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# coding=utf-8
Base class for a Repo object
import typing
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import git

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
class BaseRepo(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    Base class for a Repo object

    def __init__(self):
        self.stashed = False
        self.repo = git.Repo()

    def get_current_branch(self):
        Returns: current branch as a string

    def tag(self, tag, overwrite: bool = False):
        Tags the repo

            tag: tag as a string
            overwrite: replace existing tag

    def list_tags(self, pattern):
        Returns list of tags, optionally matching "pattern"

            pattern: optional pattern to match

        Returns: list of strings

    def remove_tag(self, *tag: str):
        Deletes a tag from the repo

            tag: tag to remove

    def get_latest_tag(self):
        Returns: latest tag on the repo in the form TAG[-DISTANCE+[DIRTY]]

    def latest_commit(self):

        Returns: latest commit


    def get_current_tag(self):
        :return: tag name if current commit is on tag, else None

    def is_on_tag(self):
        :return: True if latest commit is tagged

    def stash(self, stash_name):
        Creates a stash

            stash_name: name of the stash for easier later referencing

    def unstash(self):
        Pops the last stash if EPAB made a stash before

    def ensure():
        Makes sure the current working directory is a Git repository.

    def last_commit_msg(self):
        Returns: latest commit comment

    def untracked_files(self):

        Returns: list of untracked files


    def status(self):

        Returns: Git status


    def list_staged_files(self):

        Returns: list of staged files


    def index_is_empty(self):

        Returns: True if index is empty (no staged changes)


    def changed_files(self):

        Returns: list of changed files


    def reset_index(self):
        Resets changes in the index (working tree untouched)

    def stage_all(self):
        Stages all changed and untracked files

    def stage_modified(self):
        Stages modified files only (no untracked)

    def stage_subset(self, *files_to_add: str):
        Stages a subset of files
            *files_to_add: files to stage

    def add_skip_ci_to_commit_msg(message):
        Adds a "[skip ci]" tag at the end of a (possibly multi-line) commit message

        :param message: commit message
        :type message: str
        :return: edited commit message
        :rtype: str

    def _sanitize_files_to_add(files_to_add):

    def commit(self, message, files_to_add, allow_empty):
        Commits changes to the repo

            message: first line of the message
            files_to_add: optional list of files to commit
            allow_empty: allow dummy commit

    def _sanitize_amend_commit_message(self, append_to_msg, new_message, previous_message):

    def amend_commit(
            append_to_msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
            new_message: typing.Optional[str] = None,
            files_to_add: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.List[str], str]] = None,
        Amends last commit

            append_to_msg: string to append to previous message
            new_message: new commit message
            files_to_add: optional list of files to commit

    def merge(self, ref_name):
        Merges two refs

            ref_name: ref to merge in the current one

    def push(self, set_upstream: bool = True):
        Pushes all refs (branches and tags) to origin

    def push_tags(self):
        Pushes tags to origin

    def list_branches(self):
        Returns: branches names as a list of string

    def get_sha(self):
        Returns: SHA of the latest commit

    def get_short_sha(self):
        Returns: short SHA of the latest commit

    def _validate_branch_name(self, branch_name):

    def checkout(self, reference):
        Checks out a reference.

        If the index is dirty, or if the repository contains untracked files, the function will fail.

            reference: reference to check out as a string


    def create_branch(self, branch_name):
        Creates a new branch

            branch_name: name of the branch


    def create_branch_and_checkout(self, branch_name):
        Creates a new branch if it doesn't exist

            branch_name: branch name

    def is_dirty(self, untracked):
        Checks if the current repository contains uncommitted or untracked changes

        Returns: true if the repository is clean