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# coding=utf-8
elib_config package configuration
import typing

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from elib_config import IncompleteSetupError

class ELIBConfig:
    Dummy class that contains settings for the elib_config package
    __slots__: list = []
    app_version: str = 'not_set'
    app_name: str = 'not_set'
    config_file_path: str = 'not_set'
    config_sep_str: str = 'not_set'
    root_path: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None

    def check(cls):
        Verifies that all necessary values for the package to be used have been provided

        :raises: `elib_config._exc.IncompleteSetupError`
        attribs = [
        for attrib in attribs:
            if getattr(cls, attrib) == 'not_set':
                raise IncompleteSetupError(f'elib_config setup is incomplete; missing: {attrib}')

    def setup(
            app_version: str,
            app_name: str,
            config_file_path: str,
            config_sep_str: str,
            root_path: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
        Configures elib_config in one fell swoop

        :param app_version: version of the application
        :param app_name:name of the application
        :param config_file_path: path to the config file to use
        :param config_sep_str: separator for config values paths
        :param root_path: list of strings that will be pre-pended to *all* config values paths (useful to setup a
        prefix for the whole app)
        cls.app_version = app_version
        cls.app_name = app_name
        cls.config_file_path = config_file_path
        cls.config_sep_str = config_sep_str
        cls.root_path = root_path