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Test Coverage
; ********************************************************************
; * The original ffamber ports were written by Eric J. Sorin,        *
; * CSU Long Beach, Dept. of Chem & Biochem, and have now been       *
; * integrated with the standard gromacs distribution.               *
; * (Please don't blame Eric for errors we might have introduced.)   *
; * For the implementation/validation, please read/cite:             * 
; * Sorin & Pande (2005). Biophys. J. 88(4), 2472-2493.              *
; * For related material and updates, please consult                 *
; *                              *
; ********************************************************************

[ moleculetype ]
; molname    nrexcl
SOL        2

[ atoms ]
; id  at type     res nr  res name  at name  cg nr  charge    mass
  1   OW_spc      1       SOL       OW       1      -0.8476   15.99940
  2   HW_spc      1       SOL       HW1      1       0.4238    1.00800
  3   HW_spc      1       SOL       HW2      1       0.4238    1.00800

[ bonds ]
; i     j       funct   length  force.c.
1       2       1       0.1     345000  0.1     345000
1       3       1       0.1     345000  0.1     345000

[ angles ]
; i     j       k       funct   angle   force.c.
2       1       3       1       109.47  383     109.47  383