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rbsecp256k1 version 6.0.0 is now available.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:

Notable Changes

Schnorr signatures and breaking changes are here!

This is a backwards incompatible release that adds Schnorr signature
support. The method `KeyPair#initialize` was removed in this release and will
therefore break any software that relies on it. This should be the extent of
the breaking changes.

This release adds new classes `SchnorrSignature` and `XOnlyPublicKey` as well
as new context method `Context#sign_schnorr`. The documentation has been
updated to include these classes as well as examples of using Schnorr

### Library Updates

The following updates were made to the library:

* Upgrade To Official Release libsecp256k1 v0.2.0 ([#68](
* Documentation and Code Cleanup For ECDH ([#69](
* Minimize Usage of Static Context ([#70](
* [Backwards Incompatible] Refactor KeyPair to use secp256k1_keypair ([#71](
* Make PrivateKey#data method instead of attribute ([#72](
* Add Support For X-Only Public Keys ([#73](
* Add KeyPair#xonly_public_key Method ([#74](
* Add Schnorr Signature Support ([#75](
* Documentation Overhaul In Preparation For Release ([#76](