
Test Coverage
# Contributing to erxes

First and foremost, thank you for considering supporting erxes! It's people like you that make the open source community awesome! 😊

We welcome any type of contribution, not only code. You can help us with:
- **Bugs and Issues**: We appreciate getting bug and issue reports. But if they're in the correct format, we appreciate them even more. For any issues you encounter, we need you to follow the [Submission Guidelines]( The more details you can provide, the better. (E.g. screenshots with the console open)
- **Marketing**: You may support us by creating blogs, how-tos, and printing stickers, among other things.
- **Community**: Presenting the project at meetups, hosting a dedicated meetup for the local community, and so on can all help us grow into a larger community.
- **Code**: Check out the [open issues]( Even if you can't write code, commenting on them and expressing your concern for a given issue matters. It helps us triage them.
- **Money**: We welcome financial contributions in full transparency on our [open collective](

## Your First Contribution

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how to successfully make  your first Pull Request from this *free* series- [How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub](

## Submitting code

Any code change should be submitted as a pull request. The description should explain what the code does and give steps to execute it. The pull request should also contain tests.

## Code review process

The bigger the pull request, the longer it will take to review and merge. Try to break down large pull requests in smaller chunks that are easier to review and merge.
It is also always helpful to have some context for your pull request. What was the purpose? Why does it matter to you?

## Financial contributions

We also welcome financial contributions in full transparency on our [open collective](
Anyone can file an expense. If the expense makes sense for the development of the community, it will be "merged" in the ledger of our open collective by the core contributors and the person who filed the expense will be reimbursed.

## Questions

If you have any questions, create an [issue]( (Protip: Perform a quick search first to make sure no one else has asked the same question! before!).
You can also reach us with your questions at 

## Credits

### Swag for Contributions

As of March 2020, we have started **Swag for Contributions** program. To show our appreciation, we are sending everyone who contributes to erxes a special package, which includes a t-shirt and stickers. [Click here]( to learn more.

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### Contributors

Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to erxes!
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### Backers

Thank you to all our backers! [[Become a backer](]

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### Financial Contributors

Thank you to all our sponsors! (please ask your company to also support this open source project by [becoming a sponsor](

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