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Helper functions

@module Helpers

The Helpers class containing helper functions

@class Helpers
Helpers = {};

The preloader dirname

@property preloaderDirname
Helpers.preloaderDirname = window.dirname + '/modules/preloader';

Reruns functions reactively, based on an interval. Use it like so:


@method rerun
Helpers.rerun = {
  '10s': new ReactiveTimer(10),
  '1s': new ReactiveTimer(1)

Get the webview from either and ID, or the string "browser"

@method getWebview
@param {String} id  The Id of a tab or the string "browser"
Helpers.getWebview = function(id) {
  return $('webview[data-id="' + id + '"]')[0];

Get tab by url and return the id

@method getTabIdByUrl
@param {String} url
@return {String} id
Helpers.getTabIdByUrl = function(url, returnEmpty) {
  var tabs = Tabs.find().fetch();
  url = Helpers.sanitizeUrl(url);

  var foundTab = _.find(tabs, function(tab) {
    if (tab._id === 'browser' || !tab.url) {
      return false;
    var tabOrigin = new URL(tab.url).origin;

    // Local urls always have the same origin as shown below,
    // so we shouldn't consider it as a match
    if (tabOrigin === 'file://') {
      return false;

    return url && new URL(url).origin.indexOf(tabOrigin) === 0;

  // switch tab to browser
  if (foundTab) {
    foundTab = foundTab._id;
  } else {
    foundTab = 'browser';

  return foundTab;

Format Urls, e.g add a default protocol if on is missing.

@method formatUrl
@param {String} url
Helpers.formatUrl = function(url) {
  if (!url) return;

  // add http:// if no protocol is present
  if (url.length === 64 && !!url.match(/^[0-9a-f]+$/)) {
    // if the url looks like a hash, add bzz
    url = 'bzz://' + url;
  } else if (!!url.match(/^([a-z]*:\/\/)?[^/]*\.eth(\/.*)?$/i)) {
    // if uses .eth as a TLD
    url = 'bzz://' + url.replace(/^([a-z]*:\/\/)?/i, '');
  } else if (!!url.match(/^[^\.\/]*$/i)) {
    // doesn't have a protocol nor a TLD
    url = 'bzz://' + url + '.eth';
  } else if (url.indexOf('://') === -1) {
    // if it doesn't have a protocol
    url = 'http://' + url;

  return url;

Sanatizes URLs to prevent phishing and XSS attacks

@method sanitizeUrl
@param {String} url
Helpers.sanitizeUrl = function(url, returnEmptyURL) {
  url = String(url);

  url = url.replace(/[\t\n\r\s]+/g, '');
  url = url.replace(/^[:\/]{1,3}/i, 'http://');

  if (returnEmptyURL && /^(?:file|javascript|data):/i.test(url)) {
    url = false;

  return url;

Takes an URL and creates a breadcrumb out of it.

@method generateBreadcrumb
@return Spacebars.SafeString
Helpers.generateBreadcrumb = function(url) {
  var filteredUrl;
  var pathname;

  filteredUrl = {
    protocol: Blaze._escape(url.protocol),
    host: Blaze._escape(,
    pathname: Blaze._escape(url.pathname),
    search: Blaze._escape(,
    hash: Blaze._escape(url.hash)

  filteredUrl.pathname +=\?/g, '/');
  filteredUrl.pathname += filteredUrl.hash.replace(/#/g, '/');

  pathname = _.reject(
    filteredUrl.pathname.replace(/\/$/g, '').split('/'),
    function(el) {
      return el === '';

  return new Spacebars.SafeString(
    filteredUrl.protocol +
      '//' +
        .flatten(['<span>' + + ' </span>', pathname])
        .join(' ▸ ')

Clear localStorage

@method getLocalStorageSize
Helpers.getLocalStorageSize = function() {
  var size = 0;
  if (localStorage) {
    _.each(Object.keys(localStorage), function(key) {
      size += (localStorage[key].length * 2) / 1024 / 1024;

  return size;

Makes tab with index active

@method selecTabWithIndex
@param {Integer} index
Helpers.selectTabWithIndex = function(index) {
  var tabList = Tabs.find(
    { sort: { position: 1 }, fields: { _id: 1 } }
  if (index < tabList.length) {
    LocalStore.set('selectedTab', tabList[index]._id);

Makes last tab active

@method selecLastTab
Helpers.selectLastTab = function() {
  var lastTab = Tabs.findOne(
    { sort: { position: -1 }, fields: { _id: 1 }, limit: 1 }
  LocalStore.set('selectedTab', lastTab._id);

Selects previous or next tab (offset +1 or -1)

@method selectTabWithOffset
Helpers.selectTabWithOffset = function(offset) {
  var tabList;
  var currentTabIndex;
  var newTabIndex;

  if (Math.abs(offset) !== 1) {
  tabList = _.pluck(
    Tabs.find({}, { sort: { position: 1 }, fields: { _id: 1 } }).fetch(),
  currentTabIndex = tabList.indexOf(LocalStore.get('selectedTab'));

  newTabIndex = (currentTabIndex + offset) % tabList.length;
  if (newTabIndex < 0) {
    newTabIndex = tabList.length - 1;

  LocalStore.set('selectedTab', tabList[newTabIndex]);

Detect Network

@method detectNetwork
Helpers.detectNetwork = function(hash) {
  var network = {};

  switch (hash) {
    case '0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3':
      console.log('Network is mainnet');
      network.type = 'mainnet'; = 'Main';

    case '0x41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d':
      console.log('Network is Testnet #3 (Ropsten)');
      network.type = 'testnet'; = 'Ropsten';

    case '0x6341fd3daf94b748c72ced5a5b26028f2474f5f00d824504e4fa37a75767e177':
      console.log('Network is Testnet #4 (Rinkeby)');
      network.type = 'testnet'; = 'Rinkeby';

    case '0x0cd786a2425d16f152c658316c423e6ce1181e15c3295826d7c9904cba9ce303':
      console.log('Network is Testnet #2 (Morden)');
      network.type = 'testnet'; = 'Morden';

      console.log('Network is privatenet');
      network.type = 'privatenet'; = 'Private';

  return network;

Displays an error as global notification

@method displayError
@param {Object} error The error object
@param {Boolean} accounts will show the accounts errors
@return {Boolean}
// Helpers.displayError = function(error, accounts) {
//     var duration = 8;

//     if(error) {

//         if(error.reason){
//             // hack to make account errors still work
//             if(accounts) {
//                 GlobalNotification.error({
//                     content: 'i18n:accounts.error.' + error.reason.toLowerCase().replace(/[ ]+/g, ''),
//                     duration: duration
//                 });

//             } else {
//                 GlobalNotification.error({
//                     content: 'i18n:'+ error.reason,
//                     duration: duration
//                 });
//             }
//         } else if(error.message) {
//             GlobalNotification.error({
//                 content: error.message,
//                 duration: duration
//             });
//         } else {
//             GlobalNotification.error({
//                 content: error,
//                 duration: duration
//             });
//         }

//         return true;

//     } else
//         return false;
// };

Get form values and build a parameters object out of it.

@method formValuesToParameters
@param {Element} elements   DOM-Elements elements, selects, inputs and textareas, to get values from. Must have a name tag
@return {Object} An object with parameters to pass to the API Controller e.g.:

        key1: 'value1',
        key2: 'value2'
// Helpers.formValuesToParameters = function(elements) {
//     var parameters = {};

//     $(elements).each(function(){
//         var $element = $(this),
//             name = $element.attr('name'),
//             value = $element.val();

//         // add only values wich are not null or empty
//         if(name && !_.isEmpty(value) && value !== 'null' && value !== 'NULL') {
//             if(_.isFinite(value))
//                 parameters[name] = parseInt(value);
//             else if(_.isBoolean(value))
//                 parameters[name] = (value === 'true' || value === 'True' || value === 'TRUE') ? true : false;
//             else if($element.attr('type') === 'radio')
//                 parameters[name] = ($':checked')) ? true : false;
//             else if($element.attr('type') === 'checkbox')
//                 parameters[name] = ($':checked')) ? true : false;
//             else
//                 parameters[name] = value;
//         }
//         $element = null;
//     });

//     return parameters;
// };

Reactive wrapper for the moment package.

@method moment
@param {String} time    a date object passed to moment function.
@return {Object} the moment js package
// Helpers.moment = function(time){

//     // react to language changes as well
//     TAPi18n.getLanguage();

//     if(_.isFinite(time) && moment.unix(time).isValid())
//         return moment.unix(time);
//     else
//         return moment(time);

// };

Formats a timestamp to any format given.

    Helpers.formatTime(myTime, "YYYY-MM-DD")

@method formatTime
@param {String} time         The timstamp, can be string or unix format
@param {String} format       the format string, can also be "iso", to format to ISO string, or "fromnow"
@return {String} The formated time
// Helpers.formatTime = function(time, format) { //parameters

//     // make sure not existing values are not
//     if(format instanceof
//         format = null;

//     if(time) {

//         if(_.isString(format) && !_.isEmpty(format)) {

//             if(format.toLowerCase() === 'iso')
//                 time = Helpers.moment(time).toISOString();
//             else if(format.toLowerCase() === 'fromnow') {
//                 // make reactive updating
//                 Helpers.rerun['10s'].tick();
//                 time = Helpers.moment(time).fromNow();
//             } else
//                 time = Helpers.moment(time).format(format);
//         }

//         return time;

//     } else
//         return '';
// };

Formats a given number

    Helpers.formatNumber(10000, "0.0[000]")

@method formatNumber
@param {Number|String|BigNumber} number the number to format
@param {String} format           the format string e.g. "0.0[000]" see for more.
@return {String} The formated time
// Helpers.formatNumber = function(number, format){
//     if(format instanceof
//         format = null;

//     if(number instanceof BigNumber)
//         number = number.toString(10);

//     format = format || '0,0.0[0000]';

//     if(!_.isFinite(number))
//         number = numeral().unformat(number);

//     if(_.isFinite(number))
//         return numeral(number).format(format);
// };

Formats a given number toa unit balance

    Helpers.formatBalance(10000, "0.0[000]")

@method formatBalance
@param {Number|String|BigNumber} number the number to format
@param {String} format           the format string e.g. "0.0[000]" see for more.
@return {String} The formated balance including the unit
// Helpers.formatBalance = function(number, format){
//     number = web3.fromWei(number, LocalStore.get('etherUnit'));

//     return Helpers.formatNumber(number, format) +' '+ LocalStore.get('etherUnit');
// };