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### YAML Config Files
As your Flask application grows, you may find that your configuration is coming from all over the place, and it may be difficult to understand what is overriding what. Ordbok adds a strict order of operations as to how the config should be loaded, and tools to specify that a certain variable should be specified later in the chain.

The default configurations has three configuration steps:

1. `config.yml`
2. `local_config.yml`
3. Environmental Variables

YAML already has some structure like this, but the idea behind the `local_config.yml` is for settings that may be dependent of a developers own configuration.

Variables that show up in multiple files will assume the value in the later declaration. Moreover, variables can be declared in earlier files such that they must be found in later file or the environment. This works with the `<namespace>`, which defaults to `ordbok` but can be specified. For example setting `KEY: 'ordbok_local_config'` in `config.yml` will raise an exception if `KEY` isn't specified in `local_config.yml`.

### Private Configuration

Ordbok also has the ability to handle an encrypted config file, which can simplify the process of storing and maintaining secret API keys for your application.

As an example, we add a private config file (e.g. `config/private_config.yml`) to the default configuration:

from ordbok import Ordbok
private_config_file = PrivateConfigFile(
    'private_config.yml', envs=['production'])
config = Ordbok(
    custom_config_files=['config.yml', 'local_config.yml',

This configuration only loads the private file in the `'production'` environment, however you can add/change the list of `envs` supplied to the `PrivateConfigFile`.

The `private_config.yml` will contain your unencrypted secret keys, and then encrypted with Ordbok's CLI:

ordbok encrypt <path_to_file> <password>

In your production environment (or anywhere else you wish to use the private files), simply set `PRIVATE_KEY_ORDBOK` in the environment (or you can set the value under that key in your `Ordbok` instance in your application logic) to decrypt the file in that environment. Of course, this key still needs to be handled with care, but this does simplify the process of updating keys and retaining them in your repository without risk of exposing them.

You can also decrypt locally with the CLI:

ordbok decrypt <path_to_file> <password>

###OS Environmental Config
Config variables can be loaded from the OS environment just like the YAML config files, and is the last in the hierarchy of config variables sources. Config variables are loaded from the OS environment in two ways:

1. Every environmental variable of the form `ORDBOK_<KEY>` will be loaded into the Ordbok config dict as `'<KEY>':value` (where `value` is the value of the environmental variable.)

2. In any YAML config file, setting `KEY: ordbok_env_conifg_<env_var>` will look for `<ENV_VAR>` in the OS Environment and load the value into the Ordbok config dict as `'KEY': value`.

Specifying `KEY: 'ordbok_env_config'` or `KEY: 'ordbok_env_config_<env_var>'` in any of the YAML config files will raise an exception if `ORDBOK_KEY` isn't specified in the environment.

NOTE: OS Environment variables and Ordbok config dict keys are assumed to be uppercase (`ENV_VAR` and `'KEY'` respectively), even if the value is specified in lowercase (`env_var`.)