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#  Copyright (C) 2015,2017,2021
#      Jakub Krajniak (jkrajniak at
#  Copyright (C) 2012,2013
#      Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
#  Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010,2011
#      Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research & Fraunhofer SCAI
#  This file is part of ESPResSo++.
#  ESPResSo++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  ESPResSo++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.


The main purpose of this class is to store pointers to some
important other classes and thus make them available to C++.
In a way the System class can be viewed as a container for
system wide global variables.
If you need to run more than one system at the same time you
can combine several systems with the help of the Multisystem

**In detail the System class holds pointers to:**

* the `storage` (e.g. DomainDecomposition)
* the boundary conditions `bc` for the system (e.g. OrthorhombicBC)
* a random number generator `rng` which is for example used by a thermostat
* the `skin` which is needed for the Verlet lists and the cell grid
* a list of short range interactions that apply to the system these
  interactions are added with the `addInteraction()` method of the System

Example (not complete):

>>> LJSystem      = espressopp.System()
>>> LJSystem.bc   = espressopp.bc.OrthorhombicBC(rng, boxsize)
>>> LJSystem.rng
>>> = 0.4
>>> LJSystem.addInteraction(interLJ)

.. function:: espressopp.System()

.. function:: espressopp.System.addInteraction(interaction, name)

                :param interaction:
                :type interaction:
                :param name: The optional name of the interaction.
                :type name: string
                :rtype: bool

.. function:: espressopp.System.getInteraction(number)

                :param number:
                :type number:

.. function:: espressopp.System.getNumberOfInteractions()


.. function:: espressopp.System.removeInteraction(number)

                :param number:
                :type number:

.. function:: espressopp.System.removeInteractionByName(self, name)

                :param name: The name of the interaction to remove.
                :type name: str

.. function:: espressopp.System.getAllInteractions()

                :rtype: The dictionary with name as a key and Interaction object.

.. function:: espressopp.System.scaleVolume(\*args)

                :param \*args:
                :type \*args:

.. function:: espressopp.System.setTrace(switch)

                :param switch:
                :type switch:

from espressopp import pmi, Real3D, toReal3DFromVector
from espressopp.esutil import cxxinit
from espressopp.Exceptions import Error

import _espressopp
import mpi4py.MPI as MPI

class SystemLocal(_espressopp.System):
    def __init__(self):

        if pmi._PMIComm and pmi._PMIComm.isActive():
            if pmi._MPIcomm.rank in pmi._PMIComm.getMPIcpugroup():
                cxxinit(self, _espressopp.System, pmi._PMIComm.getMPIsubcomm().py2f())
            else :
        else :
            cxxinit(self, _espressopp.System, pmi._MPIcomm.py2f())

        self._integrator = None
        self._interaction2id = {}
        self._interaction_pid = 0

    def integrator(self):
        return self._integrator

    def integrator(self, _integrator):
        self._integrator = _integrator

    def addInteraction(self, interaction, name=None):

        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            ret_val = self.cxxclass.addInteraction(self, interaction)
            if name is not None:
                if name in self._interaction2id:
                    raise RuntimeError('Interaction with name {} already defined.'.format(name))
                self._interaction2id[name] = self._interaction_pid
            self._interaction_pid += 1
            return ret_val

    def removeInteraction(self, number):

        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            self.cxxclass.removeInteraction(self, number)

    def removeInteractionByName(self, name):
        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            if name not in self._interaction2id:
                raise RuntimeError('Interaction {} not found'.format(name))
            interaction_id = self._interaction2id[name]
            self.cxxclass.removeInteraction(self, interaction_id)
            self._interaction2id = {
                k: v if v < interaction_id else v - 1
                for k, v in self._interaction2id.items()
                if v != interaction_id
            self._interaction_pid = max(self._interaction2id.values()) + 1

    def getAllInteractions(self):
        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            return {k: self.getInteraction(v) for k, v in self._interaction2id.items()}

    def getNumberOfInteractions(self):

        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            return self.cxxclass.getNumberOfInteractions(self)

    def getInteraction(self, number):

        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            ni = self.getNumberOfInteractions()
            if ni > 0:
                if number >=0 and number < ni:
                    return self.cxxclass.getInteraction(self, number)
                    raise Error("Interaction number %i does not exist" % number)
                raise Error("interaction list of system is empty")

    def getInteractionByName(self, name):
        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            return self.getInteraction(self._interaction2id[name])

    def getNameOfInteraction(self, number):
        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            for name, iid in self._interaction2id.items():
                if iid == number:
                    return name

    def scaleVolume(self, *args):
        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            if len(args) == 1:
                arg0 = args[0]
                if isinstance(arg0, Real3D):
                    #print arg0," is a Real3D object"
                    self.cxxclass.scaleVolume( arg0 )
                elif hasattr(arg0, '__iter__'):
                    if len(arg0) == 3:
                        #print args, " has iterator and length 3"
                        self.cxxclass.scaleVolume(self, toReal3DFromVector(arg0) )
                    elif len(arg0) == 1:
                        #print args, " has iterator and length 1"
                        self.cxxclass.scaleVolume(self, toReal3DFromVector(arg0[0], arg0[0], arg0[0]) )
                        print(args, " is invalid")
                    #print args, " is scalar"
                    self.cxxclass.scaleVolume(self, toReal3DFromVector( [arg0, arg0, arg0] ) )
            elif len(args) == 3:
                #print args, " is 3 numbers"
                self.cxxclass.scaleVolume(self, toReal3DFromVector(*args) )
                print(args, " is invalid")
    def setTrace(self, switch):

        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            self.cxxclass.setTrace(self, switch)

if pmi.isController:
    class System(metaclass=pmi.Proxy):
        pmiproxydefs = dict(
          cls = 'espressopp.SystemLocal',
          pmiproperty = ['storage', 'bc', 'rng', 'skin', 'maxCutoff', 'integrator', 'vectorization'],
          pmicall = ['addInteraction','removeInteraction', 'removeInteractionByName',
                'getInteraction', 'getNumberOfInteractions','scaleVolume', 'setTrace',
                'getAllInteractions', 'getInteractionByName', 'getNameOfInteraction']