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# Mist API

Mist provides an API for dapp developers to use special features only available in Mist.


You can check for the `mist` object in your dapp:

if (typeof mist !== 'undefined') {


We recommend initializing your web3 library with our provider:

if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
  web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
} else {
  web3 = new Web3('ws://localhost:8546');

## API

- [mist.platform](#mistplatform)
- [mist.requestAccount](#mistrequestaccountcallback)(callback)
- [](#mistmenu)
- [](#mistmenuaddid-options-callback)([id,] options, callback)
- [](#mistmenuclear)()
- [](#mistmenuremoveid)(id)
- [](#mistmenuselectid)(text)
- [](#mistmenusetbadgetext)(text)
- [](#mistmenuupdateid--options--callback)(id [, options][, callback])
- [mist.sounds](#mistsounds)
- [mist.sounds.bip](#mistsoundsbip)()
- [mist.sounds.bloop](#mistsoundsbloop)()
- [mist.sounds.invite](#mistsoundsinvite)()

### mist.platform

Returns the current platform, mist is running on:

- `darwin` (Mac OSX)
- `win32` (Windows)
- `linux` (Linux)


### mist.requestAccount(callback)

Asks the user to provide, or create a new account.

#### Parameters

1.  `Function` The callback to be called with the new address as the second parameter.

#### Example

mist.requestAccount(function(error, address) {
  console.log('Added new account', address);



Provides functionality to control the sub menu of your dapp, when its added to the sidebar.


###[id,] options, callback)

Adds/Updates a sub menu entry, which is placed below you dapp button in the sidebar.

#### Parameters

1.  `String` **optional** and id string to identify your sub menu entry when updating.
2.  `Object` The menu options:
    - `name` (`String`): The name of the sub menu button.
    - `badge` (`String|null`) **optional**: The badge text for the sub menu button, e.g. `50`.
    - `position` (`Number`) **optional**: The position of the submenu button, `1` is on the top.
    - `selected` (`Boolean`) **optional**: Whether or not this sub menu entry is currently selected.
3.  `Function` **optional**: The callback to be called when the sub menu entry is clicked.

#### Minimal example

```js{ name: 'My account' });

#### Full example

    name: 'My Meny Entry',
    badge: 50,
    position: 1,
    selected: true
  function() {
    // Redirect
    window.location = '';
    // Using history pushstate
    history.pushState(null, null, '/my-entry');
    // In Meteor iron:router



Removes all sub menu entries. You can use this when you reload your app,
to clear up incorrect menu entries, which might have been lost since the last session.

#### Parameters




Removes a sub menu entry.

#### Parameters

1.  `String` and id string to identify your sub menu.



Selects the respective sub menu entry.

#### Parameters

1.  `String` the sub menu entry identifier.



Sets the main badge of your dapp, right below your dapps menu button.

#### Parameters

1.  `String` the string used as the badge text.


###, [, options][, callback])

Works like ``, but only the `id` parameter is required.

#### Parameters

1.  `String` and id string to identify your sub menu entry.
2.  `Object` The menu options:
    - `name` (`String`): (optional) The name of the sub menu button.
    - `badge` (`String|null`): (optional) The badge text for the sub menu button, e.g. `50`.
    - `position` (`Number`): (optional) The position of the submenu button, `1` is on the top.
    - `selected` (`Boolean`): (optional) Whether or not this sub menu entry is currently selected.
3.  `Function` (optional) The callback to be called when the sub menu entry is clicked.

#### Example

```js'tkrzU', {
  badge: 50,
  position: 2


### mist.sounds

Provides a list of sounds.


### mist.sounds.bip()

Makes a bip sound.

#### Parameters



### mist.sounds.bloop()

Makes a bloop sound.

#### Parameters



### mist.sounds.invite()

Makes an invite sound.

#### Parameters

