&&\\s*(?:' +
// `define`.
'define\\s*(?:' +
// `.amd`.
'\\.\\s*amd|' +
// `["amd"]` | `['amd']`.
'\\[\\s*([\'"])amd\\3\\s*\\]' +
')|' +
'(?:' +
'(?:' +
// `typeof define.amd`.
'typeof\\s+define\\.\\s*amd|' +
// `typeof define["amd"]` or `typeof define['amd']`.
'typeof\\s+define\\[\\s*([\'"])amd\\4\\s*\\]' +
')' +
// `=== "object"`. Same rules for quotes and equality operators.
'\\s*===?\\s*([\'"])object\\5' +
'|' +
// `"object" ===`.
'([\'"])object\\6\\s*===?\\s*' +
'(?:' +
'typeof\\s+define\\.\\s*amd|' +
'typeof\\s+define\\[\\s*([\'"])amd\\7\\s*\\]' +
')' +
')' +
'(?:' +
// `&&` (optional Boolean test for `define.amd`).
'\\s*&&\\s*' +
'(?:' +
// `define.amd`.
'define\\.\\s*amd|' +
// `define["amd"] | define['amd']`.
'define\\[\\s*([\'"])amd\\8\\s*\\]' +
')' +
')?' +
')', 'g');
// Enable GitHub-Flavored Markdown.
marked.setOptions({ "gfm": true });
// Generate the GitHub project page.
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, ""), "utf8", function readInfo(exception, source) {
if (exception) {
} else {
// Read the project page template.
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "page", "page.html"), "utf8", readTemplate);
// Interpolates the page template and writes the result to disk.
function readTemplate(exception, page) {
var headers, lines, lastSection, lastLevel, navigation;
if (exception) {
} else {
// Generate the page navigation. Ported from `mdtoc.rb` by Sam
// Stephenson.
headers = [];
lines = source.split(/\r?\n/);
// First pass: Scan the Markdown source looking for titles of the format:
// `### Title ###`. Record the line number, header level (number of
// octothorpes), and text of each matching title.
lines.forEach(function (line, index) {
var match = /^(\#{1,6})\s+(.+?)\s+\1$/.exec(line);
if (match) {
headers.push([index, match[1].length, match[2]]);
// Second pass: Iterate over all matched titles and compute their
// corresponding section numbers. Then replace the titles with annotated
// anchors.
headers.forEach(function (value) {
var index = value[0], level = value[1], text = value[2], section, length;
if (lastSection) {
// Clone the last section metadata array.
section = lastSection.slice(0);
if (lastLevel < level) {
} else {
length = lastLevel - level;
while (length--) {
section[section.length - 1] += 1;
} else {
section = [1];
lines[index] = Array(level + 1).join("#") + "<a name=\"section_" + section.join(".") + "\"></a>" + text;
lastSection = section;
lastLevel = level;
// Third pass: Iterate over matched titles once more to produce the table of
// contents.
navigation = (value) {
var index = value[0], level = value[1], text = value[2], section = value[3], name = section.join(".");
return "<li><a href=\"#section_" + name + "\">" + text + "</a></li>";
// Write the page source to disk.
fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, "index.html"), page.replace(/<%=\s*(.+?)\s*%>/g, function interpolate(match, data) {
switch (data) {
case "navigation":
// Insert the table of contents directly into the template.
return navigation.join("\n");
case "source":
// Convert the read me to HTML and insert it into the page body.
return marked(lines.join("\n"));
return "";
}), function writePage(exception) {
console.log(exception || "GitHub project page generated successfully.");
// Compress JSON 3 using the Closure Compiler.
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "lib", "json3.js"), "utf8", function readSource(exception, source) {
var error, output, compiler, results;
if (exception) {
} else {
// Shell out to the Closure Compiler. Requires Java 6 or higher.
error = output = "";
compiler = spawn("java", ["-jar", closurePath].concat(closureOptions));
compiler.stdout.on("data", function onData(data) {
// Append the data to the output stream.
output += data;
compiler.stderr.on("data", function onError(data) {
// Append the error message to the error stream.
error += data;
compiler.on("exit", function onExit(status) {
var exception;
// `status` specifies the process exit code.
if (status) {
exception = new Error(error);
exception.status = status;
compressSource(exception, output);
// Proxy the preprocessed source to the Closure Compiler.
// Post-processes the compressed source and writes the result to disk.
function compressSource(exception, compressed) {
if (exception) {
} else {
// Extract the JSON 3 header and clean up the minified source.
compressed = extractComments(source)[0] + postprocessSource(compressed);
// Write the compressed version to disk.
fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, "lib", "json3.min.js"), compressed, writeSource);
// Checks the `gzip`-ped size of the compressed version by shelling out to the
// Unix `gzip` executable.
function writeSource(exception) {
console.log(exception || "Compressed version generated successfully.");
// Automatically check the `gzip`-ped size of the compressed version.
gzip(compressed, function (exception, results) {
console.log("Compressed version size: %d bytes.", results.length);
// Internal: Extracts line and block comments from a JavaScript `source`
// string. Returns an array containing the comments.
function extractComments(source) {
var index = 0, length = source.length, results = [], symbol, position, original;
while (index < length) {
symbol = source[index];
switch (symbol) {
// Parse line and block comments.
case "/":
original = symbol;
symbol = source[++index];
switch (symbol) {
// Extract line comments.
case "/":
position = source.indexOf("\n", index);
if (position < 0) {
// Check for CR line endings.
position = source.indexOf("\r", index);
results.push(original + source.slice(index, index = position < 0 ? length : position));
// Extract block comments.
case "*":
position = source.indexOf("*/", index);
if (position < 0) {
throw SyntaxError("Unterminated block comment.");
// Advance past the end of the comment.
results.push(original + source.slice(index, index = position += 2));
// Parse strings separately to ensure that any JavaScript comments within
// them are preserved.
case '"':
case "'":
for (position = index, original = symbol; index < length;) {
symbol = source[++index];
if (symbol == "\\") {
// Skip past escaped characters.
} else if ("\n\r\u2028\u2029".indexOf(symbol) > -1) {
// According to the ES 5.1 spec, strings may not contain unescaped
// line terminators.
throw SyntaxError("Illegal line continuation.");
} else if (symbol == original) {
if (source[index] == original) {
throw SyntaxError("Unterminated string.");
// Advance to the next character.
return results;
function preprocessSource(source) {
var result = source.replace(definePattern, 'typeof define === "function" && define["amd"]');
// Remove the top-level immediately-invoked function expression, as the output
// is automatically wrapped in one.
return result.replace(/^;?\(function\s*\(\)\s*\{([\s\S]*?)}\)\.call\(this\);*?/m, "$1");
function postprocessSource(source) {
// Wrap the compressed source in an IIFE (enabling advanced optimizations
// causes the Compiler to add variables to the global scope) and fix the
// `define` pragma.
return "\n;(function(){" + source.replace(definePattern, 'typeof define==="function"&&define.amd') + "}());";