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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 /kbin contributors <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only


namespace App\Controller\Api\Entry;

use App\Controller\Traits\PrivateContentTrait;
use App\Entity\Entry;
use App\Entity\Magazine;
use App\Kbin\Entry\DTO\EntryResponseDto;
use App\Kbin\Entry\EntryPageView;
use App\Kbin\Entry\Factory\EntryFactory;
use App\Repository\Criteria;
use App\Repository\EntryRepository;
use App\Schema\PaginationSchema;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\Model;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Attribute\MapEntity;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\RateLimiter\RateLimiterFactory;

class MagazineEntriesRetrieveApi extends EntriesBaseApi
    use PrivateContentTrait;

        response: 200,
        description: 'Returns a paginated list of Entries',
        content: new OA\JsonContent(
            type: 'object',
            properties: [
                new OA\Property(
                    property: 'items',
                    type: 'array',
                    items: new OA\Items(ref: new Model(type: EntryResponseDto::class))
                new OA\Property(
                    property: 'pagination',
                    ref: new Model(type: PaginationSchema::class)
        headers: [
            new OA\Header(
                header: 'X-RateLimit-Remaining',
                schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'integer'),
                description: 'Number of requests left until you will be rate limited'
            new OA\Header(
                header: 'X-RateLimit-Retry-After',
                schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'integer'),
                description: 'Unix timestamp to retry the request after'
            new OA\Header(
                header: 'X-RateLimit-Limit',
                schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'integer'),
                description: 'Number of requests available'
        response: 401,
        description: 'Permission denied due to missing or expired token',
        content: new OA\JsonContent(ref: new Model(type: \App\Schema\Errors\UnauthorizedErrorSchema::class))
        response: 404,
        description: 'Magazine not found',
        content: new OA\JsonContent(ref: new Model(type: \App\Schema\Errors\NotFoundErrorSchema::class))
        response: 429,
        description: 'You are being rate limited',
        content: new OA\JsonContent(ref: new Model(type: \App\Schema\Errors\TooManyRequestsErrorSchema::class)),
        headers: [
            new OA\Header(
                header: 'X-RateLimit-Remaining',
                schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'integer'),
                description: 'Number of requests left until you will be rate limited'
            new OA\Header(
                header: 'X-RateLimit-Retry-After',
                schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'integer'),
                description: 'Unix timestamp to retry the request after'
            new OA\Header(
                header: 'X-RateLimit-Limit',
                schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'integer'),
                description: 'Number of requests available'
        name: 'magazine_id',
        in: 'path',
        description: 'The magazine to retrieve entries from',
        schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'integer'),
        name: 'sort',
        in: 'query',
        description: 'The sorting method to use during entry fetch',
        schema: new OA\Schema(
            default: Criteria::SORT_DEFAULT,
            enum: Criteria::SORT_OPTIONS
        name: 'time',
        in: 'query',
        description: 'The maximum age of retrieved entries',
        schema: new OA\Schema(
            default: Criteria::TIME_ALL,
            enum: Criteria::TIME_ROUTES_EN
        name: 'p',
        description: 'Page of entries to retrieve',
        in: 'query',
        schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'integer', default: 1, minimum: 1)
        name: 'perPage',
        description: 'Number of entries to retrieve per page',
        in: 'query',
        schema: new OA\Schema(
            type: 'integer',
            default: EntryRepository::PER_PAGE,
            minimum: self::MIN_PER_PAGE,
            maximum: self::MAX_PER_PAGE
        name: 'lang[]',
        description: 'Language(s) of entries to return',
        in: 'query',
        explode: true,
        allowReserved: true,
        schema: new OA\Schema(
            type: 'array',
            items: new OA\Items(type: 'string', default: null, minLength: 2, maxLength: 3)
        name: 'usePreferredLangs',
        description: 'Filter by a user\'s preferred languages? (Requires authentication and takes precedence over lang[])',
        in: 'query',
        schema: new OA\Schema(type: 'boolean', default: false),
    #[OA\Tag(name: 'magazine')]
    public function __invoke(
        #[MapEntity(id: 'magazine_id')]
        Magazine $magazine,
        EntryRepository $repository,
        EntryFactory $factory,
        RequestStack $request,
        RateLimiterFactory $apiReadLimiter,
        RateLimiterFactory $anonymousApiReadLimiter,
    ): JsonResponse {
        $headers = $this->rateLimit($apiReadLimiter, $anonymousApiReadLimiter);

        $criteria = new EntryPageView((int) $request->getCurrentRequest()->get('p', 1));
        $criteria->sortOption = $request->getCurrentRequest()->get('sort', Criteria::SORT_HOT);
        $criteria->time = $criteria->resolveTime(
            $request->getCurrentRequest()->get('time', Criteria::TIME_ALL)

        $criteria->stickiesFirst = true;

        $criteria->perPage = self::constrainPerPage(
            $request->getCurrentRequest()->get('perPage', EntryRepository::PER_PAGE)

        $criteria->magazine = $magazine;

        $entries = $repository->findByCriteria($criteria);

        $dtos = [];
        foreach ($entries->getCurrentPageResults() as $value) {
            try {
                \assert($value instanceof Entry);
                array_push($dtos, $this->serializeEntry($factory->createDto($value)));
            } catch (\Exception $e) {

        return new JsonResponse(
            $this->serializePaginated($dtos, $entries),
            headers: $headers