
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "mist": {
    "applicationMenu": {
      "app": {
        "label": "__app__",
        "about": "關於__app__",
        "checkForUpdates": "檢查更新...",
        "checkForNodeUpdates": "Check for Ethereum node updates...",
        "services": "服務",
        "hide": "隱藏 __app__",
        "hideOthers": "隱藏其他",
        "showAll": "顯示全部",
        "quit": "退出__app__"
      "edit": {
        "label": "編輯",
        "undo": "復原",
        "redo": "重復",
        "cut": "剪下",
        "copy": "複製",
        "paste": "貼上",
        "selectAll": "全選"
      "view": {
        "label": "檢視",
        "fullscreen": "全螢幕",
        "default": "Default"
      "file": {
        "label": "帳號",
        "importPresale": "導入帳號",
        "newAccount": "新建帳號",
        "backup": "備份",
        "backupKeyStore": "帳號",
        "backupMist": "應用程序數據",
        "swarmUpload": "上传到Swarm"
      "develop": {
        "label": "開發",
        "devTools": "切換開發者工具",
        "devToolsMistUI": "Mist界面",
        "devToolsWalletUI": "錢包界面",
        "devToolsWebview": "__webview__",
        "runTests": "運行測試",
        "logFiles": "顯示日誌文件",
        "ethereumNode": "以太坊節點",
        "network": "網路",
        "mainNetwork": "主網路",
        "startMining": "⛏ 開啓挖礦(僅限Testnet網路)",
        "stopMining": "⛏ 停止挖礦",
        "openRemix": "Open Remix IDE"
      "window": {
        "label": "視窗",
        "minimize": "最小化",
        "close": "關閉",
        "toFront": "全部前置"
      "help": {
        "label": "幫助",
        "reportBug": "Report an issue on Github"
    "errors": {
      "nodeConnect": "無法連接節點?查看日誌獲取更多訊息:",
      "timeSync": {
        "title": "您的計算機時間同步不準確!",
          "爲開啓時間同步伺服器,請通過\"apt-get install ntp\"安裝\"ntp\"。",
          "爲開啓時間同步,打開時間選項並勾選\"Set the time and date automatically\"."
      "nodeChecksumMismatch": {
        "title": "Checksum mismatch in downloaded node!",
          "__algorithm__: __hash__\n\nPlease install the __type__ node version __version__ manually."
      "legacyChain": {
        "title": "Legacy chain detected",
          "Your node is currently on the unsupported Ethereum Classic chain. To use this chain use tools provided by the ethereum classic project at\n\n\nTo revert to the main ethereum chain follow the tutorial here:\n"
    "rightClick": {
      "reload": "重新載入",
      "openDevTools": "打開開發者工具",
      "inspectElements": "檢查元素"
    "sendTx": {
      "enterPassword": "輸入密碼以確認該交易",
      "unlocking": "正在確認……",
      "estimatedGasError": "資料無法被執行,因此這將消耗所有提供的Gas。",
        "The gas required for this execution could exceed the block gas limit.",
        "Gas might not be enough to successfully finish this transaction.<br>Click here to increase the gas amount.",
      "errors": {
        "connectionTimeout": "無法連接該節點,後台節點是否崩潰了?",
        "wrongPassword": "密碼錯誤",
          "Multiple keys match address. Please remove duplicates from keystore (menu -> File -> Backup -> Accounts)",
          "Insufficient funds in main account (etherbase) to pay for gas",
        "sameAccount": "Can't send to itself"
    "nodeInfo": {
      "active": "active",
      "blockNumber": "最新區塊數量",
      "blocksBehind": "blocks behind",
      "checkingWhichNetwork": "Checking network...",
      "connecting": "Connecting...",
      "local": "Local",
      "lookingForPeers": "Looking for peers...",
      "network": "Network",
      "node": "Node",
      "nodeSyncing": "剩餘__blockDiff__塊",
      "peers": "節點",
      "privateNetwork": "Private-net",
      "test": "test",
      "timeSinceBlock": "自上一區塊已經過去的時間"
    "sidebar": {
      "buttons": {
        "browser": "瀏覽"
    "browserBar": {
      "buttons": {
        "noAccounts": "未設置帳號",
        "connect": "Connect"
    "startScreen": {
      "runningNodeFound": "發現正在運行的以太坊節點!",
        "無法開啓以太坊節點!<br><small>如果您已經<a href='' class='button' target='_blank'>安裝Geth</a>,使用此命令運行: <br> <code>geth --ipcpath __path__</code></small><br> <small><a href='' class='button' target='_blank'> 或者上報此問題 </a></small>",
        "找不到以太坊節點安裝文件!<br><small> <a href='' class='button' target='_blank'> 請事先手動開啓一個節點 </a> </small>",
      "nodeSyncing": "需要同步以太坊節點,請等待……",
      "nodeSyncInfo": "正在下載第__displayBlock__塊,共__highestBlock__。",
      "nodeSyncConnecting": "正在查找節點……",
      "nodeStarting": "Ethereum node starting up...",
      "nodeStarted": "Ethereum node started",
      "nodeConnected": "Ethereum node connected",
      "nodeStopping": "Ethereum node stopping...",
      "nodeStopped": "Ethereum node stopped",
      "nodeError": "Ethereum node connection error :'(",
        "Ethereum node cannot run. Is another instance already running?",
        "Downloading block __displayBlock__ of __highestBlock__, <br> Downloading chain structure __displayState__ of __displayKnownStates__",
      "nodeSyncFoundPeers": "Connecting to __peers__ peers...",
      "launchApp": "Launch Application",
      "clientBinaries": {
        "scanning": "Checking for node update...",
        "downloading": "Downloading new node...",
        "loadConfig": "Loading client config...",
        "filtering": "Filtering client binaries...",
        "done": "Ethereum node up-to-date...",
        "error": "Error running downloaded binary."
    "popupWindows": {
      "requestAccount": {
        "title": "創建帳號",
        "enterPassword": "輸入密碼",
        "repeatPassword": "重複密碼",
        "creating": "正在生成帳號……",
        "errors": {
          "passwordMismatch": "您輸入的密碼不符合。",
          "passwordTooShort": "Make a longer password"
      "importAccount": {
        "doYouHaveAWalletFile": "您擁有一個錢包文件嗎?",
        "dropFilesHere": "預售文件拖入此處",
        "importing": "正在匯入……",
        "buttons": {
          "showPassword": "顯示密碼"
        "errors": {
          "unknownFile": "文件無法識別。",
          "wrongPassword": "密碼錯誤。",
          "importFailed": "無法匯入該文件,錯誤:__error__"
      "updateAvailable": {
        "newVersionAvailable": "New __name__ version available",
        "version": "Version",
        "downloadURL": "Download URL",
        "checksum": "Checksum",
        "downloadAndRestart": "Update and Restart",
        "download": "Download new version",
        "skipUpdate": "Skip Update",
        "checking": "Checking for updates to __name__...",
          "No update found. You are running the latest version of __name__."
      "connectAccount": {
        "chooseAccountTitle": "Choose account",
        "createAccount": "Create new account",
        "pinToSidebar": "Pin app to the sidebar",
          "You are sharing your identity with __dappName__. This allows the app to see any public information of your accounts, including balances connected to it."
  "elements": {
    "type": {
      "address": "Address",
      "bool": "Boolean",
      "int": "Integer",
      "uint": "Natural Number",
      "string": "String",
      "bytes": "Bytes"