

Test Coverage
  "Welcome!": "Welcome!",
  "Close": "Close",
  "Offline": "Offline",
  "Online": "Online",
  "Send a message": "Send a message",
  "Send": "Send",
  "Support": "Support",
  "Faq": "Faq",
  "Start new conversation": "Start new conversation",
  "Write a reply": "Write a reply",
  "Conversation": "Conversation",
  "with Support staff": "with Support staff",
  "Click to select a date": "Click to select a date",
  "Thanks for your message. We will respond as soon as we can.": "Thanks for your message. We will respond as soon as we can.",
  "Create new": "Create new",
  "Written by": "Written by",
  "Modified ": "Modified ",
  "Created ": "Created ",
  "There are ": "There are ",
  "articles in this category": "articles in this category",
  "Back to categories": "Back to categories",
  "Back to top": "Back to top",
  "Back to articles": "Back to articles",
  "Contact": "Contact",
  "Give us your contact information": "Give us your contact information",
  "Email": "Email",
  "SMS": "SMS",
  "email@domain.com": "email@domain.com",
  "phone number": "phone number",
  "Support staff": "Support staff",
  "Conversations": "Conversations",
  "Recent conversations": "Recent conversations",
  "with Support staffs": "with Support staffs",
  "Talk with support staff": "Talk with support staff",
  "Do you want to end this conversation ?": "Do you want to end this conversation ?",
  "Welcome description": "Let me know if you have any questions! We'd be happy to help",
  "Failed": "Failed",
  "No articles found": "No articles found",
  "Search": "Search",
  "End conversation": "End conversation"