var zmq = require('zmq')
, vm = require('vm')
, input = zmq.socket('sub')
, post = zmq.socket('pub')
, output = zmq.socket('push');
var fx = {};
// Connection
console.log('Worker connect to port 3000/3001');
// Registration
output.identity = '' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000);
input.subscribe("R" + output.identity);
output.send(['R', ' ', output.identity]);
input.on('message', registration);
function registration(id, blank, msg) {
console.log(">> " + id + " :: " + blank + " - " + msg);
// input.unsbuscribe("R" + output.identity); // TODO fix this to avoid conflict
output.identity = "N" + msg;
input.removeListener('message', registration);
input.on('message', worker);
console.log("WORKER READY " + output.identity);
function runFactory(code, name) {
var script = vm.createScript('__result = (' + code + ').call(this, __arguments)', name);
return {
run : function(scopes, arguments) {
scopes.__arguments = arguments;
scopes.console = console; // for debug only
try {
} catch(e) {
console.log("Error in " + name + " :: " + e);
return scopes.__result;
// Worker
function worker(id, blank, msg) {
id = '' + id;
var type = id[0];
var addr = id.substring(1); //Array.prototype;
msg = ( msg && msg != "undefined" ) ? JSON.parse(msg) : undefined;
console.log(">> " + id + " :: " + blank + " - ", msg);
if (type === 'N' ) {
fx[msg.addr] = runFactory(msg.fn, msg.addr);
console.log("Subscribing ", 'M'+msg.addr);
input.subscribe( 'M' + msg.addr);
output.send([output.identity, ' ', JSON.stringify([msg.addr])]);
if (type === 'M') {
recvMsg(addr, msg);
function recvMsg(addr, body) {
var msg = fx[addr].run({}, body);
if (msg && msg.addr) {
if (fx[msg.addr])
setTimeout(recvMsg, 0, msg.addr, msg.body);
else {
console.log("sending ", "M" + msg.addr, ' ', msg.body)
post.send(["M" + msg.addr, ' ', msg.body]);