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package hostsfile

import (

// AddHost adds a host to the hosts file based on the current OS.
func AddHost(host Host) error {
    return AddHostFromOS(runtime.GOOS, host)

// AddHostFromOS adds a host to the hosts file based on the given OS.
func AddHostFromOS(osName string, host Host) error {
    path, err := GetSystemPathByOS(osName)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return AddHostFromPath(path, host)

// AddHostFromPath adds a host to the hosts file based on the given path.
func AddHostFromPath(path string, host Host) error {
    content, err := readFile(path)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    l, err := host.ToString()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    l += linebreak()

    if !strings.HasSuffix(string(content), linebreak()) {
        l = linebreak() + l

    content = append(content, []byte(l)...)

    return writeFile(path, content, 0644)