
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "mist": {
    "applicationMenu": {
      "app": {
        "label": "__app__",
        "about": "关于__app__",
        "checkForUpdates": "检测更新...",
        "checkForNodeUpdates": "Check for Ethereum node updates...",
        "services": "服务",
        "hide": "隐藏 __app__",
        "hideOthers": "隐藏 其它",
        "showAll": "显示 全部",
        "quit": "退出__app__"
      "edit": {
        "label": "编辑",
        "undo": "撤销",
        "redo": "重做",
        "cut": "剪切",
        "copy": "复制",
        "paste": "粘帖",
        "selectAll": "全选"
      "view": {
        "label": "视图",
        "fullscreen": "全屏切换",
        "default": "Default"
      "file": {
        "label": "账户",
        "importPresale": "导入账户",
        "newAccount": "新建账户",
        "backup": "备份",
        "backupKeyStore": "账户",
        "backupMist": "应用程序数据",
        "swarmUpload": "上传到Swarm"
      "develop": {
        "label": "开发",
        "devTools": "切换开发者工具",
        "devToolsMistUI": "Mist界面",
        "devToolsWalletUI": "钱包界面",
        "devToolsWebview": "__webview__",
        "runTests": "运行测试",
        "logFiles": "显示日志文件",
        "ethereumNode": "以太坊节点",
        "network": "网络",
        "mainNetwork": "主网络",
        "startMining": "⛏ 开启挖矿(仅限Testnet网络)",
        "stopMining": "⛏ 停止挖矿",
        "openRemix": "Open Remix IDE"
      "window": {
        "label": "窗口",
        "minimize": "最小化",
        "close": "关闭",
        "toFront": "全部前置"
      "help": {
        "label": "帮助",
        "reportBug": "Report an issue on Github"
    "errors": {
      "nodeConnect": "无法连接节点?查看日志获取更多信息:",
      "timeSync": {
        "title": "你的计算机时间同步不准确!",
          "为开启时间同步服务器,请通过\"apt-get install ntp\"安装\"ntp\"。",
          "为开启时间同步,打开时间选项并勾选\"Set the time and date automatically\"."
      "nodeChecksumMismatch": {
        "title": "Checksum mismatch in downloaded node!",
          "__algorithm__: __hash__\n\nPlease install the __type__ node version __version__ manually."
      "legacyChain": {
        "title": "Legacy chain detected",
          "Your node is currently on the unsupported Ethereum Classic chain. To use this chain use tools provided by the ethereum classic project at\n\n\nTo revert to the main ethereum chain follow the tutorial here:\n"
    "rightClick": {
      "reload": "重新载入",
      "openDevTools": "打开开发者工具",
      "inspectElements": "页面检测"
    "nodeInfo": {
      "active": "active",
      "blockNumber": "最新的块数量",
      "blockReceivedShort": "收到新块",
      "blocksBehind": "blocks behind",
      "checkingWhichNetwork": "Checking network...",
      "connecting": "Connecting...",
      "local": "Local",
      "lookingForPeers": "Looking for peers...",
      "network": "Network",
      "node": "Node",
      "nodeSyncing": "剩余__blockDiff__块",
      "peers": "节点",
      "privateNetwork": "Private-net",
      "test": "test",
      "timeSinceBlock": "自上一块已经过去的时间"
    "sidebar": {
      "buttons": {
        "browser": "浏览"
    "browserBar": {
      "buttons": {
        "noAccounts": "未设置账户",
        "connect": "Connect"
    "startScreen": {
      "runningNodeFound": "发现正在运行的以太坊节点!",
        "无法开启以太坊节点!<br><small>如果你已经<a href='' class='button' target='_blank'>安装Geth</a>,使用此命令运行: <br> <code>geth --ipcpath __path__</code></small><br> <small><a href='' class='button' target='_blank'> 或者上报此问题 </a></small>",
        "找不到以太坊节点安装文件!<br><small> <a href='' class='button' target='_blank'> 请事先手动开启一个节点 </a> </small>",
      "nodeSyncing": "需要同步以太坊节点,请等待……",
      "nodeSyncInfo": "正在下载第__displayBlock__块,共__highestBlock__。",
      "nodeSyncConnecting": "正在查找节点……",
      "nodeStarting": "Ethereum node starting up...",
      "nodeStarted": "Ethereum node started",
      "nodeConnected": "Ethereum node connected",
      "nodeStopping": "Ethereum node stopping...",
      "nodeStopped": "Ethereum node stopped",
      "nodeError": "Ethereum node connection error :'(",
        "Ethereum node cannot run. Is another instance already running?",
        "Downloading block __displayBlock__ of __highestBlock__, <br> Downloading chain structure __displayState__ of __displayKnownStates__",
      "nodeSyncFoundPeers": "Connecting to __peers__ peers...",
      "launchApp": "Launch Application",
      "clientBinaries": {
        "scanning": "Checking for node update...",
        "downloading": "Downloading new node...",
        "loadConfig": "Loading client config...",
        "filtering": "Filtering client binaries...",
        "done": "Ethereum node up-to-date...",
        "error": "Error running downloaded binary."
    "popupWindows": {
      "requestAccount": {
        "title": "创建账户",
        "enterPassword": "输入密码",
        "repeatPassword": "重复密码",
        "creating": "正在生成账户……",
        "errors": {
          "passwordMismatch": "你输入的密码不匹配。",
          "passwordTooShort": "Make a longer password"
      "sendTx": {
        "enterPassword": "输入密码以确认该交易",
        "unlocking": "正在确认……",
        "estimatedGasError": "数据无法被执行,因此这将消耗所有提供的Gas。",
          "The gas required for this execution could exceed the block gas limit.",
          "Gas might not be enough to successfully finish this transaction.<br>Click here to increase the gas amount.",
        "errors": {
          "connectionTimeout": "无法连接该节点,后台节点是否可能崩溃了?",
          "wrongPassword": "密码错误",
            "Multiple keys match address. Please remove duplicates from keystore (menu -> File -> Backup -> Accounts)",
            "Insufficient funds in main account (etherbase) to pay for gas",
          "sameAccount": "Can't send to itself"
      "importAccount": {
        "doYouHaveAWalletFile": "你拥有一个钱包文件吗?",
        "dropFilesHere": "预售文件拖入此处",
        "importing": "正在导入……",
        "buttons": {
          "showPassword": "显示密码"
        "errors": {
          "unknownFile": "文件无法识别。",
          "wrongPassword": "密码错误。",
          "importFailed": "无法导入该文件,错误:__error__"
      "updateAvailable": {
        "newVersionAvailable": "New __name__ version available",
        "version": "Version",
        "downloadURL": "Download URL",
        "checksum": "Checksum",
        "downloadAndRestart": "Update and Restart",
        "download": "Download new version",
        "skipUpdate": "Skip Update",
        "checking": "Checking for updates to __name__...",
          "No update found. You are running the latest version of __name__."
      "connectAccount": {
        "chooseAccountTitle": "Choose account",
        "createAccount": "Create new account",
        "pinToSidebar": "Pin app to the sidebar",
          "You are sharing your identity with __dappName__. This allows the app to see any public information of your accounts, including balances connected to it."
  "elements": {
    "type": {
      "address": "Address",
      "bool": "Boolean",
      "int": "Integer",
      "uint": "Natural Number",
      "string": "String",
      "bytes": "Bytes"