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Secp256k1::Context represents a libsecp256k1 context object. Contexts are
thread-safe and initialization is expensive, so a single context should be used
for multiple operations as much as possible.


#### new(context_randomization_bytes: nil)

Returns a newly initialized libsecp256k1 context. The context is randomized at
initialization if given `context_randomization_bytes`. The
`context_randomization_bytes` argument can optionally take a string containing
32 bytes of random data, if not provided then the Context is not randomized and
may be vulnerable to side-channel attacks.

Class Methods

#### create

Creates and returns a new randomized `Context` using `SecureRandom` for the
random initialization bytes. This is the recommended method for initialization.

#### create_unrandomized

Creates a new unrandomized `Context`.

Instance Methods

#### ecdh(point, scalar)

Takes a `point` ([PublicKey]( and a `scalar` ([PrivateKey]( and returns a new
[SharedSecret]( containing the 32-byte shared secret. Raises a `Secp256k1::Error` if
the `scalar` is invalid (zero or causes an overflow).

#### generate_key_pair

Generates and returns a new [KeyPair]( using Ruby's built-in
`SecureRandom` cryptographically secure random number generator. This method
simply invokes `key_pair_from_private_key` with the value from

#### key_pair_from_private_key(private_key_data)

Returns a new [KeyPair]( from the given `private_key_data`. The
`private_key_data` is expected to be a binary string. Raises a `Secp256k1::Error`
if the private key is invalid or key derivation fails.

#### recoverable_signature_from_compact(compact_signature, recovery_id)

**Requires:** libsecp256k1 was build with recovery module.

Attempts to load a [RecoverableSignature]( from the given `compact_signature`
and `recovery_id`. Raises a `Secp256k1::DeserializationError` if the signature data or recovery ID are invalid.

#### sign(private_key, hash32)

Signs the SHA-256 hash given by `hash32` using `private_key` and returns a new
[Signature]( The `private_key` is expected to be a [PrivateKey](
object and `data` can be either a binary string or text.

#### sign_recoverable(private_key, hash32)

**Requires:** libsecp256k1 was build with recovery module.

Signs the data represented by the SHA-256 hash `hash32` using `private_key` and returns a
new [RecoverableSignature]( The `private_key` is expected to be a [PrivateKey]( and
`data` can be either a binary string or text.

#### sign_schnorr(keypair, message)

Same as `sign_schnorr_custom(keypair, message, auxrand)` but generates
`auxrand` for you using `SecureRandom`. This should almost always be the method
used for Schnorr signing.

#### sign_schnorr_custom(keypair, message, auxrand)

Sign the given 32-byte binary string `message` using the given `keypair`. It is
recommend that `message` be generated using `tagged_sha256`. `auxrand` should
be 32-bytes of fresh randomness, but can optionally be `nil` if generating
randomness is expensive.

#### tagged_sha256(tag, message)

Computes the tagged hash as defined in [BIP-340]( Returns the 32-byte binary string tagged hash.

#### verify(signature, public_key, hash32)

Verifies the given `signature` ([Signature]( was signed by
the private key corresponding to `public_key` ([PublicKey]( and signed `hash32`. Returns `true`
if `signature` is valid or `false` otherwise. Note that `data` can be either a
text or binary string.