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3 hrs
Test Coverage
Author: Eric J. Ma, MIT
Date: 11 August 2015

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import combinations
from FluGibson.primer_designer import PrimerDesigner
import networkx as nx
import os

class NucleotideConverter(object):

    A class that takes in two nucleotide FASTA files and returns the primers
    needed to convert the first one to the other.

    def __init__(self):
        super(NucleotideConverter, self).__init__()

        # The source sequence.
        self.src = None

        # The destination sequence.
        self.des = None

        # A list of codon positions where source and destination differ
        self.codon_positions = None

        # A NetworkX graph that stores the distance between each codon that
        # needs to be mutated.
        self.distance_graph = None

        # The assembly protocol.
        self.protocol = defaultdict(set)

        # The intermediate coding sequences.
        self.intermediates = dict()

        # The plasmid backbone in which the cloning is to be performed.
        self.plasmid_backbone = None

        # The dictionary of sequence fragments at each stage of assembly.
        self.fragments = defaultdict(list)

        # The dictionary of primers to be used for cloning
        self.mutagenesis_primers = defaultdict(dict)

        # A dictionary of PrimerDesigner objects.
        self.primer_designers = dict()

    def read_sequences(self, source, destination):
        Reads in the source and destination sequences.
        src =, 'fasta', alphabet=generic_dna)
        des =, 'fasta', alphabet=generic_dna)

        assert len(src.seq) == len(des.seq)

        self.src = src
        self.des = des

    def set_backbone(self, backbone):
        Sets the plasmid backbone that is used for cloning.
        # Set the allowed backbone names:
        allowed = ['pCI', 'pDZ-PB2', 'pDZ-PB1', 'pDZ-PA', 'pDZ-HA', 'pDZ-NP',
                   'pDZ-NA', 'pDZ-M', 'pDZ-NS']
        assert backbone in allowed

        # Get path of this file
        module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        self.backbone ='{dir}/plasmid_backbones/{backbone}.fasta'
                                   .format(dir=module_dir, backbone=backbone),

    def compute_diff_codon_positions(self):
        Sets the self.codon_positions attribute to a set of codon_positions
        where source sequence and destination sequence differ.

        # Initialize an empty set of codon positions
        codon_positions = set()
        for i, _ in enumerate(self.src.seq[::3]):
            codon1 = self.src.seq[(i * 3):(i * 3 + 3)]
            codon2 = self.des.seq[(i * 3):(i * 3 + 3)]
            if str(codon1) != str(codon2):

        self.codon_positions = codon_positions

    def compute_distance_graph(self):
        Computes the distance between each pair of codons. They should be at
        least 50 codons (i.e. 150 n.t.) apart for them to be joined together.

        assert isinstance(self.codon_positions, set)

        # Initialize a networkx directed graph.
        G = nx.DiGraph()

        # Iterate over every pair of positions. If they are greater than 50
        # codons apart, draw an edge between them.
        for p1, p2 in combinations(self.codon_positions, 2):
            dist = abs(p2 - p1)
            if dist > 50:
                G.add_edge(min(p1, p2), max(p1, p2), dist=dist)

        self.distance_graph = G

    def compute_assembly_steps(self):
        Computes the mutation assembly steps based on the distance graph.

        The algorithm is as such:

        - while number of nodes > 0:
            - find smallest node
            - greedily add downstream until no more destination nodes
        # Check first to make sure that the distance_graph has been made.
        assert isinstance(self.distance_graph, nx.DiGraph)
        assert len(self.distance_graph.nodes()) > 0

        # Copy the distance graph.
        G = self.distance_graph.copy()

        def _assembly_step(G, current):
            Helper function that computes the current iteration assembly step.
            step = set([current])

            def _next_nearest_node(G, n):
                if len(G.successors(n)) == 0:
                    return None
                    return min(G.successors(n))

            while _next_nearest_node(G, current):
                step.add(_next_nearest_node(G, current))
                current = _next_nearest_node(G, current)

            return step

        # Iterate over nodes
        i = 0
        while len(G.nodes()) > 0:
            i += 1
            # Find node with smallest number.
            start = min(G.nodes())
            self.protocol[i] = _assembly_step(G, start)


    def compute_intermediate_sequences(self):
        Given the step in the protocol, computes the intermediate mutated
        coding sequences.

        Recall: self.protocol is a dictionary, where:
        - keys:    step number in the cloning protocol
        - values:  positions of codons to be converted

        for step in self.protocol.keys():
            if step == 1:
                source = self.src
                source = self.intermediates[step - 1]

            # Compute what the intermediate fragment will look like.
            intermediate = ''
            for codon_pos, _ in enumerate(self.src[::3]):
                if codon_pos in self.protocol[step]:
                    intermediate += self.des.seq[codon_pos *
                                                 3:codon_pos * 3 + 3]
                    intermediate += source.seq[codon_pos * 3:codon_pos * 3 + 3]

            # Store what the intermediates will look like under the
            # self.intermediates attribute.
            self.intermediates[step] = SeqRecord(seq=intermediate)

    def compute_pcr_fragments(self):
        Computes the PCR fragments to assemble, based on the protocol. The
        protocol currently specifies the codon positions to be mutated. For
        example, if we have:

            {1: {26, 223, 362},
             2: {224}}

        Then on the first round, the PCR fragments on the plasmid will go from:
            - codon 26-222 (inclusive)
            - codon 223 to 362 (inclusive)
            - codon 362, onto plasmid backbone, looping back to 25 (inclusive)

        On the second round, the PCR fragments on the plasmid will go from:
            - codon 224, onto plasmid backbone, looping back to 223

        - None
        for step, positions in self.protocol.items():
            # Ensure that the positions are sorted from smallest to largest.
            positions = sorted(list(positions))

            for i, pos in enumerate(positions):
                fragment = ''
                if i < len(positions) - 1:
                    next_pos = positions[i + 1]
                    fragment += self.intermediates[
                        step].seq[pos * 3:next_pos * 3]

                elif i == len(positions) - 1:
                    next_pos = positions[0]
                    fragment += self.intermediates[step].seq[pos * 3:]
                    fragment += self.backbone.seq
                    fragment += self.intermediates[step].seq[0:next_pos * 3]

                    SeqRecord(fragment, id='fragment{i}'.format(i=i)))

    def compute_mutagenesis_primers(self):
        Using the sequence fragments to be assembled together, computes for
        each step the primers that are to be used to assemble the mutated
        for step, frags in self.fragments.items():
            # Run the standard PrimerDesigner protocol.
            p = PrimerDesigner()

            # Ensure to set the filename attribute.
            p.filename = 'step{step}'.format(step=step)

            self.primer_designers[step] = p

    def save_mutagenesis_protocol(self):
        for step, p in self.primer_designers.items():