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3 hrs
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'use strict';
var MODULE_NAME = 'requests';
//This module is a copy from koa-logger with log4js feature

var logger = require('log4js').getLogger(MODULE_NAME);
var Counter = require('passthrough-counter');
var humanize = require('humanize-number');
var bytes = require('bytes');

var colors = {
  5: 31,
  4: 33,
  3: 36,
  2: 32,
  1: 32

 * Development logger.

module.exports = function (opts) {
  return function *(next) {
    // request
    var start = new Date;
    logger.debug('  \x1B[90m<-- \x1B[;1m%s\x1B[0;90m %s\x1B[0m', this.method, this.url);

    try {
      yield next;
    } catch (err) {
      // log uncaught downstream errors
      log(this, start, null, err);
      throw err;

    // calculate the length of a streaming response
    // by intercepting the stream with a counter.
    // only necessary if a content-length header is currently not set.
    var length = this.responseLength;
    var body = this.body;
    var counter;
    if (null == length && body && body.readable) {
      this.body = body
        .pipe(counter = Counter())
        .on('error', this.onerror);

    // log when the response is finished or closed,
    // whichever happens first.
    var ctx = this;
    var res = this.res;

    var onfinish = done.bind(null, 'finish');
    var onclose = done.bind(null, 'close');

    res.once('finish', onfinish);
    res.once('close', onclose);

    function done(event){
      res.removeListener('finish', onfinish);
      res.removeListener('close', onclose);
      log(ctx, start, counter ? counter.length : length, null, event);

 * Log helper.

function log(ctx, start, len, err, event) {
  // get the status code of the response
  var status = err
    ? (err.status || 500)
    : (ctx.status || 404);

  // set the color of the status code;
  var s = status / 100 | 0;
  var c = colors[s];

  // get the human readable response length
  var length;
  if (~[204, 205, 304].indexOf(status)) {
    length = '';
  } else if (null == len) {
    length = '-';
  } else {
    length = bytes(len);

  var upstream = err ? '\x1B[31mxxx'
    : event === 'close' ? '\x1B[33m-x-'
    : '\x1B[90m-->';

  logger.debug('  ' + upstream + ' \x1B[;1m%s\x1B[0;90m %s \x1B[' + c + 'm%s\x1B[90m %s %s\x1B[0m',

 * Show the response time in a human readable format.
 * In milliseconds if less than 10 seconds,
 * in seconds otherwise.

function time(start) {
  var delta = new Date - start;
  delta = delta < 10000
    ? delta + 'ms'
    : Math.round(delta / 1000) + 's';
  return humanize(delta);