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# Will `redux-form` work with my custom input component?
The minimum interface needed for a custom component to work with `redux-form` is to make sure that
`value` and `onChange` are passed properly. These are pretty standard prop names, so it's 
possible that your component will work right out of the box.

But let's say that you have a custom component called `MyStrangeInput` that has `currentValue`
and `thingsChanged` props that expect the value to be wrapped in an object under a `val` key. You
would have to do something like:

const renderMyStrangeInput = field => (
    currentValue={{val: field.input.value}}
    thingsChanged={param => field.input.onChange(param.val)}/> 


render() {
  return (
      <Field name="myField" component={renderMyStrangeInput}/>

The point is that almost any input can be adjusted to use `redux-form`. If you are using an input
component with a non-standard interface many times in your application, it is recommended that
you wrap it in another component that will allow you to do the normal field destructuring:
`<AdaptedInput {...props}/>`.