

Test Coverage
  "Welcome!": "خوش آمدی!",
  "Close": "نزدیک",
  "Offline": "آفلاین",
  "Online": "برخط",
  "Send a message": "ارسال یک پیام",
  "Send": "ارسال",
  "Support": "حمایت کردن",
  "Faq": "FAQ",
  "Start new conversation": "مکالمه جدید را شروع کنید",
  "Write a reply": "نوشتن پاسخ",
  "Conversation": "گفتگو",
  "with Support staff": "با کارمندان پشتیبانی",
  "Click to select a date": "برای انتخاب تاریخ کلیک کنید",
  "Thanks for your message. We will respond as soon as we can.": "به خاطر پیغامتون ممنون. ما در اسرع وقت پاسخ خواهیم داد.",
  "Create new": "ایجاد جدید",
  "Written by": "نوشته شده توسط",
  "Modified ": "اصلاح شده",
  "Created ": "ایجاد شده",
  "There are ": "وجود دارد",
  "articles in this category": "مقالات این گروه",
  "Back to categories": "بازگشت به دسته ها",
  "Back to top": "بازگشت به بالا",
  "Back to FAQ": "Back to FAQ",
  "Back to articles": "بازگشت به مقالات",
  "Contact": "مخاطب",
  "Please leave your contact details to start a conversation": "Please leave your contact details to start a conversation",
  "Email": "پست الکترونیک",
  "SMS": "پیامک",
  "email@domain.com": "email@domain.com",
  "phone number": "شماره تلفن",
  "Support staff": "کارکنان پشتیبانی",
  "Conversations": "گفتگو",
  "Recent conversations": "مکالمات اخیر",
  "with Support staffs": "با کارمندان پشتیبانی",
  "Talk with support staff": "با کارمندان پشتیبانی صحبت کنید",
  "Do you want to end this conversation ?": "آیا می خواهید این مکالمه را تمام کنید؟",
  "Welcome description": "اگر سوالی دارید من را در جریان بگذارید! خوشحال می شویم که کمک کنیم",
  "Failed": "ناموفق",
  "No articles found": "هیچ مقاله ای یافت نشد",
  "Search": "جستجو کردن",
  "End conversation": "پایان گفتگو",
  "You are invited to a video chat": "You are invited to a video chat",
  "Join a call": "Join a call",
  "or click": "or click ",
  "this link": "this link",
  "to open a new tab": "to open a new tab",
  "Video call request sent": "Video call request sent",
  "Contact us": "Contact us",
  "Phone": "Phone",
  "First name": "First name",
  "Information": "Information",
  "Last Name": "Last Name",
  "Call request sent": "Call request sent",
  "Video call ended": "Video call ended",
  "You are invited to a video call": "You are invited to a video call",
  "Do you want to end this conversation?": "Do you want to end this conversation?",
  "Thank you": "Thank you",
  "Audio and video call": "Audio and video call",
  "You can contact the operator by voice or video!": "You can contact the operator by voice or video!",
  "Audio call": "Audio call",
  "Video call": "Video call",
  "Meet with": "Meet with",
  "Meeting Ready": "Meeting Ready",
  "Welcome": "Welcome",
  "Created": "Created",
  "Download": "Download",
  "Next": "Next",
  "Back": "Back",
  "Please fill out required fields": "Please fill out required fields"