<%# @module_positions.times do |j| %> <!-- @module_positions is the Max Y position of last module -->
<% for j in 0..@module_positions do %> <!-- @module_positions is the Max Y position of last module -->
<% position_y = j #j+1 %>
<!--Get the number of views to show -->
<% module_projects_to_show = @project.module_projects.where('position_y = ? AND show_results_view = ?', position_y, true).order(:position_x) %>
<% nb_module_projects_to_show = module_projects_to_show.length %>
<div class="row-fluid"> <!-- div for Y position -->
<!-- Iteration for each module in position_y -->
<% module_projects_to_show.each do |module_project| %>
<% span_size = 12/nb_module_projects_to_show %>
<div class='<%= "span#{span_size}" %>'> <!-- div for X position -->
<div class="widget-box collapsible"> <!-- One widget-box by module -->
<div class="widget-title" title='<%= I18n.t(:used_view, value: module_project.view.nil? ? '-' : %>' style="background-color: <%= module_project.color.nil? ? "lightgrey" : "#{module_project.color}" %>; border-bottom: 1px solid <%="##{module_project.color}"%>;">
<div class="view_header_data">
<h5 class="view_title"><%= "#{module_project}" %></h5>
<div class="pull-right">
<% if can?(:alter_estimation_plan, @project) || can?(:manage_estimation_widgets, @project) %>
<%= link_to "", new_views_widget_path(module_project_id:, view_id: module_project.view_id), class: "icon icon-plus", title: I18n.t(:label_add_new_view_widget), remote: true %>
<%= link_to "", edit_module_project_view_config_path(module_project_id:, view_id: module_project.view_id), class: "icon icon-cog", title: I18n.t(:label_add_new_view_widget), remote: true %>
<% end %>
<div class="widget-content" class="<%= "module_project_widget_#{}" %>">
<div id="<%="view_widgets_container_#{}"%>" class="gridster row-fluid" style="width: 100%;">
<!--<ul style="width: 100%; margin: 0">-->
<ul style="max-width:100%; display:inline-block">
<!--<ul style="max-width:100%;">-->
<% font_weight = "normal_font_weight" %>
<!-- Show all widgets on the current view -->
<% if module_project.view %>
<% module_project_view_widgets = module_project.view.views_widgets.order('position').all %>
<% module_project_view_widgets.each do |view_widget| %>
<!-- Widgets are now showing the value of the widget's module project -->
<%# view_widget_data = get_view_widget_data(view_widget.module_project_id, %>
<% if view_widget.is_label_widget? %>
<% view_widget_data = get_label_widget_data( %>
<% else %>
<% if module_project.pemodule.alias == Projestimate::Application::INITIALIZATION %>
<% view_widget_data = get_view_widget_data(view_widget.module_project_id, %>
<% else %>
<% view_widget_data = get_view_widget_data(, %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% value_to_show = view_widget_data[:value_to_show] %>
<% view_widget_height = view_widget_data[:height] ; view_widget_width = view_widget_data[:width] %>
<% view_widget_font_size = view_widget_data[:icon_font_size] %>
<% view_widget_text_size = view_widget_data[:text_size] %>
<% view_widget_min_max_size = view_widget_data[:min_max_size] %>
<% min_without_min_max = '12px' ; one_height = ""
min_with_min_max = '9px'
max_without_min_max = '60px'
max_with_min_max = '50px'
ft_minMax_minFontSize = '12px'
ft_minMax_maxFontSize = '15px'
if view_widget.widget_type == "text" || view_widget.widget_type==""
font_weight = "bold_font_weight"
if view_widget.height.to_i == 1
max_with_min_max = '30px'
max_without_min_max = '30px'
ft_minMax_minFontSize = '6px'
ft_minMax_maxFontSize = '10px'
if view_widget.width.to_i <= 1
ft_minMax_minFontSize = '4.5px'
ft_minMax_maxFontSize = '10px'
<%["table_effort_per_phase", "table_cost_per_phase", "effort_per_phases_profiles_table", "cost_per_phases_profiles_table"]) ? (effort_per_phase_class="effort_per_phase") : (effort_per_phase_class="") %>
<li id="<%= "dashboard_widget_#{}" %>" data-row="<%= view_widget.position_y %>" data-col="<%= view_widget.position_x %>" data-sizex="<%=view_widget.width%>" data-sizey=<%="#{view_widget.height}"%> data-view_widget_id="<%= %>" data-container_id="<%="view_widgets_container_#{}"%>" class="view_widget <%= "#{effort_per_phase_class}" %>" style="background-color: <%= view_widget.color %>; max-width: 100%;" title="<%= view_widget_title(view_widget) %>">
<!--<div id="<%#= "dashboard_widget_#{}" %>" class="span3 view_widget <%#= "#{effort_per_phase_class}" %>" title="<%#= view_widget_title(view_widget) %>" data-view_widget_id="<%#= %>" data-container_id="<%#="view_widgets_container_#{}"%>" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom: 10px; background-color: <%#= view_widget.color %>; height: <%#=view_widget_height%>px; width: <%#=view_widget_width%>px; max-width: 100%; position: relative;">-->
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span9">
<% if view_widget.icon_class.empty? %>
<div class="fa">
<% if view_widget.show_name? %>
<span id="<%= "widget_name_#{}" %>" class="widget_name"><%= %></span>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<div id="<%= "icon_size_#{}" %>" class="fa <%= view_widget.icon_class %> icon_size" style="font-size: <%=view_widget_font_size%>em">
<% if view_widget.show_name? %>
<span id="<%= "widget_name_#{}" %>" class="widget_name"><%= %></span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div id="show_view_widget_params_<%= %>" class="span3 widget_icon_edit">
<% if can?(:alter_estimation_plan, @project) || ( can?(:manage_estimation_widgets, @project) && view_widget.project_fields.empty? ) %>
<%= link_to(' ', view_widget, confirm: I18n.t('are_you_sure'), method: :delete, :class => 'icon-trash icon_smaller', :title => I18n.t('delete')) %>
<%= link_to '', edit_views_widget_path(view_widget, module_project_id:, view_id: module_project.view_id), class: 'icon-pencil icon_smaller', title: I18n.t(:edit_widget, :value =>, remote: true %>
<% end %>
<div class="row-fluid widget_values">
<!--Show the selected Ratio name-->
<% if view_widget.show_wbs_activity_ratio %>
<% wa_input = WbsActivityInput.where(wbs_activity_id: view_widget.module_project.wbs_activity, module_project_id: view_widget.module_project_id).first %>
<span class="widget_name">
<%= "#{I18n.t(:ratio)}:" %> <%= wa_input.nil? ? "-" : wa_input.wbs_activity_ratio %>
<% end %>
<% if view_widget.show_min_max && effort_per_phase_class.empty? %>
<% one_height = "one_height" %>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div id="<%= "widget_text_#{}" %>" class="widget_text with_min_max <%= font_weight%>" style="font-size: <%=view_widget_text_size%>em; margin-bottom: <%= view_widget.height.to_i < 3 ? (view_widget_height-90) : 90 %>px">
<%= value_to_show %>
<span id="<%= "min_max_#{}" %>" class="min_max" style="font-size: <%=view_widget_min_max_size%>em; float: right"><%= view_widget_data[:max_value_text] %></span><br>
<span id="<%= "min_max_#{}" %>" class="min_max" style="font-size: <%=view_widget_min_max_size%>em; float: right"><%= view_widget_data[:min_value_text] %></span>
<% else %>
<div id="<%= "widget_text_#{}" %>" class="widget_text without_min_max <%= font_weight%>" style="font-size: <%=view_widget_text_size%>em" >
<%= value_to_show %>
<% end %>
<% unless view_widget.project_fields.empty? %>
<div class="fa fa-asterisk" style="position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0"></div>
<% end %>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("li.without_min_max").fitText(0.6, { minFontSize: '5px', maxFontSize: '<%= max_without_min_max %>' });
$("li.with_min_max").fitText(0.7, { minFontSize: '9px', maxFontSize: '<%= max_with_min_max %>' });
$("li.no_estimation_value").fitText(2, { minFontSize: '12px', maxFontSize: '12px' });
$(".widget_name").fitText(0.8, { minFontSize: '12px', maxFontSize: '20px' });
//$(".min_max").fitText(0.4, { minFontSize: '12px', maxFontSize: '15px' });
$("li.min_max").fitText(1, { minFontSize: '<%= ft_minMax_minFontSize %>', maxFontSize: '<%= ft_minMax_maxFontSize %>' });
<% end %>
<% end %>
</div> <!-- end widget content -->
</div> <!-- END widget-box by module -->
</div> <!-- END div for each X position -->
<% end %> <!-- Iteration for X position -->
</div> <!-- END div for Y position -->
<% end %> <!-- Iteration for Y position -->